News archive – In the news

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Music History's Earliest Engraved Notes – Simone Verovio

While printed music in the 16th century was primarily produced using type printing, which gave it a typically blurry overall look (except with Ottaviano Petrucci), the printed editions by Simone Verovio are particularly striking because of their handwritten appearance. The engraved printed music is easily recognizable through its characteristic platemark....

22 July 2019

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New CD: Tiroler Weihnachtskonzert 2017

The live recording of the 29th Tyrolean Christmas Concert from 2017 has just been released as the CD Klingende Kostbarkeiten aus Tirol, vol. 101, by the Institute for Tyrolean Music Research. One outstanding musical Tyrolean treasure is Silent Night in a version by the famous Tyrolean singers Geschwister Strasser from...

13 December 2018

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Instrument of the Year 2018: The Cello

Even though the year is drawing to a close, there is still enough time to take a look at the Instrument of the Year. Last year, the state music councils in Germany selected the oboe to be the Instrument of the Year. This year, it is the cello. At RISM,...

6 December 2018

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Music and Mozart's Starling

The European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is wrapping up its final weeks as Bird of the Year here in Germany. The environmental organization NABU hopes to call attention to the familiar songbird and its extremely versatile vocal chords, but unfortunately the species is also facing loss of habitat and declining numbers....

3 December 2018

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Current Mozart and Clementi Projects

The high point of every summer for RISM is the annual IAML congress, which as you may know was in Leipzig this year (you can read our reflections on the congress). One session in particular sponsored by the IAML Bibliography Section focused on three current bibliographic projects that are sure...

20 September 2018

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Music by Antônio Carlos Gomes part of the UNESCO Memory of the World list

Recently, as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, we wrote about European music manuscripts registered on the UNESCO Memory of the World list. One of our readers, Rosana Lanzelotte, kindly pointed out to us that this list was expanded last year to include manuscripts by a composer about...

30 July 2018

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Celebrating Music Manuscripts and the European Year of Cultural Heritage

The year 2018 has been named the European Year of Cultural Heritage. Throughout the continent, the focus is on cultural heritage as expressed in a wide variety of manifestations: monuments, books, clothing, historic towns, oral traditions, landscapes, digitized objects—even performing arts and music—and much more. The goal is to “encourage...

25 June 2018

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Frisian and the European Capital of Culture 2018

We have received the following from Simon Groot (Universiteit van Amsterdam, RISM Netherlands): One of the European Capitals of Culture in 2018 is Leeuwarden, the capital city of the northern Dutch province Friesland (Frisia). Although a small country, in the Netherlands several dialects of the national language do exist. The...

5 March 2018

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Valletta, Malta: European Capital of Culture 2018

Valletta and Leeuwarden are the two European Capitals of Culture for 2018. Valletta is the smallest capital in the European Union and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was built by the Knights of Malta beginning in 1566 and the sights can be reached easily by...

1 February 2018

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The Oboe: Instrument of the Year

This year, the oboe has pride of place as Instrument of the Year according the state music council in Germany. This honor is meant to call more attention to an instrument that, in the view of the music councils, needs more young players. In the RISM database, we have plenty...

2 October 2017

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Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
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- Finding Unica in RISM

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