News archive – In the news

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The Flying Dutchman: The Dresden Performance Material for Richard Wagner's Opera

The Flying Dutchman has opened this year’s Bayreuth Festival. We will take the opportunity to look at the performance materials from the Dresden Court Opera. Just the fact that some of the parts were in use for over 100 years is alone worth mentioning: from 1842, the year of the...

26 July 2021

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Music and Pandemics

A recent review of the book Plague and Music in the Renaissance by Remi Chiu caught our eye. Chiu looks at the different ways that music found expression during the time in history when the plague was basically a constant threat. Though the book was published in 2017, it takes...

20 May 2021

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Charpentier, 12 points

It is this manuscript that started it all—or more specifically, the first few bars of the page. The collection of autograph music by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) gathered in a volume known as Mélanges autographes, vol. 10, contains the Te Deum (H. 146), whose opening bars we have been hearing more...

12 May 2021

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The Musical Public Domain in 2021

When we said goodbye to 2020, we said hello to a host of composers whose music entered the public domain on January 1, 2021. This means that the people in question died long enough ago that copyright protection has expired for their works and there is no law prohibiting the...

22 February 2021

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The Music for Richard Wagner's "Rienzi" Preserved in Dresden

This weekend was supposed to see the opening of the Wagner Festival in Bayreuth. Instead, a full, alternative program is planned. We’ll take this opportunity to take a look at the music preserved for Richard Wagner’s Rienzi, which was used in Dresden over a long period of time. The music...

23 July 2020

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RISM and Katy Perry

Fifteen musicologists from institutions around the world have come together to argue that singer-songwriter Katy Perry was wrongly convicted of copyright infringement. What is their evidence? Music found in the RISM database, among other things. In 2019, Perry was ordered to pay $2.8 million when a jury found her guilty...

20 January 2020

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Insect of the Year 2019: Red Mason Bee

The Red Mason Bee was chosen as the 2019 Insect of the Year by the environmental organization NABU for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It is the most common mason bee in Germany. When we think about bees, we usually think of the busy honey bee. But there are actually many...

9 December 2019

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RISM on a Lark

As we enter the deep months of winter here in Frankfurt (no snow yet, though), thinking about 2019’s Bird of the Year puts us in a spring mood with thoughts of nice weather. The skylark is the 2019 Bird of the Year here in Germany, chosen by the environmental organization...

25 November 2019

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Instrument of the Year 2019: Saxophone

The following was written by our intern from Spain, Carmen Álvarez (English below): Cada año, en Alemania, un intrumento tiene el honor de ser elegido el instrumento del año, y en 2019 el turno ha sido para el saxofón. Inventado a principios de la década de 1840 por Adolph Sax,...

11 November 2019

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Mapping the Musical Landscape of the Sixteenth Century (MML16)

We have received the following announcement courtesy of Emily Hopkins (McGill University): The invention of music printing transformed the European musical landscape in the sixteenth century. Access to clear and affordable notated music made it possible for far more people to learn to read music and perform it in their...

29 July 2019

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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