News archive – New at RISM

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New Library Sigla in Latin America

Three new countries in Latin America have been added to the RISM database of library sigla: • Costa Rica: Archivo Histórico Musical in San José (CR-SJahm) • Nicaragua: Fondo Histórico Documental de la Música Nicaraguense (FONMUNIC) in Managua (NIC-Mfmn) • Puerto Rico: Archivo General de Puerto Rico, Archivo de la...

19 September 2016

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RISM at IAML, Part 1: Muscat – (almost) ready to go

For RISM insiders, Muscat will be the must-have item this fall! Our new cataloging program was a topic of discussion at the recent IAML congress in Rome. A group of developers has been at work for about three years to create a new cataloging program called Muscat, which will replace...

21 July 2016

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Looking Back at 2015

The year 2015 is behind us, so we’d like take a moment to look at the stories that helped shape the past twelve months. We enjoyed a year full of thousands of new musical sources in the RISM database, exciting discoveries from our users, and fantastic new databases and digital...

14 January 2016

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An Interactive Map of Musical Institutions in Belgium

Patrizia Rebulla of RISM Belgium has assembled a map of musical institutions in Belgium. The map lists libraries, archives, churches, and private collections throughout the country. You can explore the map below and on the website of RISM Belgium.

18 December 2015

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Johann Kuhnau (1660-1722)

Johann Kuhnau – wasn’t he Johann Sebastian Bach’s predecessor as Thomaskantor in Leipzig? Correct, but are you also familiar with his compositions? Maybe not so much. Kuhnau became especially famous through his works for keyboard instruments, which included Musicalische Vorstellung Einiger Biblischer Historien (6 sonatas for harpsichord; Leipzig, 1700), Neuer...

23 November 2015

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New RISM Working Group in Asia Founded

RISM is delighted to announce that a new working group in Asia has been founded. The working group RISM-Chinese Language Region was planned at a conference concerning the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources (CPCMR) held in October 2015, which RISM director Klaus Keil attended. CPCMR was launched to promote...

16 November 2015

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Neue CD: Die Orgel von Johann Konrad Wörle

Diese Ankündigung sandte uns Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider von RISM Landesleitung Tirol-Südtirol & OFM Austria: Neue Klangpremieren: Präsentiert wird Musik aus der Biblioteca dell’Accademia nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana in Rom (I-Rli), der Biblioteca nazionale centrale in Rom (I-Rn) und der Santini-Bibliothek in Münster (D-MÜs) auf einer Orgel des Tiroler Orgelmachers Johann...

22 October 2015

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Music, musicology, libraries: An intern's report

We just said farewell to our intern Anne-Marie Wurster, who spent five weeks with us here at the the RISM Central Office in Frankfurt. She has submitted this reflection of her time here: At the intersection of musicology and librarianship - that’s right where I wanted to be. And that...

7 October 2015

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Announcing a New RISM Working Group in Poznań, Poland

A new RISM working group was founded this past June at the Institute for Musicology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Under the direction of Dr. habil. Alina Mądry and with the support of Dr. habil. Magdalena Walter-Mazur, the new RISM group in Poznań will work with interested...

31 August 2015

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The Start of Bohemian Watermark Research in the RISM Working Group in Prague (National Library of the Czech Republic)

This report has come to us from Eliška Šedivá, RISM Czech Republic: A year ago we started to develop a proper and systematic method for researching watermarks as an important indication of the provenance and time determination of musical sources. Furthermore, we believe that correct watermark description and identification can...

24 August 2015

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- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
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- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
