Archive des actualités
Looking back 300 years ago: Mattheson's "Der brauchbare Virtuoso" from 1720
It’s not only numerous composers who are celebrating major anniversaries: compositions are too. When you think of Johann Mattheson, you might first think of his writings that appeared in Hamburg, Der vollkommene Capellmeister (1739) or his Grundlage einer Ehren-Pforte (1740). But this time we’re going to look at the twelve...
27 July 2020 – Anniversaires
The Music for Richard Wagner's "Rienzi" Preserved in Dresden
This weekend was supposed to see the opening of the Wagner Festival in Bayreuth. Instead, a full, alternative program is planned. We’ll take this opportunity to take a look at the music preserved for Richard Wagner’s Rienzi, which was used in Dresden over a long period of time. The music...
23 July 2020 – A la une
Das Notenmaterial zu Richard Wagners "Rienzi" in Dresden
In Bayreuth wären am kommenden Wochenende die Festspiele eröffnet worden; stattdessen gibt es ein umfangreiches Ersatzprogramm. Wir nutzen die Gelegenheit und werfen einen Blick in das Notenmaterial zu Richard Wagners Rienzi, welches über einen langen Zeitraum in Dresden verwendet wurde. Das Material wird in zwei Einheiten im Notenarchiv der Sächsischen...
23 July 2020 – Ressources en ligne
Workshop on Printed Music at the Chopin Institute, Warsaw
We have received the following from Marcelina Chojecka (Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, Warsaw): On 10 July 2020 we held a lecture and training session called “A few identification methods for printed music from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.” Participants under Jeremiusz Glensk’s direction learned how to identify editions, issues,...
20 July 2020 – Evénements
Giovanni (Battista) Bononcini’s 350th Birthday
Giovanni Bononcini (born 18 July 1670 in Modena - died 9 July 1744 in Vienna) was from a musical family and probably received his first lessons from his father, who died early. Beginning in 1678, he took cello lessons from Giovanni Paolo Colonna. After several stations in Italy, Vienna became...
16 July 2020 – Anniversaires
New Records from the Moravian Music Foundation now in RISM
We have received the following from Barbara Strauss, Moravian Music Foundation (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA). The Salem Collegium Musicum Collection is now in RISM (library siglum: US-WS). The Salem Collegium Musicum collection includes primarily instrumental chamber and small-orchestra music, as well as some oratorios, vocal collections, keyboard music and band...
13 July 2020 – Collections de bibliothèques
Music and Dance for the Recovery of King Philip III of Spain
Around exactly 400 years ago, the printed music anthology Breve Racconto della Festa a Ballo was published in Naples by Costantino Vitale, of which only one copy is known today, held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn). The Festa a Ballo is one of the few examples of Italian...
9 July 2020 – Anniversaires
Musik und Tanz zur Gesundung König Felipes III. von Spanien
Vor ziemlich genau 400 Jahren erschien in Neapel bei Costantino Vitale der Sammeldruck Breve Racconto della Festa a Ballo, von dem heute lediglich ein Exemplar in der Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn) erhalten ist. Die Festa a Ballo ist eines der wenigen aus Italien stammenden Zeugnisse höfischer Tanzveranstaltungen mit Musik...
9 July 2020 – Nouveau au RISM
The Gerald Coke Handel Collection at the Foundling Museum
The following is by Katharine Hogg (The Foundling Museum, GB-Lfom) and originally appeared on the IAML UK & Ireland blog. It is reprinted here with kind permission. The Gerald Coke Handel Collection at the Foundling Museum comprises over 12,000 items from the eighteenth century to the present, and is a...
6 July 2020 – Collections de bibliothèques
Revising Records for Post-1600 Printed Anthologies: There is an End in Sight!
The project that began in November 2018 to revise the B/I records for printed music anthologies from 1601 to 1700, of which the printed editions up to 1610 have been online since March 2019, is slowly but surely coming to an end. Entries up to 1650 are completely online and...
2 July 2020 – Nouveau au RISM