News archive

New Insight on Maurice Greene's Italian Vocal Music

A recent article by Michael Talbot has shed some light on the “Italian” vocal music of Maurice Greene (1696-1755) and has uncovered two previously overlooked works. Moreover, Talbot identified a handful of pieces that were previously anonymous in RISM. In “Maurice Greene’s Vocal Chamber Music on Italian Texts” (Royal Musical...

9 October 2017 – New at RISM

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Earliest Manuscript Source of Lasso Requiem Found in Augsburg

Recently we were browsing the social media site and came across a review by Barbara Eichner of Tobias Rimek’s book Das mehrstimmige Repertoire der Benediktinerabtei St. Ulrich und Afra in Augsburg (1549–1632) (Stuttgart: Carus, 2015; the review originally appeared in Jahrbuch des Vereins für Augsburger Bistumsgeschichte [2016]). Eichner’s review...

5 October 2017 – Rediscovered

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The Oboe: Instrument of the Year

This year, the oboe has pride of place as Instrument of the Year according the state music council in Germany. This honor is meant to call more attention to an instrument that, in the view of the music councils, needs more young players. In the RISM database, we have plenty...

2 October 2017 – In the news

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Music in the Convent of St Adalbert's Abbey in Staniątki, Poland

Marcin Konik (RISM Poland) has completed a project that investigated the music of the Benedictine Monastery in Staniątki, Poland (PL-STAb), resulting in 250 new records in the RISM database. The RISM records were entered by Ludmiła Sawicka. Here is a summary of a newly published article that reveals more about...

28 September 2017 – Library collections

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Muscat Workshops this Fall

Muscat, RISM’s specialized software for cataloging musical sources, now has nearly 200 users. We continue to gain new contributors each month. Workshops are important ways of introducing contributors to the fundamentals of cataloging with RISM. This fall, four workshops will take place in three countries: Muscat Workshop at the Fryderyk...

25 September 2017 – Events

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Happy 430th Birthday, Francesca Caccini!

Francesca Caccini (1587 – ca. 1640), along with Barbara Strozzi, was the most influential and famous woman composer and musician of the early seventeenth century. Caccini’s output is strongly marked by her own creative family, the Medicis, and the artistic atmosphere surrounding the Florentine court. Her career as a singer...

18 September 2017 – Musical anniversaries

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Prince Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoyevsky (1803-1869) and Music

Today we are continuing our Russian Week (see also the post from Monday about John Field in St. Petersburg) with letter O of the series RISM A–Z. The spotlight is on a prominent figure of Russian music and cultural life in the nineteenth century. Author, philosopher, composer, copyist, music critic,...

14 September 2017 – RISM A-Z

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John Field's Piano Nocturnes

The year 1812 brought the chaos of war to the European continent when Napoleon’s army went clear through Europe to Russia and reached Moscow. The outcome, as we know, was disastrous for the deuxième Grande Armée. It was the beginning of the end of Napoleonic rule in France and Europe....

11 September 2017 – New at RISM

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Pietro Nardini Thematic Catalog

New on our bookshelves is a thematic catalog for Pietro Nardini: Federico Marri and Marie Rouquié, Pietro Nardini (1722-1793) da Livorno all’Europa: Catalogo tematico delle opere (Treviso: Diastema 2017). 764 p., ISBN 978-88-96988-46-6. Composer and violinist Pietro Nardini (12 April 1722, Livorno – 7 May 1793, Florence) was the most...

28 August 2017 – New publications

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Nancy Storace (1765-1817)

Nancy Storace (1765-1817) was a celebrated English soprano, perhaps most famous for originating the role of Susanna in Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro. Storace—and there is evidently no consensus whether to pronounce her name the English or the Italian way—was in the headlines last year when a long-lost joint composition...

24 August 2017 – Musical anniversaries

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- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
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- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
