News archive

The Start of Bohemian Watermark Research in the RISM Working Group in Prague (National Library of the Czech Republic)

This report has come to us from Eliška Šedivá, RISM Czech Republic: A year ago we started to develop a proper and systematic method for researching watermarks as an important indication of the provenance and time determination of musical sources. Furthermore, we believe that correct watermark description and identification can...

24 August 2015 – New at RISM

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RISM at IAML: Access to Music Archives and an Update of RISM Series C

The RISM Central Office is working closely with IAML’s Working Group on the Access to Music Archives to update RISM’s series C, Directory of Music Research Libraries.Series C is a project that began in the 1960s and has resulted in five published volumes so far. An update of this resource...

20 August 2015 – Events

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RISM at the IAML/IMS Congress in New York

Klaus Keil and Jennifer Ward from the RISM Zentralredaktion and Wolf-Dieter Seiffert, the president of the Association, attended the IAML/IMS Congress in New York from June 21 to 26, 2015. We were happy to see our colleagues from around the world and hear about their projects. The theme of this...

17 August 2015 – Events

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Results of the RISM User Study, Part IV: Your Comments - Libraries, Coverage, and Completeness

The week concludes with another close look at the comments you made in the recent RISM survey. “I just wish some very important institutions like A-Wgm [Vienna, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde] were also listed.” - Respondent 135 The core of this question came up often, variously naming specific institutions such as...

14 August 2015 – New at RISM

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Results of the RISM User Study, Part III: Your Comments - Chronological Limits

Today, we’re continuing the conversation about comments we received from the recent RISM survey. On Monday we talked about countries represented in RISM and secondary literature. Today: “Do you still have the cataloging limit of 1850?”- Respondent 372 “I thought you were limited to sources up to a certain date...

12 August 2015 – New at RISM

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Results of the RISM User Study, Part II: Your Comments - Coverage in RISM and Citing Literature

We received hundreds of comments in our recent survey of the online catalog. We are carefully considering each one of them and would like to take some time to address some of the larger issues raised. Today we are talking about coverage in RISM and citing literature. Later this week,...

10 August 2015 – New at RISM

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Using RISM for Genealogy

This article by Peter Teuthorn was originally published in his Genealogie-Feuilleton in an earlier form and is reprinted here with kind permission. Compositions by Christian Balthasar Teuthorn found using RISM Today’s genealogy no longer wears itself out by piling up ancestry data. Genealogists now look at the social context of...

6 August 2015 – In the news

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Cataloguing 17th- and 18th-century Manuscripts of French Music in the Ward Collection (US-CAward)

Natasha Roule, a candidate for the PhD in historical musicology at Harvard University, has spent the summer as a Pforzheimer Fellow at Houghton Library, Harvard’s principal repository for rare books and manuscripts, including rich holdings in print and manuscript music. Here is her account of her project, which saw the...

3 August 2015 – Library collections

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Two significant Hanover collections now in RISM

This post comes to us from Helmut Lauterwasser of RISM Germany: Cataloging historical manuscripts in RISM has recently been completed for two important music institutions in Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony. Though these collections are relatively small, they contain sources that are of great historical interest and significance. Both...

30 July 2015 – Library collections

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After more than 200 years, one of Mozart’s autograph manuscripts returns to Salzburg

This announcement has reached us from Armin Brinzing, director of the Bibliotheca Mozartiana at the Mozarteum in Salzburg: Thanks to the generous support of a private donor, the Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation has been able to acquire an extensive autograph manuscript by Mozart. The manuscript is a copy of a work...

27 July 2015 – Library collections

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Top posts

- Joseph Bologne’s “L’Amant Anonyme”
- The Public Domain in 2023
- Scott Joplin and the St. Louis World’s Fair
- The Vienna State Opera in 1955
- Elizaveta, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth

Featured posts

- A Word about RISM
- Chopin Heritage in Open Access
- Sarah Levy
- Discovering Vivaldi Sources
- Finding Unica in RISM

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All news posts are by RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
