News archive

Christoph Wolff named Honorary President of RISM

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Wolff has been named Honorary President by the current RISM Board of Directors. While he was president of RISM from 2004-2013, he made outstanding contributions to the Association. First and foremost was the successful renewal of funding for the RISM Zentralredaktion by the Union der...

14 November 2014 – New at RISM

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Music Archival Collections at the Bavarian State Library

The following article is by Uta Schaumberg, our colleague from RISM Germany at the Music Department of the Bavarian State Library. Extending to all aspects of music and musical culture, the Bavarian State Library holds over 350 archives and collections of various sizes pertaining to individuals. The collection is cataloged...

11 November 2014 – Library collections

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RISM Survey

The RISM Central Office is carrying out a survey about our online catalog, which is available free of charge at and We would like to find out who our users are, what their expectations are, and how they use the catalog. The survey is anonymous and responses will...

30 October 2014 – New at RISM

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Rare performance of Mangold's Tanhäuser

We would like to draw your attention to a performance in Darmstadt of Tanhäuser by – not Wagner – Carl Amand Mangold. The RISM database has records for a copy of the manuscript in Berlin (RISM ID no. 456014917) and an aria (RISM ID no. 464122202) in Mangold’s hand. The...

27 October 2014 – Rediscovered

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Erwin und Elmire in the Collection of the Deutsches Nationaltheater, Weimar: For the 275th Birthday of Anna Amalia, Duchess of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach

The following article was written by our RISM Germany colleague, Undine Wagner, of the Thüringisches Landesmusikarchiv. The Court of the Muses in Weimar and Anna Amalia’s roundtable salon, to which luminaries such as Goethe, Wieland and Herder belonged, have become catchphrases in the cultural history of Weimar. Anna Amalia (born...

24 October 2014 – Musical anniversaries

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Erwin und Elmire im Bestand des Deutschen Nationaltheaters Weimar. Zum 275. Geburtstag von Anna Amalia, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach

Der nachfolgende Artikel wurde von unserer Kollegin Undine Wagner (RISM Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland, Thüringischen Landesmusikarchiv) geschrieben. Der Weimarer Musenhof und Anna Amalias sog. Tafelrunden, zu denen u. a. Goethe, Wieland und Herder gehörten, wurden zu bekannten „Schlagwörtern“ der Weimarer Kulturgeschichte. Anna Amalia, geb. am 24. Oktober 1739 in Wolfenbüttel (als Prinzessin...

24 October 2014 – Library collections

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RISM at the AIBM Conference

IAML Germany held its annual meeting in beautiful Nuremberg last month. Three members of the RISM Central Office were in attendance. Topics included: • Data transfers of RISM data • Social Media • RDA • Cultural Program RISM’s own Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger from RISM Germany in Munich gave a presentation about...

20 October 2014 – Events

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Tudor Treasures

The following entry is by Margaret Jones and originally appeared on the MusiCB3 Blog. It is reprinted here with kind permission of Cambridge University Libraries. I was asked to look out some of the Music Department’s “Tudor treasures” to complement items displayed by other departments. An early item of printed...

16 October 2014 – Library collections

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Vjera Katalinić: The Sorkočevićes, Aristocratic Musicians from Dubrovnik

As we mark the 280th anniversary of the birth of Croatian composer Luka Sorgo (1734-1789), Vjera Katalinić, the director of RISM Croatia, has published a new book about this family of musicians: Vjera Katalinić: Sorkočevići, dubrovački plemići i diplomati (The Sorkočevićes, Aristocratic Musicians from Dubrovnik). Zagreb: Muzički informativni centar, 2014....

13 October 2014 – New publications

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A Donizetti Discovery

The following entry is by Nicolas Bell and originally appeared on the British Library Music Blog. It is reprinted here with kind permission. The British Library’s Stefan Zweig Collection of musical, literary and historical autograph manuscripts includes many well-known treasures, but there are other pieces which have proved more difficult...

9 October 2014 – Rediscovered

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- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
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- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

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- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
