News archive
RISM at the International Music Council's "70 Projects for 70 Years" Exhibition
The International Music Council (IMC) will celebrate its 70th anniversary this year and will mark the occasion during the 6th World Forum of Music, which will take place from 27 September to 1 October 2019 in Paris. At the center of the Forum is the IMC’s 5 Music Rights statement...
16 September 2019 – Events
Happy Birthday, Clara Wieck-Schumann!
We have received the following from Marina Schieke-Gordienko, Division Head, Music Department, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz. A longer version of this appeared in Bibliotheksmagazin (2/2019). Clara Wieck-Schumann was probably the most famous pianist of the 19th century, but she was also a composer, editor, piano teacher, and concert...
12 September 2019 – Musical anniversaries
2019 Upgrade of the RISM Catalog
RISM and the Bavarian State Library (BSB, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) announce a major upgrade of the RISM online catalog at One year ago, the RISM Catalog interface was redesigned and many improvements were added. Today’s release comes one year after that major upgrade. The main focus of development was on...
9 September 2019 – RISM online catalog
Caroline Pichler at 250
Caroline von Greiner was born on 7 September 1769 in Vienna. She was an Austrian writer and poet who was born into an artistic family. In 1796 she married Andreas Pichler (1764–1837), a secretary in the government. She hosted a salon in Vienna for many years that was visited by...
5 September 2019 – Musical anniversaries
Digital Musicology at Oxford Summer School
I’ve been wanting to attend the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) for some time now, thanks to glowing reviews from librarian friends. I was glad when my summer plans finally aligned with this year’s Summer School, and directly after the IAML Congress in Kraków I hopped over to...
2 September 2019 – Events
The Many Lives of Baron Friedrich von Boyneburgk
We were very pleased to receive this post from Klaus Rettinghaus (Leipzig). The RISM data have since been revised. The changes will be visible after the next update of the RISM catalog. Authority data can be a big help in finding materials related to specific entities, usually individuals. This is...
29 August 2019 – New at RISM
Congress Diary from IAML Kraków 2019
Three people from the RISM Central Office attended the annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Kraków, Poland. In traditional Congress Diary style, we offer you their impressions from Kraków with each contributor writing in their native language. Klaus Keil: Dass der IAML...
26 August 2019 – Events
RISM and Digital Musicology: Utrecht 2019
To accompany this past July’s Digital Humanities conference in Utrecht, musicologists and computer scientists gathered for a meeting in which numerous short presentations were given. Digital musicology was the theme of the study group, which comprised around 50 people and met at Utrecht University, and the event was primarily organized...
22 August 2019 – Events
A Surprise Publication from 1619
Almost exactly 400 years ago in Rome, Luca Antonio Soldi (ca. 1558-1627) published the second collection of Concertini a due a tre, et a quattro voci di Gregorio Allegri con il Basso continuo. The first publication of 1618 unfortunately has not survived. The collection of motets for two to five...
19 August 2019 – Musical anniversaries
Using and Reusing RISM Data
The RISM data—all 1.1 million musical sources, plus over 200,000 authority files—are available as linked data and linked open data for anyone to use, manipulate, explore, and research. We would like to call your attention to two recent initiatives that make use of the RISM data. The Edirom Summer School...
15 August 2019 – RISM Digital Center