News archive – New at RISM

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New RISM Cataloging Tools for Librarians

We are delighted to announce that there are some new cataloging tools available that will help improve the presence of RISM in local library catalogs. You can find these new resources in the Cataloging Tools section of the RISM for Libraries page. Among the new tools is a link to...

1 July 2019

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Muscat-Workshop mit Guido Kraus in L'viv (12.-14. Februar 2019)

Der folgende Beitrag stammt von Angelika Moths: Initiiert von der Haliciana Schola Cantorum (HSC) – einem Schweizer Verein zur Förderung der Kultur in der Westukraine – fand im November 2017 das internationale musikwissenschaftliche Symposium „Ex umbra in solem“ an der Katholischen Universität in L’viv statt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass es...

11 April 2019

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17th-Century Printed Anthologies: The First Decade is Now Online

Have you ever been annoyed that you can’t consistently find entries for 17th-century printed anthologies in the RISM catalog? We are working on changing that! The project to revise entries from 1500 and later in RISM’s series B/I, which has been underway since April 2017 and which has in the...

28 March 2019

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Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources in Shanghai

We have received the following from Tzu-Chia Tseng of the RISM Chinese-Language Region: 2018/12: RISM-CLR held the annual meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources and a Muscat workshop in Shanghai The Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources initiated by Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is now...

21 February 2019

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RISM has been delivering its authority records for personal names to VIAF since the middle of 2018. VIAF is the Virtual International Authority File, a joint project with many participating national libraries and library associations that is run by the library cooperative OCLC. Participating institutions include the national libraries of...

31 January 2019

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Looking Back on 2018

Before we get too far into 2019, let’s take a look at our most popular stories on our blog that we published in 2018. In case you missed some of these discoveries and developments in the world of musical sources, here’s your chance to catch up!        ...

17 January 2019

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Internships at the RISM Central Office

We would like to announce that we are accepting applications for interns at the RISM Central Office in Frankfurt, Germany. RISM offers internships in its editorial department to people interested in experiencing the day-to-day work of a major digital bibliographic and musicological project. Internships are ideal for people interested in...

12 November 2018

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Romantic satire, "With Music."

The following was written by Charlotte Köhler, our intern from summer 2018: At the end of the 18th century, the first thinkers of the German Romantic era—in particular the group centered in Jena around the brothers August Wilhelm (1767-1845) and Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829)—developed the idea of a “universal poetry,” meaning...

6 September 2018

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Cage, Cowell, & the Grateful Dead: Sigla Off the Beaten RISM Track

Most of our readers will be familiar with our RISM Library Sigla, which are basically abbreviations that refer to an institution in a concise way. We try to document the existence of every institution worldwide that holds materials related to music research, and these institutions are assigned a siglum from...

13 August 2018

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Trnka—who? Mistaken attributions and their effects

It is not surprising that music bibliographers find it difficult enough to distinguish between composers with common names, but that this also happens with somewhat rarer names is something we are going to illustrate today using an example from the RISM A/I series (works by a single composer printed to...

6 August 2018

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
