Archive des actualités – Nouveautés
Annual Report 2024
At the time of delivering this report, RISM is in the middle of a two-year phase of transition. While in 2024–25 the Editorial Center in Frankfurt am Main is still financed under the auspices of the German Akademienprogramm, it is now operating on a reduced budget and must intensively be...
20 March 2025
The New Köchel Catalog
This morning the long-awaited new edition of the Köchel Catalog was presented to the public in the Great Hall of the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg. The new edition was compiled by Neal Zaslaw, Professor at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York), and meticulously prepared for printing by the research team...
19 September 2024
Annual Report 2023
Crowning the intensive development of several years, by late 2023 the RISM database hit a new benchmark of 1.5 million source records, freely searchable through both the classic RISM Catalog and the recently developed RISM Online interface. This impressive increase in part results from the ongoing cataloging activity of our...
14 March 2024
Thematic Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Strachota Family from Panenský Týnec
We have received the following publication announcement from Eliška Šedivá (RISM Czech Republic): Catalogus collectionis operum musicalium ex possessione familiae Strachota in Tinez (ed. Eliška Šedivá, translation of the introduction by Andy Letham), Prague: National Library of the Czech Republic, 2023. 2 vols (713 pp.), in: Catalogus artis musicae in...
22 February 2024
A new thematic catalogue of the musical works of Johann Georg Pisendel (PW) is now available
We have received the following from Fabrizio Ammetto (University of Guanajuato, Mexico): Three violinists- cum-musicologists hailing from three different countries (Italy, Spain and Colombia) – Fabrizio Ammetto, Francisco Javier Lupiáñez Ruiz and Luis Miguel Pinzón Acosta – have recently produced a new thematic catalogue of the musical works of the...
15 February 2024
Between Italian and Spanish: Musics, Mutual Influences and Shared Spaces
Capdepón Verdú, Paulino; González Marín, Luis Antonio (coordinadores), Entre lo italiano y lo español: músicas, influencias mutuas y espacios compartidos (siglos XVI-XX). Tiran lo blanch, Colección Euterpe música, 1a ed., Valencia (2021), España, 546 pp. In assessing this volume, it is worth recalling the long and prolific tradition of Spanish...
2 November 2023
New on our Bookshelves: AbelWV
A new catalog of works for Carl Friedrich Abel (cited in RISM as AbelWV) by Günter von Zadow has inspired us to revise the composer’s records in RISM RISM Catalog | RISM Online. We’ve gotten this started and the rest will follow. Günter von Zadow, Catalogue of Works of Carl...
7 September 2023
New Bibliography of Music Anthologies from the Library of Congress
We have received the following from Susan Clermont and Paul Sommerfeld (Music Division, Library of Congress): Among the various early music imprints and manuscripts held among the Library of Congress Music Division’s rare general collections are 306 music anthologies dating from the late 15th through 17th centuries. These materials represent...
24 August 2023
Discovering new music collections!
We have received the following from Carmen Álvarez-Escandell (Spanish follows): Fontes Artis Musicae (no. 70/2) recently published the article ‘The Cataloguing Process of the ‘C Collection’ in the Music Archive of the Cathedrals of Zaragoza’ by Carmen Álvarez-Escandell. The article outlines the process of cataloguing a collection of 30 polyphonic...
17 August 2023
New Translations for RISM Article on Wikipedia
The article about RISM on Wikipedia is now available in 16 languages, five more than when we last reported in 2019. The new languages are Farsi, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, and Slovenian. Thank you to our colleagues and the anonymous translators who wrote these! The five new languages join Catalan, Chinese,...
11 May 2023