News archive
RISM at the GfM Conference: Source Documentation since Beethoven
The annual conference of the German Musicological Society (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung) is taking place this week in Bonn. The theme of the conference is Musicology after Beethoven. Please join us on Thursday, 30 September at 11:30 for our paper entitled “Source Documentation in RISM since Beethoven.” Ludwig van Beethoven, along...
27 September 2021 – Events
Concert in the Kaisersaal Concludes the Heiligenkreuz Abbey Music Academy
We have received the following from Pater Roman Nägele OCist (Stift Heiligenkreuz, Österreich): The seventh Internationale Musikakademie Ferdinand Rebay took place at Stift Heiligenkreuz this year. The goal of the Academy is to make works from the archive of Ferdinand Rebay (1880–1953) known. As a boy, Rebay sang in the...
23 September 2021 – Events
The Opera 'Orazio' by Pietro Auletta and its Transformation
Two-hundred and fifty years ago—sometime in September 1771—the composer Pietro Auletta died in Naples. Little is known about his youth and education. Even his date of birth is disputed, ranging from April 1693 or February 1694 in S. Angelo a Scala (Avellino) to 1698. Concrete biographical facts about Auletta are...
20 September 2021 – Musical anniversaries
Launch of a Schubert Research Center in Vienna
We have received the following from Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl (chairwoman, Schubert Research Center): On April 1 of this year a Schubert Research Center was founded at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). The aim of the center is to uncover social networks in Viennese cultural life during the first half of...
16 September 2021 – In the news
The Tasso in Music Project
We have received the following from Emiliano Ricciardi (Director and General Editor, Tasso in Music Project). The RISM catalog links to this project through the short title TiMP. The Tasso in Music Project is a public-access digital edition of the early modern musical settings of the poetry of Torquato Tasso...
13 September 2021 – Electronic resources
A Wedding during the Thirty Years' War
Today, September 9 (9/9), is a is popular wedding date in Germany, so we are going to look at a very special wedding—one that took place in the middle of the Thirty Years’ War. On 1 April 1627 Georg II, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (1605-1661) married Sophie Eleonore of Saxony (1609-1671),...
9 September 2021 – Musical anniversaries
ICCU and RISM: An Immense Number of Records
RISM has now added over 60,000 records from the Italian union catalog, ICCU. The Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche (ICCU) received its current name in 1975 after the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali was founded. ICCU replaced the...
6 September 2021 – New at RISM
Woodblocks and Music from the Museum Plantin-Moretus
One unexpected benefit of the now-normal online environment is that conferences and workshops, which would have formerly taken place on site with a few dozen participants, are now online and attract hundreds of people from around the globe. Even better, they are often recorded and made available online. One example...
2 September 2021 – Events
New on our Bookshelves in 2021
We have some recent acquisitions on our bookshelves that are indispensable for our work when cataloging musical sources. Stefan Antweiler: Ein vergessener Komponist. Der Schumann-Zeitgenosse W. E. Scholz. Bibliographisch-thematisches Verzeichnis. Cologne: Are, 2019. 340 p. ISBN 978-3-9245-2277-3. Short title in RISM: SchzWV. This contemporary of Schuman is getting attention for...
30 August 2021 – New publications
Help RISM Link to Digitized Sources
Has your institution undertaken a digitization project in recent years? Are the digital surrogates linked to their corresponding RISM records? The RISM Catalog of Musical Sources offers around 75,000 links to digitized sources: autograph manuscripts, full scores, manuscript parts, first editions, libretti, treatises, and more from all around the world....
23 August 2021 – RISM online catalog