Archive des actualités – Nouveau au RISM

Welcome to the new RISM office

We have spent this week settling into our new office. We’re now on the Goethe Universität Frankfurt campus. While we unpack our boxes and sort out some details, please enjoy these photos that we took before, during, and after the move. More are available on our Facebook page (no Facebook...

28 January 2015

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Nous déménageons!

Vendredi, le 23 janvier, nous disons „au revoir Sophienstrasse 26!“ 26 ans après, nous quittons ce bâtiment et changeons dans des locaux de Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Notre nouvelle adresse de post s’énonce: RISM Zentralredaktion Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Campus Bockenheim Senckenberganlage 31-33 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany Ils nous trouvent: Mertonstraße,...

21 January 2015

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Looking back at 2014

Before we get too far into 2015, let’s take a look back at 2014 and allow us to share some stories from the past year. The ten most popular stories on our website were (according to our website statistics): New Version of the RISM Online Catalog Missing Works by Italian...

8 January 2015

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Die RISM Zentralredaktion wünscht Ihnen und Ihrer Familie eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und ein gutes Neues Jahr. Wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit in 2015. Bildnachweis: NYPL Digital Gallery

19 December 2014

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A Summer of Musical Sources

Martin Bierwisch, a musicology student at the Universität Mainz, spent the summer with us as an intern. Read on about his experiences. If you are interested in an internship with RISM, please get in touch: The idea of doing an internship at the RISM Zentralredaktion was the result of...

4 December 2014

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Christoph Wolff named Honorary President of RISM

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Wolff has been named Honorary President by the current RISM Board of Directors. While he was president of RISM from 2004-2013, he made outstanding contributions to the Association. First and foremost was the successful renewal of funding for the RISM Zentralredaktion by the Union der...

14 November 2014

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RISM Survey

The RISM Central Office is carrying out a survey about our online catalog, which is available free of charge at and We would like to find out who our users are, what their expectations are, and how they use the catalog. The survey is anonymous and responses will...

30 October 2014

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New (and first) siglum for Monaco

At the beginning of June 2014, the first RISM library siglum for the Principality of Monaco was created: MC-MCpgil, for the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco-Ville. The heart of the collection is made up of songs of Irish-American origin and Irish books. Many of the music scores were collected...

6 October 2014

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On the Trail of the Music at the Dresden Court

The following article is by Nina Eichholz and was originally published on the SLUBlog. We are publishing it here with the kind permission of the SLUB Dresden. The second SLUB project began one year ago to catalog its valuable music materials from the time of the Saxon-Polish union (1697-1763). Financed...

1 September 2014

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Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South

The MusMig (Music Migrations) project is a three-year project funded by the Joint Research Programme “Cultural Enconters” of HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area). It seeks to document the movement of music and musicians in the east, west, and south of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Musicians...

25 August 2014

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
