10 Jahre RISM Online-Katalog: Unsere Nutzer

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Im Juni vor zehn Jahren ging der RISM-Katalog online. Am Montag haben wir einen Artikel des Leiters der RISM-Zentralredaktion - Klaus Keil - über die Entwicklung des Katalogs vom Mikrofiche zum Open-Access-Katalog veröffentlicht.

Heute möchten wir Ihnen einige bestärkende Worte von einer sehr wichtigen Gruppe von Menschen mitteilen: unseren Katalognutzern. Wir fragten, wie der Katalog bei der Recherche geholfen hat, und erhielten unter anderem folgende Antworten:

  • “The description of notations on the manuscript are quite helpful along with paper date, copyist and ownership details.” Dennette McDermott, USA

  • “While adding records to RISM, I have also been using it in my research of historic catalogues of the Moravian Church in Europe and America. These catalogues from the late 18th and early 19th centuries cover a core body of music, but also appear to reveal local creations and/or preferences.” Dave Blum, USA

  • “I use RISM probably on a daily basis. I have been able to identify so many concordances in sources and hence works during the last ten years. For my doctorate work, I was able to identify and reunite some manuscript part books of Louis Spohr, thanks to RISM. The feedback form is very easy to use and only helps the whole musical community to collaborate in updating the database and information. Right now, I am working on identifying several new early 18th-century harp sources, which I happened upon totally by accident quite recently. I began looking up a certain composer and then noticed that several collections of this composer also included quite a lot of anonymous music, all having the same book size, format and same origins. I am terribly excited about this research, which could only have begun with RISM. Otherwise, I would have to know the manuscript collections of several libraries across the world intimately. The RISM online cross-references truly open up new directions in research.” Maria Christina Cleary, Italy

Vielen Dank an unsere Nutzer für die freundlichen Worte, und danke, dass Sie RISM benutzen! Wir hoffen, dass der Katalog auch weiterhin ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel für die Forschung ist.

Abbildung: Fanny Hensels Morgengruß, vermutlich ein Geschenk der Komponistin für ihren Ehemann Wilhelm Hensel. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK (D-B) MA Ms. 174. RISM ID no. 462017400. Available online.

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