News archive

Publishing Patriotism: The Napoleonic Wars in Musical Print

The following is by Dominic Bridge and originally appeared on the Music Blog of the British Library. We are reprinting it here to mark the 200th anniversary of Napoléon Bonaparte’s death (© British Library Board/Creative Commons). At the turn of the 19th century, British perceptions of revolutionary France and the...

5 May 2021 – Musical anniversaries

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Announcing the Second RISM Lecture: The Bach Collection of the Berlin Staatsbibliothek

The warm reception of the First RISM Lecture centered on the music collection of the Cappella Sistina has inspired us to continue our series. We are now pleased to announce that Professor Christoph Wolff who (among countless other accomplishments) was President of RISM from 2004 to 2013, and has since...

29 April 2021 – Events

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Johann Michael Closner (1786–1860) and the historical music manuscripts and prints in the Trostberg City Museum

We have received the following from our colleague Helmut Lauterwasser (RISM Germany): One of the most important tasks for RISM is to catalog historical sources of music also in small libraries, archives, and museums. In extreme cases one encounters collections that contain very few historical music sources, sometimes only a...

21 April 2021 – Library collections

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A Musical Dialogue from 1544

The Dialogo della musica by Antonfrancesco Doni (1513-1574) is not meant to teach but rather to entertain. The conversations are divided into two evenings with music. On the first evening, the characters Bargo, Michele, Grullone, and Hoste converse. No fewer than 13 four-part madrigals are sung by the other participants....

14 April 2021 – New at RISM

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The 300th Anniversary of Joachim Gerstenbüttel’s Death

Gerstenbüttel is a locality in the district of Gifhorn (Lower Saxony, Germany) - but not only. The name Gerstenbüttel also stands for the composer and cantor Joachim Gerstenbüttel, who died on April 10, 1721 in Hamburg. Born in Wismar in 1647, he first studied theology in Rostock and Wittenberg, to...

8 April 2021 – Musical anniversaries

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Maundy Thursday

Today, Maundy Thursday, marks the beginning of the Triduum Sacrum, the three holy days of the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection, and thus the climax of Holy Week. Traditionally, in the Roman Catholic liturgy, the organ plays for the last time in the Gloria of the Mass of the Lord’s...

1 April 2021 – Events

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The 2020 Annual Report

The 2020 annual report for the RISM Central Office has now been published. You can read the report in its entirety on the RISM website. Here are some of the highlights: The year 2020 brought an important change for RISM: Klaus Keil, who had served as director of the Zentralredaktion...

30 March 2021 – New publications

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The 150th anniversary of the death of François-Joseph Fétis

The following is by Hugo Rodriguez (KBR - Bibliothèque royale de Belgique - Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België) and originally appeared on the KBR website. It is published here with kind permission. The 150th anniversary of the death of François-Joseph Fétis In 2021, Belgium and the musical world are commemorating the...

26 March 2021 – Musical anniversaries

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Sensational Discovery: Proofs for Orlando di Lasso's 'Magnum Opus Musicum' (1604) in the Archives of the Bavarian State

We have received the following from Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger (RISM Germany): An exciting discovery was made in the course of a scoping study of fragments in the Archives of the Bavarian State. This is not the first gem to be uncovered from the Fragment Collection. In 2018, parts of a sonata...

15 March 2021 – Rediscovered

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The Library of the Landgravine Caroline Henriette von Hessen-Darmstadt (1721–1774)

We have received the following guest post from Beate Sorg: Goethe, who never knew her personally, called her “The Great Landgräfin.” Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, to whose entourage she belonged for a number of years, donated a marble urn for her grave in the Herrengarten in Darmstadt with...

11 March 2021 – Musical anniversaries

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
