Archive des actualités
RISM Data, Big Data
The RISM online catalog currently contains over 1,052,000 records. When you count these along with 101,000 authority files for people, 63,000 for institutions, and 32,000 for secondary literature, that’s a lot of data! All of it is freely available as linked open data under a Creative Commons license, but what...
8 September 2016 – Nouveautés
Johann Jacob Rambach, Theologian and Writer
Johann Jacob Rambach (1693-1735) first completed an apprenticeship as a joiner before he turned to theology. Born in Halle, Rambach published works on hermeneutics and various collections of sermons. But a further 360 of his song texts have also survived. In fact, many composers drew upon his publication Geistliche Poesien...
5 September 2016 – Nouveautés
"Thematic catalogue of 17th-century organ tablatures from the Liegnitz Bibliotheca Rudolphina" by Elżbieta Wojnowska
A thematic catalog by Elżbieta Wojnowska (1949-2012) has just been published by the National Library of Poland: Elżbieta Wojnowska, Thematic Catalogue of 17th-Century Organ Tablatures from the Liegnitz Bibliotheca Rudolphina, ed. Tomasz Jeż. Warsaw: Biblioteka Narodowa, 2016. The catalog documents four manuscript organ tablatures that were originally held by the...
1 September 2016 – Nouveautés
The House of Kinsky
This entry in the series RISM A–Z brings us to Kinsky, a noble family that has a long history of ties to music. If you say the name Kinsky today, fans of music history might first think of Ferdinand Johannes Nepomuk Joseph Fürst Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau, or Ferdinand...
29 August 2016 – RISM A-Z
Happy Birthday, Edmée Sophie Gail (1775-1819)
Edmée Sophie Gail was born on August 28, 1775 in Paris and showed musical talent as a singer and composer from a young age. The start of the French Revolution coincided with the publication of Gail’s first songs in magazines, and Gail was able to continue work as a singer...
25 August 2016 – Anniversaires
Fête des Vignerons
Preparations are already underway for a major event that will take place from 26 July to 11 August 2019 in Vevey, Switzerland. The Fête des Vignerons (Winegrowers Festival) is not only a special occasion because it takes place in irregular intervals about every 25 years. The engagement of the town’s...
22 August 2016 – Evénements
RISM at IAML, Part 2: What's New in 2016
A month ago we were basking in the warm Italian sun and feasting upon the many presentations that were given as part of the IAML Congress in Rome. Recently we gave you an update on the progress of our new cataloging program, Muscat (and was kindly translated into Spanish by...
15 August 2016 – Evénements
Conference: Documenting Musical Sources in Latin America
RISM will be hosting a conference entitled Documenting Musical Sources in Latin America that will take place on September 15, 2016 as a peripheral event of the annual congress of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (German Society for Music Research) in Mainz. RISM has invited speakers from Latin America to share...
8 August 2016 – Evénements
New RISM Publications in Chinese
The Chinese Version of Brochure and entry “RISM” of Chinese Wikipedia are both officially online! With the assistance of RISM Zentralredaktion and international advisors Dr. Nora YEH and Prof. Judy TSOU, RISM Chinese Language Region has completed the Chinese translation of the brochure and Wikipedia article for the entry “RISM.”...
1 August 2016 – Nouveautés
Two sources, lots of material for research – the digital Annaberger Chorbücher
The two Annaberg choirbooks described below have been documented by the RISM working group in Dresden and are detailed in the RISM online catalog. The two manuscript collections can be found at the SLUB with the shelfmarks Mus.1-D-505 (link in RISM) and Mus.1-D-506 (link in RISM). The RISM records were...
28 July 2016 – Collections de bibliothèques