Archive des actualités
The Music Collection at the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz in the RISM Catalog
We have received the following from Magda Walter-Mazur (RISM Poland): The project to catalog the music manuscripts from the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz (PL-SA) has been completed. It was carried out from 2017 to 2021 by Magdalena Walter-Mazur, Karolina Kaźmierczak and Michał Wysocki with financial support from the Institute of...
2 August 2021 – Collections de bibliothèques
Operas from Boughton House on RISM
The following is by Katrina Faulds and originally appeared on the website of the Sound Heritage project, and is published here with kind permission: The Montagu Music Collection at Boughton House is an incredibly rich resource for the study of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century domestic music consumption. The addition of opera...
29 July 2021 – Collections de bibliothèques
The Flying Dutchman: The Dresden Performance Material for Richard Wagner's Opera
The Flying Dutchman has opened this year’s Bayreuth Festival. We will take the opportunity to look at the performance materials from the Dresden Court Opera. Just the fact that some of the parts were in use for over 100 years is alone worth mentioning: from 1842, the year of the...
26 July 2021 – A la une
The 200th Birthday of Pauline Viardot on 18 July 2021
This guest post is by Christin Heitmann (author of the Systematisch-bibliographischen Werkverzeichnisses Pauline Viardots), Beethoven-Haus Bonn. July 18, 2021, marks the 200th birthday of the French singer, pianist, and composer Pauline Viardot (1821–1910). It was a nice coincidence that just a few months before this anniversary, in November 2020, Pauline...
15 July 2021 – Anniversaires
RISM at the 2021 IAML Congress Online
The annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) will be held for the first time online this year, from 26-30 July 2021. An advantage of the online environment is that the congress will be more accessible to people around the world and registration...
13 July 2021 – Evénements
RISM Lecture on the Bach Collection of the Berlin Staatsbibliothek Now Online
Inspired by the many queries from all over the world, in early March we posted a full recording of the Inaugural RISM Lecture about the music collection of the Cappella Sistina on RISM’s YouTube channel. We are now pleased to publish in the same way the Second RISM Lecture, dedicated...
8 July 2021 – Evénements
Venetian Music Online
The project Venetian Music Online began in 2016, sponsored by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The project focuses on “research on music in Venice and its historical territories, and the history of Venetian musical culture in its European dimension.” Results from the project will be published in the series...
28 June 2021 – Ressources en ligne
From Everyday Goods to Cultural Goods: The Music Archive of the Cistercian Abbey of Stams, Austria
Stams Abbey was one of the most important musical centers in Tyrol in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Stams Abbey Music Archive still bears witness to this today. The music materials, once used to organize the everyday musical life in this monastery, underwent a transformation over time from everyday...
21 June 2021 – Collections de bibliothèques
The New Online Directory of RISM Library Sigla
With the launch of the new RISM website last December, we took the opportunity to offer a new and improved Online Directory of RISM Library Sigla. The new directory is updated continuously and is the most complete and up-to-date source of RISM sigla. Currently, there are 8,500 institutions in the...
17 June 2021 – Nouveau au RISM
New on our Bookshelves: The Basset Horn in Italy
Last year Adriano Amore released his eighth publication about clarinets in Italy, Il Corno di bassetto in Italia. The book’s eight chapters serve as a comprehensive survey, starting with questions of terminology and reaching to a discography. The chapter with quotations about the basset horn range from Francescos Antolini’s La...
14 June 2021 – Nouveautés