News archive – RISM Digital Center
RISM Online Winter 2025 Update
The Winter 2025 Update for RISM Online brings with it a whole array of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This update has been in development since August of 2024, and we hope you will find the changes useful. Cantus Database Integration RISM Online will now provide results from the...
13 March 2025
Autumn 2023 Update to RISM Online
We are pleased to announce a significant new update to the RISM Online service, bringing several useful and oft-requested features to our users. Perhaps the biggest change is that our users will now see results from the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music integrated in their search results. This enhances...
7 December 2023
Release of Muscat 6.0 and Import of the Swiss dataset
Muscat 6.0-the latest version of RISM’s central cataloging program for musical sources-is the culmination of several months of work from the development team. This new version brings many “under the hood” improvements and includes various new features. Import of the Swiss dataset Most importantly, Muscat 6.0 was made to merge...
29 January 2020
Using and Reusing RISM Data
The RISM data—all 1.1 million musical sources, plus over 200,000 authority files—are available as linked data and linked open data for anyone to use, manipulate, explore, and research. We would like to call your attention to two recent initiatives that make use of the RISM data. The Edirom Summer School...
15 August 2019
Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME)
On Friday, 14 December 2018, the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg presented the new Digital Interactive Mozart Edition (DIME), which was developed in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) in Los Altos, California/USA and RISM Switzerland. To this fully digital music edition, RISM Switzerland has contributed the tool Verovio, a self-developed...
20 December 2018
A Dedicated Website for the Muscat Project
We have received the following from Laurent Pugin (RISM Switzerland): Every RISM working group knows Muscat - it is the familiar interface with which each contributor has catalogued musical sources in the RISM database since 2016. But what is the history and the philosophy of this software project? What are...
27 September 2018
"From Bologna to Beromünster" – Maurizio Cazzati: Messa e Salmi, op. 36
We have received the following from Cédric Güggi of RISM Switzerland: The music library of Beromünster Abbey (CH-BM) houses the Bonus Ordo Musicus, a handwritten inventory from 1696 which lists a music collection from the time that is largely lost today. In a separate project, Historical Music Inventories 1500-1800, RISM...
10 March 2016