Archive des actualités
New Tools for Kallisto in English
We are pleased to announce that there are a couple of new tools to assist our colleagues who use Kallisto in English. Kallisto is RISM’s software program for cataloging music manuscripts in series A/II, Music Manuscripts after 1600. The program is available at no charge from the Zentralredaktion to anyone...
1 August 2012 – Nouveau au RISM
Significant Bach Discovery in Stade, Germany
A significant discovery was made while cataloging music manuscripts of the Seminary Library in the northern German town of Stade, held on deposit at the Stade City Archives (D-STs). Steffen Voss, a staff member of the RISM Germany–Munich office, discovered two contemporary scores of so-called Quartalsmusiken by Carl Philipp Emanuel...
14 June 2012 – Redécourvertes
RISM in the Classroom at the University of Vienna
At the University of Vienna, Ikarus Kaiser taught the first course that focused on working with the RISM database. Ten musicology students attended. Thanks to the outstanding cooperation of Martin Czernin, the leader of the Schottenstift Archive (Scottish Abbey) in Vienna, nine class sessions were held in the archive from...
25 April 2012 – Evénements
Digitization Project at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Among the distinguished treasures in the Music Department of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin are the approximately 10,000 works in the autograph music manuscripts collection. The collection, part of the world’s cultural heritage, consists of a broad spectrum of composers with pieces in their own hand, including the world’s largest collection...
14 April 2012 – Collections de bibliothèques
A unique collection of music manuscripts by the Belgian composer Henry Vieuxtemps in the Music Department of the Royal Library of Belgium
The King Baudouin Foundation bought an exceptional set of music manuscripts by the violinist Henry Vieuxtemps (1820-1881), Belgium’s most famous composer of the 19th century. The manuscripts, unknown so far to musicians and musicologists, have been recently brought to the Music Department of the Royal Library of Belgium, which has...
10 April 2012 – Collections de bibliothèques
Unknown piano piece by Mozart discovered in Tyrol, Austria
The musicologist Univ.-Doz. Dr. phil. Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider came upon a handwritten music book from around 1780 during her everyday work for RISM in Tyrol. This volume contains, among other pieces, a previously unknown piano piece, which is unequivocally attributed to the junior “Wolfgango Mozart”. On pp. 12-14 there is...
23 March 2012 – Redécourvertes
Jean-Baptiste Lully @ RISM
Jean-Baptiste Lully was born Giovanni Battista Lulli on 28 November 1632 in Florence but spent most of his life in the service of King Louis XIV. He became a French citizen in 1661. Lully began his career at the French court as a dancer until his compositional breakthrough in 1657...
21 March 2012 – Nouveau au RISM
RISM Conference preliminary program
On the conference page, the preliminary program can now be viewed. In addition, there is an online form for registering. Please complete the registration form. In so doing, you will be helping us considerably with the organization.
29 February 2012 – Evénements
Unknown piano piece by Mozart discovered in Tyrol, Austria
During the ongoing work being done for the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM/International Inventory of Musical Sources), Dr. Hildegard Herrmann-Schneider came across a music book from around 1780 in Tyrol. This manuscript contains, among other titles, a hitherto unknown piano piece that is expressly attributed to the young “Wolfgango...
28 February 2012 – Redécourvertes
Unknown Work by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach Discovered
In the process of cataloging the manuscripts of Group IV in the Hessian Music Archive in Marburg (D-MGmi), a previously completely unknown pièce d’occasion by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach came to light. The second-youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach and the court Kapellmeister in Bückeburg (near Hanover), he dedicated a...
21 February 2012 – Redécourvertes