Le Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif qui vise à documenter de manière exhaustive les sources musicales existantes dans le monde entier : manuscrits, musique imprimée, écrits sur la théorie musicale et livrets, que l’on trouve dans les bibliothèques, les archives, les églises, les écoles et les collections privées. Le RISM a été fondé à Paris en 1952 et est la plus grande et la seule organisation mondiale qui documente les sources musicales écrites. Le RISM enregistre ce qui existe et où l’on peut le trouver.

Upcoming events

IAML Deutschland conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 17-20 September 2024. Details here

Sigles de bibliothèques

Chercher par sigle pour les bibliothèques, archives et collections possédant des fonds musicaux historiques

Pour le bibliothèques

Bibliotécaires, trouvez ici ce que le RISM vous offre


Tout sur Muscat, Le programme spécialisé du RISM pour le catalogage des sources musicales


Annual Report 2024

At the time of delivering this report, RISM is in the middle of a two-year phase of transition. While in 2024–25 the Editorial Center in Frankfurt am Main is still financed under the auspices of the German Akademienprogramm, it is now operating on a reduced budget and must intensively be...

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RISM Online Winter 2025 Update

The Winter 2025 Update for RISM Online brings with it a whole array of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This update has been in development since August of 2024, and we hope you will find the changes useful. Cantus Database Integration RISM Online will now provide results from the...

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International Women's Day: Women Composers in RISM

In 2017 we celebrated the International Women’s Day by publishing a list of all women composers found in the RISM database. Following a 2021 update, it is time to yet again publish a revised list to reflect RISM’s ever more complete coverage. The list that in 2017 included 800 names,...

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New Website for RISM Cataloging Guidelines

The RISM Editorial Center announces the publication of the RISM Cataloging Guidelines on a dedicated website developed by the RISM Digital Center, guidelines.rism.info. The guidelines are RISM’s rules and procedures for describing historical musical sources, and are adapted for use in the cataloging program Muscat which is used by RISM...

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The Musical Public Domain in 2025

The Roaring Twenties have finally completely arrived! On 1 January 2025, works published in 1929 entered the public domain in the United States, making publications from the 1920s free to use, at least in the US. In law, the phrase “public domain” refers to works without copyright, usually because copyright...

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Toutes les actualités

Upcoming events

IAML Deutschland conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 17-20 September 2024. Details here

Sigles de bibliothèques

Chercher par sigle pour les bibliothèques, archives et collections possédant des fonds musicaux historiques

Pour le bibliothèques

Bibliotécaires, trouvez ici ce que le RISM vous offre


Tout sur Muscat, Le programme spécialisé du RISM pour le catalogage des sources musicales