Archive des actualités
Happy Birthday - Brahms und Tschaikowski!
Dieser Beitrag ist ein Auszug einesArtikels von David Plylar, der im Original “In the Muse”-Blog der Library of Congress erschien. Am 7. Mai haben Brahms und Tschaikowski Geburtstag — ein jährliches Ereignis seit Tschaikowski 1840, sieben Jahre nach Brahms, das Licht der Welt erblickte. Dieses zufällig gemeinsame Datum gibt Anlass...
7 May 2015 – Collections de bibliothèques
A Peek Inside Beethoven's Workshop
The large-scale research project Beethovens Werkstatt (Beethoven’s Workshop), which is based at the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn and the Musicology Seminar in Detmold and Paderborn, is a project coordinated by the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz (also the main sponsor of the RISM Zentralredaktion). The research team, now...
4 May 2015 – Ressources en ligne
International Tuba Day on 1 May
Tomorrow, the first Friday in May, is International Tuba Day! This day recognizes “tubists in musical organizations around the world who have to go through the hassle of handling a tuba,” according to the official website. One of the most famous works for tuba is Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Concerto for...
30 April 2015 – Evénements
In memoriam: Joachim Schlichte-Bierbaum (1947-2015)
On Monday, April 20, 2015, Dr. Joachim Schlichte-Bierbaum died of heart disease at the age of 68. From 1982 to 1990, he was the director of the RISM Central Office. Schlichte was born in Lübeck in 1947 and studied music education, choral conducting, German studies, art history, and musicology in...
28 April 2015 – In memoriam
New Research on Mexican Sources
During the month of April, Dr. John Lazos is spending his time between research at various Mexican archives and giving a seminar at the Faculty of Music of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Dr. Lazos has been awarded a bursary from the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las...
23 April 2015 – Collections de bibliothèques
RISM Colloquium and Open House
We’re in our fourth month at our new office, and it’s time to celebrate! Join us April 23-24 for our RISM colloquium and open house. The colloquium will feature reports from working groups. Our colleagues from Austria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, South Korea, and the United Kingdom...
20 April 2015 – Evénements
RISM Data as Open Data and Linked Open Data
RISM data have been available as open data since 2013, and as linked open data since the summer of 2014. The RISM open data are available on the linked open data page of the RISM online catalog. This link allows you to download the entire batch. What does this mean?...
16 April 2015 – Catalogue RISM en ligne
Introducing the Ewha Music Data Base (EMDB)
The following is by Hyun Kyung Chae, director of RISM South Korea: The Ewha Music Research Institute (EMRI) recently completed a 3-year project to establish a database of East Asia’s Educational Music Documents in October 2014. The result, Ewha Music Data Base (EMDB), now showcases the EMRI’s work of collecting...
14 April 2015 – Ressources en ligne
Frederick the Great
Music at the court of Frederick the Great has fascinated scholars for decades and a flury of activity arose when “Old Fritz” celebrated his tercentenary in 2012, with books, concerts, and conferences around the world. Work from our colleagues at RISM Germany even turned up an autograph manuscript by the...
8 April 2015 – RISM A-Z
Composers identified in Dresden's royal music collections
This article is by Nina Eichholz (SLUB Dresden) and originally appeared on the Hofmusik in Dresden(Dresden Court Music) project website. It is reprinted here with kind permission. In the DFG project Hofkirche und Königliche Privat-Musikaliensammlung (Dresden Court Church and Royal Private Music Sheet Collection), which has been underway for the...
2 April 2015 – Collections de bibliothèques