Archive des actualités – Evénements

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Second IAML Congress Diary from Prague

We continue our reflections on the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres congress in Prague. Part one can be found here. Von Guido Kraus: Nach einer dreijährigen Pandemie bedingten Pause war es wieder soweit. Das internationale Musikbibliothekswesen gab sich ein Stelldichein in der historischen Metropole Prag ganz...

23 August 2022

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First IAML Congress Diary from Prague

The RISM Editorial Center was well represented at this year’s annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Prague. In traditional IAML Congress Diary style, we offer you the first of our impressions from Prague, with the usual linguistic mix. Part two will follow...

18 August 2022

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RISM Online launched at the IAML congress in Prague

We are pleased to announce the public launch of RISM Online, a new service designed by our colleagues at the RISM Digital Center. This search tool is intended to complement the RISM Catalog that our users have known for many years, and provide them with alternative ways and means of...

28 July 2022

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RISM at the 2022 IAML Congress in Prague

This year’s annual IAML Congress will take place in Prague from 24–29 July, an event we look forward to every year—and this year even more so, after two years of postponements due to the coronavirus pandemic. RISM has a full week of events planned, capping off with a special RISM...

14 July 2022

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Musical Sources: Past and Future — An International Conference Celebrating 70 Years of RISM

7–9 October 2022, Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz (Germany) Founded in 1952 by representatives of the International Musicological Society (IMS) and the International Association of Music Libraries (IAML), the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) has long set the standard in the field of musical source studies. Over the...

9 May 2022

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International Women's Day: Women Pianists in RISM

In 2018 we published a post about women pianists in RISM to celebrate International Women’s Day. Since then, the number of women pianists in RISM has grown from 250 to over 400. All the more reason to give you an update. Since RISM is a database that documents specific sources...

8 March 2022

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Musical Dedications, in Love and Friendship

Dédié à Madame Son Epouse —Jean-Baptiste Krumpholtz Al mio amico F. Brizzi —Fabio Campana Composed, and most humbly Dedicated (by Permission) His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge —Catherine Hyde Solari Meinem lieben “Basler Liederkranz” gewidmet —Edwin Schlumpf Valentine’s Day is a time to think about those who you hold...

14 February 2022

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Happy Holidays 2021!

The RISM Editorial Center wishes you all the best for a festive holiday season, fittingly with a historical Christmas and New Year’s card from as early as 1843. We are grateful for your interest in our work and in particular for your valuable contributions that help us improve our service...

20 December 2021

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RISM: How is it good for musicians?

As its multilingual name suggests, the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen seeks to represent the interests of higher music education institutions on an international level. Besides its annual congresses, the AEC organizes several events dedicated to more specific areas, most recently the Early Music Platform 2021,...

16 December 2021

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Liturgical Festivals in the Western Church for the Christmas Season

The church year in Western Christianity begins with the First Sunday of Advent during the Christmas season. Ever since the liturgical reform after the Second Vatican Council, the Christmas cycle in the Roman Catholic church lasts forty days, until Epiphany (Trium Regum in RISM) on 6 January. Prior to the...

6 December 2021

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
