News archive – New at RISM

Polish Week, Part I: Music as Part of Monastic Heritage in Poland

It’s Polish Week at RISM! In a series of three posts, Guido Kraus will share his experiences at a recent conference he attended in Poland. He starts with the Hereditas Monasteriorum research project. The research project Hereditas Monasteriorum, initiated by Polish historians, deals with the special history of monasteries in...

22 June 2015

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Results of the RISM User Study, Part I: The Survey

We are currently going through the results of the first-ever RISM user study about the online catalog. An online survey with 62 questions was available from 30 October 2014 until 28 February 2015. Our goal is to get to know our users better (such as where they are from, what...

28 May 2015

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New CD Box Set: The RISM Complete Incipits Edition

Many people know that one of the things that makes RISM unique is that we include music incipits in our records. How many times have you thought to yourself, “If only I could listen to these music incipits all day!” Now you can! Announcing a new CD box set, the...

1 April 2015

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Wie kann man RISM Nachweise einbinden?

Viele kleinere Institutionen wie Bibliotheken, Archive, Privatbesitzer etc. verfügen nicht über einen eigenen Online-Katalog ihrer Bestände, wollen aber die Einträge ihrer Bestände bei RISM auf der ihrer Website präsentieren. Dazu bietet die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München, eine Query-Schnittstelle an, die zuletzt so erweitert wurde, dass nach RISM Bibliothekssigeln gefragt werden kann....

26 March 2015

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Welcome to the new RISM office

We have spent this week settling into our new office. We’re now on the Goethe Universität Frankfurt campus. While we unpack our boxes and sort out some details, please enjoy these photos that we took before, during, and after the move. More are available on our Facebook page (no Facebook...

28 January 2015

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We're moving!

Goodbye, Sophienstraße! We’re moving! After 26 years of being in our office at Sophienstraße 26, we moving…about half a mile away to a building on the Goethe Universität Frankfurt campus. As of Monday, January 26, 2015, our new mailing address will be: RISM Zentralredaktion Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Campus Bockenheim Senckenberganlage...

21 January 2015

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Looking back at 2014

Before we get too far into 2015, let’s take a look back at 2014 and allow us to share some stories from the past year. The ten most popular stories on our website were (according to our website statistics): New Version of the RISM Online Catalog Missing Works by Italian...

8 January 2015

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Die RISM Zentralredaktion wünscht Ihnen und Ihrer Familie eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und ein gutes Neues Jahr. Wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit in 2015. Bildnachweis: NYPL Digital Gallery

19 December 2014

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A Summer of Musical Sources

Martin Bierwisch, a musicology student at the Universität Mainz, spent the summer with us as an intern. Read on about his experiences. If you are interested in an internship with RISM, please get in touch: The idea of doing an internship at the RISM Zentralredaktion was the result of...

4 December 2014

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Christoph Wolff named Honorary President of RISM

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Wolff has been named Honorary President by the current RISM Board of Directors. While he was president of RISM from 2004-2013, he made outstanding contributions to the Association. First and foremost was the successful renewal of funding for the RISM Zentralredaktion by the Union der...

14 November 2014

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
