Archive des actualités – Evénements
Call for Papers: International Conference Celebration and Sonority (Morelia, Mexico 14th to 16th November, 2019)
Our colleagues from the RISM working group in Morelia, Mexico would like to announce a call for papers: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CELEBRATION AND SONORITY Interdisciplinary investigation of Hispanic American poetic and musical sources (xvi-xix centuries) (Morelia, Mexico 14th to 16th November, 2019) PRESENTATION The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Escuela Nacional...
5 June 2019
Taller de Muscat en Córdoba, Argentina / Muscat Workshop in Córdoba, Argentina
We have received the following from Luciana Giron Sheridan and Lucas Reccitelli (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). English below: Durante la última semana del mes de marzo 2019 se llevó a cabo un taller de Muscat en Córdoba, Argentina. El taller tuvo lugar en el campus de la Universidad Nacional de...
3 June 2019
This week: Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM
We are counting down to our conference and workshops in just a few days: Works, Work Titles, Work Authorities: Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM at the Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur in Mainz. For three days, 9–11 May 2019, we are going to swap ideas, have discussions,...
6 May 2019
Muscat Workshop with Guido Kraus in L'viv (12-14 February 2019)
We have received the following from Angelika Moths: Initiated by the Haliciana Schola Cantorum (HSC), a Swiss association for the promotion of culture in Western Ukraine, an international musicology symposium called “Ex umbra in solem” was held at the Ukrainian Catholic University in L’viv in November 2017. During the event,...
11 April 2019
Conference and Workshop: Works, Work Titles, Work Authorities: Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM
Dates: May 9-11, 2019 Location: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2 55131 Mainz Registration: Registration form The conference is free and open to the public. Please help us plan by registering by 5 April 2019. Conference and Workshop: Works, Work Titles, Work Authorities: Perspectives on Introducing a Work...
14 March 2019
RISM at the Coding da Vinci 2018 Hackathon
RISM was one of the data providers at last year’s Coding da Vinci Rhein-Main Hackathon, which had participation from colleges and universities in Aschaffenburg, Darmstadt, Frankfurt am Main, Gießen, Mainz, Offenbach, Wiesbaden and Worms and was organized in part by the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek and Wikimedia Deutschland and supported by...
11 March 2019
Wedding Music by Melchior Franck
Since today is Valentine’s Day, we’re going to take a look at three pieces by Melchior Franck (ca. 1579-1639) that were written for weddings. Festive music composed especially for the occasion has unfortunately gone out of style today. Many bridal couples are instead quick to draw on the “Wedding March”...
14 February 2019
Upcoming RISM Events in Argentina and Italy
Thanks to the efforts of our colleagues in other countries, two events will enable the close study of musical sources: a workshop and an internship. Muscat Workshop Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina March 25-29, 2019 This workshop is being hosted by Leonardo Waisman and the Grupo de Musicología Histórica Córdoba...
28 January 2019
Call for Papers: Workshop/Conference on the Work Level in RISM
Libraries worldwide have been discussing work titles with increasing intensity. Transferring this idea to musical works seems particularly plausible at first glance, as the production of catalogs of works has a tradition of more than 100 years in musicology. However, especially in recent decades, the concept of the work itself...
10 January 2019
Happy Holidays 2018!
The RISM Central Office wishes you and your family all the best for a festive holiday season. We would like to thank you for your valuable work this year and we wish you all the best for a happy and successful 2019. Our office will be closed beginning December 24...
20 December 2018