News archive – Library collections

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Presenting the Music Collection at Melk Abbey

The following is a guest post by one of our RISM contributors Johannes Prominczel, music archivist at Melk Abbey. The music archive of Melk Abbey in Austria consists of around 10,000 items of notated music and books as well as about 50 musical instruments. The focus of the collection is...

10 October 2016

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Two sources, lots of material for research – the digital Annaberger Chorbücher

The two Annaberg choirbooks described below have been documented by the RISM working group in Dresden and are detailed in the RISM online catalog. The two manuscript collections can be found at the SLUB with the shelfmarks Mus.1-D-505 (link in RISM) and Mus.1-D-506 (link in RISM). The RISM records were...

28 July 2016

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Women and music-making during the Bourbon Restoration

Emerson Morgan from the RISM US working group at Harvard University has written this article about a score newly cataloged for RISM, La naissance du sauveur (RISM ID no. 900022067). This manuscript of a unique Christmas cantata, authored by a woman composer and dedicated to a woman patron, offers a...

30 June 2016

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The dating game

We bring you a post today by our colleagues at the MusiCB3 Blog of Cambridge University (CC-BY): What? Has MusiCB3 gone mad? TWO Valentine’s Day posts this year? Actually no. This is about a much more important topic – dating printed music. Now, I know this may not sound wildly...

29 February 2016

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RISM Modern Monday: Marianne Teuscher (1903–2009), the "Queen Mum" of the Music Department

No, you’re not mistaken: the dates of birth and death for Marianne Teuscher are correct. She lived to the ripe old age of 106 and is quite likely the longest-lived person in the RISM database—and as the fifth and last person in our RISM Modern Monday series, she brings us...

8 February 2016

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RISM Modern Monday: Composer Archives in RISM

In our series RISM Modern Monday, we mustn’t omit composer archives - collections of personal papers and/or manuscripts that are left to a library - particularly because they contain a large share of the twentieth-century musical sources that are documented in RISM. Processing these archival collections is done by the...

1 February 2016

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Ausstellung in der Frankfurter Universitätsbibliothek zu Johann Andreas Herbst aus Anlass des 350. Todestags

Johann Andreas Herbst (1588–1666) und seine Notenbibliothek – Ein Zeugnis für Musikpraxis und Notendruckkunst Angeregt durch die feierlichen Krönungen von 1612 (Kaiser Matthias) und 1619 (Kaiser Ferdinand II) wurde 1623 der erste städtische Musikdirektor in Frankfurt am Main angestellt. Die Wahl fiel auf den aus Nürnberg stammenden und zuvor an...

28 January 2016

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RISM Modern Monday: Mexican Music

Our third entry in our RISM Modern Monday series is by John G. Lazos, who contributes Mexican sources to RISM (Spanish follows): Mexican music is generally recognized as the music from the first decades of the twentieth century, a perception which was influenced by a twentieth-century Mexican cultural national ideology....

25 January 2016

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RISM Modern Monday: Richard Strauss

The second part of our RISM Modern Monday series is dedicated to Richard Strauss (1864-1949), showing you again how sources in the RISM database extend well past the year 1800. Through a partnership with the Richard Strauss Institute, we have integrated their index of sources (RSQV) into the RISM database....

18 January 2016

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RISM Modern Monday: Music Manuscripts in the Gustav Mahler-Alfred Rosé Collection

Did you know that music in RISM’s database extends beyond the year 1800? RISM has quite a bit from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Over the next few Mondays, we’ll put the spotlight on some of the newer pieces in the database. The first entry comes from Cheryl Martin (RISM...

11 January 2016

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
