News archive
Historical inventories of music online
The following news has reached us from the Hofmusik in Dresden project: Eight historical, handwritten inventories of music from the Dresden court have recently been made available online for researchers and everyone interested in music. The comprehensive inventories were put together between 1726 and 1780 and list both the music...
9 November 2015 – Library collections
Fanny Hensel (1805-1847)
The previous entry in the series RISM A–Z was on Adolph von Henselt so today we bring you a name that sounds similar: Fanny Hensel (1805-1847). In the RISM database there are over 180 sources for Hensel, the vast majority of them being autograph manuscripts that are held by the...
5 November 2015 – RISM A-Z
Music in Southwest German Courts
After sharing an announcement last week about a conference on court music in Dresden, we’d like to invite you on a journey south and take a look at Südwestdeutsche Hofmusik - Music in Southwest German Courts. The goal of this project, which started in 2006 and is funded by the...
2 November 2015 – Electronic resources
New Volume in RISM's Series B: Balinese Palm-Leaf Manuscripts
RISM announces the newest volume in its publication series B, which presents bibliographies of musical sources organized by topic: Tilman Seebass, Catalogue raisonné of the Balinese Palm-Leaf Manuscripts with Music Notation. RISM B/XVI. Munich: Henle, 2015. 309 p. ISBN 978-3-87328-155-4 The sixteenth volume in series B, RISM’s first ethnomusicological publication,...
29 October 2015 – New publications
Collecting – Performing – Exploring. Dresden’s Eighteenth-Century Court Music
The following announcement has reached us from the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB): January 21 to 23, 2016 International conference of the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) In the context of the DFG-funded project “The Music of the Dresden Court Church and the Royal Private Music...
28 October 2015 – Events
Schubert Autograph Music Manuscripts in Schubert Online
All of the autograph music manuscripts by Franz Schubert (1797-1828) that are housed at the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, SBB) - numbering around 60 total - have been digitized and cataloged in the RISM database as part of the project Schubert Online. The digitized music is available through...
26 October 2015 – Library collections
From the Library's Treasure Chest: A RISM Concert in Cologne
The library at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne (RISM siglum: D-KNh) houses a comprehensive collection of music manuscripts, with an emphasis on vocal music from the first half of the nineteenth century. These items are from older holdings that were taken over from the institution’s predecessor, the...
23 October 2015 – Events
New CD of Music for Johann Konrad Wörle's Organs
This announcement has come to us from Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider of RISM Landesleitung Tirol-Südtirol & OFM Austria: Premieres of new sounds: Presenting music from the Biblioteca dell’Accademia nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana in Rome (I-Rli), the Biblioteca nazionale centrale in Rome (I-Rn), and the Santini-Bibliothek in Münster (D-MÜs) on an organ...
22 October 2015 – New publications
Neue CD: Die Orgel von Johann Konrad Wörle
Diese Ankündigung sandte uns Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider von RISM Landesleitung Tirol-Südtirol & OFM Austria: Neue Klangpremieren: Präsentiert wird Musik aus der Biblioteca dell’Accademia nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana in Rom (I-Rli), der Biblioteca nazionale centrale in Rom (I-Rn) und der Santini-Bibliothek in Münster (D-MÜs) auf einer Orgel des Tiroler Orgelmachers Johann...
22 October 2015 – New at RISM
The Royal Library of Belgium acquires the only known manuscript of "Le Retour des plaisirs" (1719) by André Vaillant
We have received this announcement from our colleagues at RISM Belgium: After his campaign in the Austro-Turkish war (1716-1718) in Hungary, Duke Léopold-Philippe of Arenberg (1690-1754) was sent back to the Austrian Netherlands and became governor of Hainaut. On the occasion of his solemn entrance in the city of Mons,...
19 October 2015 – Library collections