News archive – Library collections

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Report on Electronic Data Delivery to RISM using the Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně (Moravian Library; CZ-Bu) as an example: Requirements, Procedure, and Description of the Collection

Over the past two years, the RISM Central Office has received a number of electronic data deliveries from Italy, France, the United States, and the Czech Republic, with the Czech delivery containing “only” 2,078 catalog descriptions of music manuscripts. The data in the file from the Moravská zemská knihovna v...

22 November 2018

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New RISM Project in Colombia

We have received the following announcement from Dr. Rondy F. Torres López (RISM Colombia). English follows: Rondy Torres, doctor en musicología, profesor de la Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), ha iniciado un nuevo proyecto de catalogación de un fondo hasta ahora desconocido: la música del siglo XIX del archivo...

1 November 2018

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Canzonette veneziane

This post originally appeared on the MusiCB3 Blog of Cambridge University (CC-BY): Last October the second hand and antiquarian music dealer Travis & Emery circulated their occasional antiquarian music catalogue Sarum no. 58. One item caught my eye because in the last year or so I had updated the online...

25 October 2018

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New Sources from the Archivo Musical del Colegio de Vizcaínas (Mexico)

We have received the following announcement from John Lazos (RISM Mexico/Canada). English follows. Dr. Lazos está listo para continuar con su segunda visita al Archivo Musical del Colegio de Vizcaínas. Son mas de 200 nuevas entradas de este archivo (MEX-Mahn) que se pueden consultar en la base de datos de...

24 September 2018

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Telemann digital

We have received the following from Ann Kersting-Meuleman (Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main): Almost 800 music manuscripts by the eminent composer Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) housed at the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg are being digitized with funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). The project will last 1.5 years and...

27 August 2018

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Ferdinand Rebay (1880–1953) at Heiligenkreuz Abbey

We received this post from Father Roman Nägele (RISM Austria, Heiligenkreuz Abbey): Ferdinand Rebay (1880 – 1953) was an Austrian composer, pianist, conductor, and piano teacher. From 1890 to 1894 he was part of the boys’ choir at Heiligenkreuz Abbey and received an education in music and voice. He completed...

2 August 2018

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Richard Wagner Manuscripts to be Digitized

This article first appeared on the website of the Richard Wagner Museum Bayreuth and is reprinted here with kind permission. Preserving and making accessible collections of cultural and historical value: A digitization project at the National Archives of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung in Bayreuth Anyone wishing to consult the important holdings of...

23 July 2018

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Music and the Natural Sciences in 1800

Sometimes musical sources are well hidden. Or would your normally expect an imprint entitled Discourse Introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Science of Nature to have an appendix containing three vocal pieces? The Discourse is actually interesting in several regards. The author of the book itself is Charles...

11 June 2018

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New Ysaÿe manuscripts in the Royal Library of Belgium

We have received the following from Kris De Baerdemacker of RISM Belgium and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Muziekafdeling - Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Section de la Musique: The Music Division of the Royal Library of Belgium has recently acquired three Eugène Ysaÿe manuscripts: the autograph score Poème élégiaque arranged...

28 May 2018

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Music treasure lost and found

The following originally appeared on the Music Blog of the British Library and is © British Library Board and posted here under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence. Music cataloguing had a rather shaky beginning in the British Library. In the Library’s early years when it was part of the British...

24 May 2018

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