Archive des actualités – Collections de bibliothèques

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New Watermark Digitization Project at the Bavarian State Library

We have received the following from Bernhard Lutz of RISM Germany: Indexing and digitization of watermarks in the music manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library up to the end of the 17th century The Bavarian State Library holds an internationally important collection of music manuscripts from the late Middle Ages...

2 May 2018

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Downloading and Using Your Library's RISM Records

Sometimes libraries have their manuscripts cataloged in the RISM database but these records are not in the library’s local catalog. Did you know you can download your RISM records and import them into your library’s OPAC? The Moravian Music Foundation (MMF) did just this for over 900 records that were...

26 April 2018

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New FONCA-RISM project in Mexico City | FONCA-RISM: Nuevo Proyecto en la Ciudad de México

We have received the following announcement from John Lazos (RISM Mexico/Canada): Dr. John Lazos, who has collaborated with RISM to catalogue over 500 music works from Mexico, just received a grant from FONCA (Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes). This grant permits Dr. Lazos to catalogue around 450...

25 January 2018

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The secret garden of Pierre Bergé

The following originally appeared the blog of the Loeb Music Library (Harvard University) and is by Christina Linklater (RISM US). It is reproduced here with kind permission. The Loeb Music Library has just acquired three items previously owned by the French industrialist, arts patron and AIDS activist Pierre Bergé (1930-2017)....

22 January 2018

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Music in the Convent of St Adalbert's Abbey in Staniątki, Poland

Marcin Konik (RISM Poland) has completed a project that investigated the music of the Benedictine Monastery in Staniątki, Poland (PL-STAb), resulting in 250 new records in the RISM database. The RISM records were entered by Ludmiła Sawicka. Here is a summary of a newly published article that reveals more about...

28 September 2017

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Paweł Podejko - an author and his thematic catalogue

Paweł Podejko’s name is most closely associated with his thematic catalogue of the historic music collection of the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa (RISM library siglum: PL-CZ). Published in Kraków in 1992, Katalog tematyczny rękopisów i druków muzycznych kapeli wokalno-instrumentalnej na Jasnej Górze lists manuscript and printed music that is...

9 June 2017

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Another Exciting Collection from Spitz an der Donau

We have received the following from Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger (RISM Germany, Munich Office): Soon after completing work on a collection of musical sources from Niederalteich in southwest Germany (RISM siglum: D-NATk), an unexpected offer arose to describe an additional collection that had recently come to light right in Spitz an der...

29 May 2017

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Une acquisition majeure : le fonds Toots Thielemans

Nous avons reçu cette contribution de RISM Belgique: Au mois de décembre dernier, la section de la Musique de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique s’est enrichie d’un nouvel ensemble exceptionnel, le «Fonds Toots Thielemans», du nom de ce musicien belge disparu le 22 août 2016, à l’âge de 94 ans....

24 January 2017

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A Contribution to the History of Military Music in the Kingdom of Hanover

A unique collection of music manuscripts in the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek (Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek), Hanover The well over 1,000 handwritten scores of the first and last Royal Hanover Army Music Director Johann Viktor Gerold (1808-1876) form one of the most extensive collections of nineteenth-century military music. In a circuitous fashion...

16 January 2017

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The Archive of the Sorbian Institute in Germany

The following has reached us from Annett Bresan: Sorbisches Kulturarchiv / Sorbische Zentralbibliothek am Sorbischen Institut Bautzen Serbski kulturny archiw / Serbska centralna biblioteka při Serbskim instituće w Budyšinje The Archive of the Sorbian Institute (Sorbisches Kulturarchiv) is the only archive for the Sorbian language and Sorbian studies that is...

17 November 2016

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
