Archive des actualités – Evénements

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Happy Holidays 2018!

The RISM Central Office wishes you and your family all the best for a festive holiday season. We would like to thank you for your valuable work this year and we wish you all the best for a happy and successful 2019. Our office will be closed beginning December 24...

20 December 2018

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Seminar Report: Notated Music in the Digital Sphere

Will there ever be a Google Books for music? Can motivic searches of a fugue be automated? Are partbooks plagued by iron gall ink deterioration lost forever? These were some of the questions posed last month in Oslo at the seminar Notated Music in the Digital Sphere: Possibilities and Limitations...

26 November 2018

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Insights into the collections of the Heiligenkreuz Monastery (Austria)

We have received the following announcement from P. Roman Nägele OCist (Stift Heiligenkreuz, Austria). Only German: Einblicke in Sammlungen des Stiftes Heiligenkreuz - Musikpflege im Stift Heiligenkreuz Viel wertvolles Notenmaterial befindet sich im Musikarchiv des Stiftes Heiligenkreuz im Wienerwald (Niederösterreich). Der Leiter des Musikarchivs P. Roman Nägele OCist bemüht sich...

18 October 2018

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Muscat Workshops in October 2018

RISM will be holding more Muscat workshops this week and next. Printed music will be at the focus of a Muscat workshop for the first time that will be held from 4–6 October 2018 in the RISM Central Office in Frankfurt. In total, 14 people from Germany and abroad have...

1 October 2018

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Congress Diary from IAML Leipzig 2018

Four members of the RISM Central Office attended the annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Leipzig. In traditional Congress Diary style, we offer you some impressions from Leipzig with each contributor writing in their native language. Von Klaus Keil: Meine Aufgabe auf...

23 August 2018

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The R Projects in Beijing

RISM is one of four major international music bibliographic undertakings that are collectively known as the Four R Projects. While RISM documents musical sources, RILM indexes secondary literature, RIdIM focuses on music iconography, and RIPM deals with music periodicals. For some time now, these projects have intensified their cooperative efforts...

16 August 2018

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4th International Ferdinand Rebay Academy at Heiligenkreuz Abbey (Austria)

The director of the Music Archive of Heiligenkreuz Abbey, P. Roman Nägele OCist, would like to call our attention to this interesting event in Heiligenkreuz Abbey. A detailed post about the life of the composer Ferdinand Rebay will follow next week. Courses for GUITAR – FLUTE – VOICE Closing concert...

26 July 2018

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RISM at the IAML Congress in Leipzig

This year’s IAML congress is just a short train ride away in Leipzig. From 22-27 July 2018 we will join our colleagues around the world at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig (HMT) for the annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and...

2 July 2018

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Müllner-Peter Symposium in Sachrang (Bavaria)

We have received the following from Steffen Voss (RISM Germany): This year marks the 175th anniversary of the death of Peter Huber, known as Müllner-Peter, the “Milner Peter from Sachrang” (1766-1843). Huber owned a mill in the small mountain village of Sachrang in the Chiemgau region of Bavaria and was...

28 June 2018

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A Musical Guide to the World Cup

Summer can officially begin! The World Cup is here. Tonight is the first game of the 2018 World Cup, in which the men’s teams of 32 nations will compete for the ultimate prize in soccer. We’re starting the group stage with a look at the musical sources for each of...

14 June 2018

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
