Launch of Project Group on RISM Series C
Monday, September 23, 2019

At the IAML Congress in Kraków this summer, the General Assembly approved the creation of a Project Group on RISM Series C. It will be a pilot project to update the RISM Series C directory of music holding institutions, available online through the Directory of Library Sigla, in collaboration with the RISM Zentralredaktion in Frankfurt.
Maria Aslanidi, Aris Bazmadelis, and Arsinoi Ioannidou, who are also members of RISM Greece, will work closely with the Zentralredaktion to optimize and synchronize the functions of Muscat (RISM’s specialized cataloging program) to bring about the program’s alignment with recent initiatives and models of bibliographic data. The project members will follow best practices of standards of archival description in relation to music collections, focusing on authority records for Greek institutions. The Project Group will also work closely with colleagues in IAML’s Research Libraries Section, the Publications Committee, and the Cataloguing and Metadata Section.
The Project Group on RISM Series C is formed under the auspices of IAML’s Archives and Music Documentation Centres Section. It follows up on the work undertaken by the Project Group on Access to Music Archives (2005-2017), which succeeded in developing guidelines for the description of music holding institutions according to international standards. We are indebted to the last chairs of AMA, Klaas Jaap van der Meijden and Jon Bagüés, for their leadership of the project in its previous incarnation and their guidance while transforming it into the new project group.
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