News archive

100 Days of Muscat

We’ve reached a Muscat milestone: we have been using our specially developed music cataloging program for just over 100 days! Over 150 contributors around the world have Muscat and over 3,700 records have been added to the RISM online catalog since the release in November 2016. Muscat continues to be...

20 March 2017 – New at RISM

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RISM at the International Musicological Society Congress in Tokyo

RISM will be represented at the 20th Congress of the International Musicological Society in Tokyo next week, from March 19 to March 23, 2017. The theme of the congress is Musicology: Theory and Practice, East and West. The IMS, along with IAML, co-sponsors the 4 R projects (RISM, RILM, RIdIM,...

13 March 2017 – Events

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International Women's Day: Women Composers in RISM

Note: We updated this list in 2021. Today, March 8, is celebrated around the world as International Women’s Day. Among many other things the organizers support “a call to action for accelerating gender parity.” In music, as we know, women musicians have struggled throughout history to be as visible as...

8 March 2017 – Events

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Karl Marx (1897-1985)

Music researchers of the world, unite! Today in our series RISM A–Z we’re going to talk about Karl Marx–that’s right, the Bavarian composer and choral conductor!* Our Karl Marx was born in 1897 in Munich, meaning he was rife for military service when World War I broke out. He was...

6 March 2017 – RISM A-Z

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How to Cite RISM Records

This post was updated in 2022. RISM is happy when scholars cite RISM records in their publications. Here we’ll show you how to do that. RISM ID number: To cite musical sources that have records in the RISM online catalog, use the RISM ID number. This number appears in the...

2 March 2017 – RISM online catalog

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The Spitzeders, A Musical Family

If you search for “Spitzeder” online, you’ll first stumble upon a lot of websites related to the actress Adele Spitzeder (1832-1895; image left). She has a musical tie-in (later in life she performed popular songs as the singer Adele Vio), but today she is more infamous than famous for founding...

23 February 2017 – New at RISM

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Length of RISM Catalog Sessions Increased

We are pleased to announce that the length of sessions for the RISM online catalog has been increased: now your session will expire after 25 minutes of inactivity. This is an improvement from the previous situation, where we heard from some users that sessions were expiring after just a few...

20 February 2017 – RISM online catalog

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Hélène-Antoinette-Marie de Montgeroult (1764-1836)

Our series RISM A–Z brings us to the letter M. The French composer and pianist Hélène de Montgeroult (1764 Lyon – 1836 Florence) was a pupil of Jan Ladislav Dussek and Muzio Clementi. She did not perform publicly as a pianist but was active in salons. In 1784, Hélène de...

16 February 2017 – RISM A-Z

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RISM at the MLA Conference in Orlando, Florida

The annual Music Library Association conference (US branch of IAML) will be held from 22-26 February 2017 in sunny Orlando, Florida. This conference will be the first Pan American regional IAML meeting and many of our colleagues from the entire Latin American region will be in attendance. The timing of...

13 February 2017 – Events

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The Rokycany Music Collection. A Catalogue of Franco-Netherlandish Sacred Works Preserved in the Oldest Layer of the Repertoire

We have received the following announcement from Katerina Mayrova from the National Museum in Prague (CZ-Pnm): Kateřina Maýrová, Stephanie P. Schlagel, Hana Hrachová. Rokycanská hudební sbírka. Katalog franko-nizozemských duchovních skladeb dochovaných v nejstarší vrstvě repertoáru - The Rokycany Music Collection. A Catalogue of Franco-Netherlandish Sacred Works Preserved in the Oldest...

9 February 2017 – New publications

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
