Introductory Muscat Workshops in November (FULL)
Thursday, October 22, 2020

The workshops are now full. If you are interested in attending a future Muscat workshop, please write to and we will let you know when future dates have been set.
The RISM Central Office will be hosting an online, introductory two-part workshop on cataloging musical sources using the program Muscat. The workshop is geared towards people who are planning on collaborating with RISM, but anyone interested in Muscat or RISM’s cataloging guidelines is welcome to attend. Sessions in English and German will be offered. The workshop is offered at no charge.
Monday, November 16, 2020
10:00-11:30 AM (German) and 4:00-5:30 PM (English) Central European Time (CET)
RISM Workshop 1: Muscat basics
In this workshop Muscat will be demonstrated and participants will learn how to catalog a music manuscript. -
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
10:00-11:30 AM (German) and 4:00-5:30 PM (English) Central European Time (CET)
RISM Workshop 2: Continuation
This session will continue the skills learned in Monday’s session. Participants will learn how to catalog manuscript collections as well as printed music. Basic knowledge of Muscat is required, either from the Monday session or participation in a previous Muscat workshop.
Muscat is web-based (no installation required), but please note the technical requirements. The workshop will be held online using Zoom.
This workshop will be given again in the spring and fall of 2021. Additional workshops can be held upon request.
Muscat is used by the RISM project to catalog music manuscripts from any time period up to the present, printed materials until ca. 1900, as well as libretti and treatises.
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