Archive des actualités – Nouveautés

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The 2021 Annual Report

The 2021 annual report for the RISM Editorial Center has now been published. You can read the report in its entirety on the RISM website. Here are some of the highlights: The year 2021 was still overshadowed by the COVID pandemic and the diverse social restrictions inevitably also hindered RISM...

21 April 2022

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A concerto for a “trombone god”—finally, Ferdinand David’s Concertino op. 4 in Henle Urtext

The following is by Dominik Rahmer and was first published on the Henle blog in a slightly longer form. It is reprinted here with kind permission. The trombone is an instrument with a venerable though also chequered history. After its first great heyday in the Renaissance and early Baroque, it...

31 January 2022

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El cantoral E-Zac, C-3 Ms 18 de Zaragoza

We have received the following from Carmen Álvarez Escandel: Carmen Álvarez Escandell: “El cantoral E-Zac, C-3 Ms 18 de Zaragoza, con obras de Morales, Guerrero, Victoria, Pujol y Berges.” Cuadernos de Investigación Musical 14 (enero-junio 2022): 115-187. Available online. During the course of cataloging a songbook kept in the Music...

27 January 2022

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New Catalogue of the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz, Poland

We have received the following from Magda Walter-Mazur (RISM Poland). We previously reported on this cataloguing project in August 2021. The first part of the catalogue documenting the music collection of the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz has just been released. The book is the work of Magdalena Walter-Mazur, Karolina Kaźmierczak...

13 December 2021

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The Hits of the 1790s: Charles Dibdin’s "The Wags"

We have received the following from David Chandler (Retrospect Opera): Charles Dibdin’s The Wags (1790) was by far the most successful of his celebrated one-man shows, or, as he liked to call them (developing the idea of tabletalk), “Table Entertainments.” As the leading singer-songwriter of his era, he would stand...

7 October 2021

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New on our Bookshelves in 2021

We have some recent acquisitions on our bookshelves that are indispensable for our work when cataloging musical sources. Stefan Antweiler: Ein vergessener Komponist. Der Schumann-Zeitgenosse W. E. Scholz. Bibliographisch-thematisches Verzeichnis. Cologne: Are, 2019. 340 p. ISBN 978-3-9245-2277-3. Short title in RISM: SchzWV. This contemporary of Schuman is getting attention for...

30 August 2021

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Book Presentation: The Mozart Nachlass

We have received the following from Eva Neumayr (RISM Salzburg): This year marks the 230th birthday of Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, the youngest son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, born on 26 July 1791. When he died in 1844 in Karlsbad, it was by no means clear that his substantial music...

5 August 2021

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New on our Bookshelves: The Basset Horn in Italy

Last year Adriano Amore released his eighth publication about clarinets in Italy, Il Corno di bassetto in Italia. The book’s eight chapters serve as a comprehensive survey, starting with questions of terminology and reaching to a discography. The chapter with quotations about the basset horn range from Francescos Antolini’s La...

14 June 2021

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Rediscovering Eugène Ysaÿe

We have received the following from Marie Cornaz (RISM Belgium, Section de la Musique - Muziekafdeling, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique - Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België): We have to pleasure to inform you about the publication of a biography on the violinist, pedagogue, composer, conductor and concert organizer Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931),...

31 May 2021

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Creating Your Own Catalog Printout from the RISM Database

Musicologists and librarians working on diverse projects frequently approach the Editorial Center to have RISM records gathered and printed as a separate catalog. Such catalogs may be needed for all sorts of reasons: to publish a printed catalog of the holdings of a collection, to provide funding agencies and sponsors...

17 May 2021

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
