Archive des actualités
A Wedding during the Thirty Years' War
Today, September 9 (9/9), is a is popular wedding date in Germany, so we are going to look at a very special wedding—one that took place in the middle of the Thirty Years’ War. On 1 April 1627 Georg II, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (1605-1661) married Sophie Eleonore of Saxony (1609-1671),...
9 September 2021 – Anniversaires
ICCU and RISM: An Immense Number of Records
RISM has now added over 60,000 records from the Italian union catalog, ICCU. The Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche (ICCU) received its current name in 1975 after the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali was founded. ICCU replaced the...
6 September 2021 – Nouveau au RISM
Woodblocks and Music from the Museum Plantin-Moretus
One unexpected benefit of the now-normal online environment is that conferences and workshops, which would have formerly taken place on site with a few dozen participants, are now online and attract hundreds of people from around the globe. Even better, they are often recorded and made available online. One example...
2 September 2021 – Evénements
New on our Bookshelves in 2021
We have some recent acquisitions on our bookshelves that are indispensable for our work when cataloging musical sources. Stefan Antweiler: Ein vergessener Komponist. Der Schumann-Zeitgenosse W. E. Scholz. Bibliographisch-thematisches Verzeichnis. Cologne: Are, 2019. 340 p. ISBN 978-3-9245-2277-3. Short title in RISM: SchzWV. This contemporary of Schuman is getting attention for...
30 August 2021 – Nouveautés
Help RISM Link to Digitized Sources
Has your institution undertaken a digitization project in recent years? Are the digital surrogates linked to their corresponding RISM records? The RISM Catalog of Musical Sources offers around 75,000 links to digitized sources: autograph manuscripts, full scores, manuscript parts, first editions, libretti, treatises, and more from all around the world....
23 August 2021 – Catalogue RISM en ligne
Summer festivals are slowly picking up speed
This year, rarely performed gems are also on concert programs, such as this evening as part of the Innsbruck Early Music Festival: Johann Mattheson’s opera Boris Goudenow. Mattheson set the story of the Russian tsar Boris Godunov to music in 1710 for the Gänsemarkt opera house in Hamburg. But the...
19 August 2021 – A la une
Digitised Manuscripts from the Royal Music Library
The following was originally published on the Music Blog of the British Library (Creative Commons Attribution Licence): In the last year we digitised nearly 40 manuscript volumes from the Royal Music Library, including autographs by Agostino Steffani, J.C. Bach, Alessandro Scarlatti, and other composers. Among the manuscripts digitised are 24...
16 August 2021 – Collections de bibliothèques
Report on a four-week internship at the RISM Editorial Center in October 2020
The following is a report from our former intern, Daniel Kneer: In October 2020, I completed a four-week internship in the RISM Editorial Center, Frankfurt am Main, as part of my BA in musicology. Due to my background in information technology and my musicological interest in archiving and digitization, I...
12 August 2021 – Nouveau au RISM
Botanists in RISM
The connection between botany and music may not be all that obvious, but in our database you can find over forty botanists, mostly men and one woman. Most of our botanists wrote words that were set to music and they do not have any direct link to the music itself....
9 August 2021 – Nouveau au RISM
Book Presentation: The Mozart Nachlass
We have received the following from Eva Neumayr (RISM Salzburg): This year marks the 230th birthday of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, the youngest son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, born on 26 July 1791. When he died in 1844 in Karlsbad, it was by no means clear that his substantial music...
5 August 2021 – Nouveautés