News archive
400 Years of the Florilegium Portense
Strictly speaking, the number in the title above only refers to the second part of the collection of motets published by Erhard Bodenschatz (ca. 1576-1636). The first part appeared in 1618 and contains 115 motets for four to eight voices. A further 150 motets by over 50 composers, from Agostino...
18 February 2021 – Musical anniversaries
Looking Back on 2020
This time, looking back on the past year is not as refreshing as it has been previously. It goes without saying that 2020 did not proceed as we thought it would, and our grand plans to highlight 19th-century music throughout the year - inspired by the Beethoven anniversary - unraveled...
15 February 2021 – New at RISM
Three Musical Children: A Common Illustration on 18th-Century Printed Music
We have a guest post by Martin Bierwisch (Universität Mainz): Decorative frames, extravagant illustrations, or even small vignettes are typical elements that catch the eye on music printed editions. You can of course find a lot of nice examples through the digitized sources linked in the RISM online catalog, but...
11 February 2021 – New at RISM
An Internship in Stages: How an Internship at RISM was Possible, Despite the Corona Pandemic
Report on an internship at the RISM Zentralredaktion in Frankfurt am Main My internship at the RISM Editorial Center in Frankfurt am Main was marked by the 2020 corona pandemic. It all began in December 2019 with an application and interview at the RISM office in the presence of the...
8 February 2021 – New at RISM
Introductory Muscat Workshops in February 2021 (FULL)
The English workshops are now full. If you are interested in attending a future Muscat workshop, please write to and we will let you know when future dates have been set. The RISM Editorial Center will be hosting an online, introductory two-part workshop on cataloging musical sources using the...
4 February 2021 – Events
We have received the following from the RISM Digital Center: OnStage is the portal for digitised documents on musical performances in Switzerland (performance ephemera, such as concert programmes and announcements). OnStage currently presents the collections of the Conservatoire de Lausanne, the Conservatoire de Genève, the Association of the Friends of...
1 February 2021 – Electronic resources
The Music Collection of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Teplice, Czech Republic
We have received the following from Ludmila Mikulášová (RISM Prague): During the 18th and 19th centuries, Teplice was an important spa town visited by many European celebrities and crowned heads (for example, Tsar Peter the Great in 1712; the Swedish King Gustav IV in 1804; the Prussian King Frederick William...
28 January 2021 – Library collections
Digital Collections Portal at the Leipzig Bach Archive
We would like to share this announcement with you courtesy of the Bach-Archiv Leipzig: To celebrate its 70th anniversary, in November 2020 the Leipzig Bach Archive launched a web portal that provides digital access to the archive’s historical collections. At, objects from the archive’s collections and important permanent loans...
25 January 2021 – Electronic resources
500th Anniversary of Erhard Öglin's Death
We have received the following from Nicole Schwindt (Chair, RISM Germany): The turn of the year 2020/2021 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of the first printer to print mensural music with movable type in Germany. The Augsburg-based printer Erhard Öglin published a music book only six years after...
21 January 2021 – Musical anniversaries
Cataloging Music Manuscripts from the Rostock University Library by RISM Germany (Dresden)
The Dresden office of RISM Germany commenced a project in December 2020 to catalog the music manuscripts in the Rostock University Library (D-ROu). The collection comprises ca. 950 manuscripts from the 16th to 19th centuries. The first batch of manuscripts that arrived in Dresden for cataloging contains the music collection...
18 January 2021 – New at RISM