Archive des actualités
Nous déménageons!
Vendredi, le 23 janvier, nous disons „au revoir Sophienstrasse 26!“ 26 ans après, nous quittons ce bâtiment et changeons dans des locaux de Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Notre nouvelle adresse de post s’énonce: RISM Zentralredaktion Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Campus Bockenheim Senckenberganlage 31-33 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany Ils nous trouvent: Mertonstraße,...
21 January 2015 – Nouveau au RISM
New online resource with the Map of Musical Heritage in Spain
The following has reached us from Jon Bagüés, ERESBIL-Basque Archives of Music: The Music and Dance Documentation Center of the Ministry of Culture of Spain, with the help of AEDOM, the Spanish Branch of IAML (Project AMA) and RISM-Spain, presented last November a map of 350 Spanish public institutions (archives,...
19 January 2015 – Ressources en ligne
Knowing what exists: Union of German Academies renews support for RISM Germany
This article is by our RISM Germany colleague Karl Wilhelm Geck and has been republished from BIS: Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen 7:3 (2014), 179 (CC-BY SA): Where the documentation of music manuscripts is concerned, the benchmark is the online union catalog Since its release in 2010, it...
15 January 2015 – A la une
'Earliest' polyphonic music discovered in British Library
The following entry is by Nicolas Bell and originally appeared on the British Library Music Blog. It is reprinted here with kind permission. The British Library Music Blog has been quiet for a while, but plenty has been going on in the meantime. See the BBC News website for a...
12 January 2015 – Collections de bibliothèques
Looking back at 2014
Before we get too far into 2015, let’s take a look back at 2014 and allow us to share some stories from the past year. The ten most popular stories on our website were (according to our website statistics): New Version of the RISM Online Catalog Missing Works by Italian...
8 January 2015 – Nouveau au RISM
New Year's Greetings and Composer Anniversaries
Happy New Year! We are looking forward to celebrating the anniversaries of the following musicians and other people that you can find in the RISM online catalog. We’ve listed their names, dates, and function in the catalog: We will start with Ambrosius, our oldest birthday boy… c= circa a=...
6 January 2015 – Anniversaires
Christmas greetings
The RISM Central Office wishes you and your family all the best for a festive holiday season and a happy New Year. We look forward to working with you again in 2015. Photo credit: NYPL Digital Gallery
19 December 2014 – Evénements
Die RISM Zentralredaktion wünscht Ihnen und Ihrer Familie eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und ein gutes Neues Jahr. Wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit in 2015. Bildnachweis: NYPL Digital Gallery
19 December 2014 – Nouveau au RISM
Restitution made easy
On the heels of our visit to Nuremberg for AIBM conference in September comes this story by our colleague Guido Kraus about the history of some of the rare items at the Nuremberg Public Library. Two valuable items found their way back to Germany after having been in the United...
15 December 2014 – A la une
Historical Schott Archive Acquired by State Libraries in Berlin and Munich and Six Research Institutions
This article comes from Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger of RISM Germany, Bavarian State Library. The historical archive of the music publisher Schott represents a unique cultural asset. There is no other German music publishing house archive that is as big and comprehensive. It comprises the business records (correspondence; records of printers, engravers,...
11 December 2014 – Collections de bibliothèques