Archive des actualités – Nouveau au RISM

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Report on a four-week internship at the RISM Editorial Center in October 2020

The following is a report from our former intern, Daniel Kneer: In October 2020, I completed a four-week internship in the RISM Editorial Center, Frankfurt am Main, as part of my BA in musicology. Due to my background in information technology and my musicological interest in archiving and digitization, I...

12 August 2021

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Botanists in RISM

The connection between botany and music may not be all that obvious, but in our database you can find over forty botanists, mostly men and one woman. Most of our botanists wrote words that were set to music and they do not have any direct link to the music itself....

9 August 2021

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The New Online Directory of RISM Library Sigla

With the launch of the new RISM website last December, we took the opportunity to offer a new and improved Online Directory of RISM Library Sigla. The new directory is updated continuously and is the most complete and up-to-date source of RISM sigla. Currently, there are 8,500 institutions in the...

17 June 2021

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Plaine & Easie Tutorial Now Available

We are pleased to announce a new tutorial from the RISM Editorial Center in cooperation with the U.S. RISM Office at Harvard University. This tutorial focuses on entering music incipits in RISM’s cataloguing program, Muscat, using the Plaine & Easie Code. The Plaine & Easie Code is a library standard...

10 June 2021

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How Small Changes Can Cause Great Confusion

In the course of revising catalog entries for printed anthologies to 1700, we always encounter more complex cases. John Playford’s The Musical Companion, which was published in 1672 and 1673 and is the topic of this post, is a prime example for many reasons. In the printed B/I volume (François...

27 May 2021

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My Internship at RISM: A New Cataloging Experience

We share with you the following report from Deanna Pellerano, a Master of Library Science (music specialization) and Master of Musicology candidate at Indiana University: When I learned that RISM offered an internship at its Editorial Center, I knew immediately that this would be an excellent internship for me. At...

25 May 2021

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A Musical Dialogue from 1544

The Dialogo della musica by Antonfrancesco Doni (1513-1574) is not meant to teach but rather to entertain. The conversations are divided into two evenings with music. On the first evening, the characters Bargo, Michele, Grullone, and Hoste converse. No fewer than 13 four-part madrigals are sung by the other participants....

14 April 2021

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Looking Back on 2020

This time, looking back on the past year is not as refreshing as it has been previously. It goes without saying that 2020 did not proceed as we thought it would, and our grand plans to highlight 19th-century music throughout the year - inspired by the Beethoven anniversary - unraveled...

15 February 2021

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Three Musical Children: A Common Illustration on 18th-Century Printed Music

We have a guest post by Martin Bierwisch (Universität Mainz): Decorative frames, extravagant illustrations, or even small vignettes are typical elements that catch the eye on music printed editions. You can of course find a lot of nice examples through the digitized sources linked in the RISM online catalog, but...

11 February 2021

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An Internship in Stages: How an Internship at RISM was Possible, Despite the Corona Pandemic

Report on an internship at the RISM Zentralredaktion in Frankfurt am Main My internship at the RISM Editorial Center in Frankfurt am Main was marked by the 2020 corona pandemic. It all began in December 2019 with an application and interview at the RISM office in the presence of the...

8 February 2021

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
