RISM Bibliography in Chronological Order
Publications about RISM
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Albrecht, Hans. “Zur Frage eines neuen Quellenlexikons.” In Société Internationale de Musicologie, Quatrième Congrès, Bale, 29 Juin au 3 Juillet 1949. Compte Rendu. Internationale Gesellschaft Für Musikwissenschaft, Vierter Kongress, Basel, 29. Juni Bis 3. Juli 1949, Kongressbericht. International Musicological Society, Forth [sic] Congress, Basle, June 29-July 3, 1949 Report, 37–38. Basel: Bärenreiter, 1951.
Fleischer, Herbert. “Florenz,” Stimmen: Monatsblätter für Musik 18 (1949): 523-524.
Bukofzer, Manfred F. “Toward a new inventory of musical sources.” Notes 8 (1950-1951): 265-278. Available online.
Blume, Friedrich. “Zum Plan eines Internationalen Quellenlexikons der Musik.” Die Musikforschung, 5, no. 4 (1952): 307-315. Available online.
Hill, Richard S. “International Inventory of Musical Sources: The Joint Committee Meeting in Paris, January 1952.” Notes 9, no. 2 (1952): 213–25. Available online.
Masson, Paul-Marie. “Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales.” Revue de Musicologie 34, no. 101/102 (1952): 50–60. Available online.
“R.I.S.M.” Bulletin d’Information (International Association of Music Libraries) 1, no. 1 (1952): 4–5. Available online.
Blume, Friedrich. “Current Report on the International Inventory of Musical Sources.” Notes 10, no. 3 (1953): 365–66. Available online.
Blume, Friedrich. “Répertoire international des sources musicales. Rapport du Président de la Commission Mixte du R.I.S.M.” Nouvelles Musicologiques / Muziekwetenschappelijk Nieuws. Revue Belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift Voor Muziekwetenschap 7, no. 1 (1953): 62–63. Available online.
In Federov, Vladimir, editor. Troisième Congrès international des bibliothèques musicales Paris : 22-25 juillet 1951. Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1953:
- Blume, Friedrich. “Die Frage eines internationalen Quellenlexikons der Musik.” 20-24.
- Hill, Richard S. “The U.S. position on the International Inventory of Musical Sources.” 28-32.
- Hill, Richard S. “Some pros and cons regarding an International Code for cataloging Practical Music.” 37-45.
- Federov, Vladimir. “La Commission provisoire. Le Congrès. Les Statuts.” 18-19.
- Girardon, Renée. “Rapport sur la nécessité d’un nouveau Recueil International des Sources Musicales.” 32-36.
- Pirrotta, Nino. “Fondi musicali non inventariati nè catalogati.” 46-47.
- Zehnter, Hans. “A propos de la refonte d’un Répertoire international des Sources musicales.” 24-28.
Blume, Friedrich. “Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik.” Fontes Artis Musicae 1, no. 1 (1954): 19-22. Available online.
Lesure, François. “RISM identifications. Les anonymes des Recueils imprimés du XVIe siècle (I).” Fontes Artis Musicae 1, no. 2 (1954): 78-84. Available online.
Bridgman, Nanie. “Enquête provisoire sur les fonds musicaux des bibliothèques provinciales de France.” Fontes Artis Musicae 1, no. 2 (1954): 84-87. Available online.
Lesure, François. “RISM identifications. Les anonymes des Recueils imprimés du XVIe siècle (II).” Fontes Artis Musicae 2, no. 1 (1955): 37-39. Available online.
Blume, Friedrich. “Problèmes musicologiques d’un Répertoire des Sources musicales.” Fontes Artis Musicae 3 (1956): 44-48. Available online.
Lesure, François. “Quelques conséquences bibliographiques et techniques d’un Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” Fontes Artis Musicae 3, no. 1 (1956): 49-50. Available online. Also published in Congrès international des bibliothèques et des centres de documentation (Belgium, 1955).
Lesure, François. “Le RISM. Deux ans d’experience.” Fontes Artis Musicae 3, no. 1 (1956): 144-146. Available online.
Reese, Gustave, Paul Henry Lang, and Richard S. Hill. “Special Announcement concerning the International Inventory of Musical Sources.” Notes 13, no. 2 (March 1956): 195-196. Available online.
Schanzlin, Peter. “Die Mitarbeit der Schweiz am ‘Répertoire International des Sources Musicales’.” Schweizerische Musikforschende Gesellschaft – Mitteilungsblatt 25 (1956): 1-5.
Schanzlin, Peter. “Musik-Sammeldrucke des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts in schweizerischen Bibliotheken.” Fontes Artis Musicae 4, no. 1 (1957): 38-42. Available online.
King, Alec Hyatt. “The Music Librarian and his tasks, national and international.” Fontes Artis Musicae 6, no. 2 (1959): 54. Available online.
Lesure, François. “Une étape vers l’inventaire général de la musique ancienne: Le RISM / A step toward a General Inventory of Ancient Music: the RISM / Ein Schritt vorwärts zu einem Generalverzeichnis alter Musik — RISM.” The World of Music: Bulletin of the International Music Council: 2, no. 2 (April 1960): 29-30. Available online.
Shepard, Brooks. “The International Inventory Up-to-Date.” Notes 18, no. 1 (1960): 40–42. Available online.
Duckles, Vincent, Virginia Cunningham, and Edward E. Colby. “The Washington Library Institute.” Notes 18, no. 4 (1961): 558–64. Available online.
“Editorial.” The Musical Quarterly 47 (1961): 91-94. Available online.
Heartz, Daniel. “The Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 14 (1961): 268-273. Available online.
Jacquot, Jean. “La musique pour luth.” In Report of the Eighth Congress of the International Musicological Society. I: Papers, edited by Jan LaRue, 75-88. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1961.
Weinmann, Alexander. “Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik.” Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 16 (1961): 168-170.
Lang, Paul Henry, Gustave Reese, and Harold Spivacke. “The International Inventory: American Secretariat.” Notes 20, no. 1 (1962): 45–46. Available online.
“RISM: The Washington Meeting.” Fontes Artis Musicae 9, no. 1 (1962): 3-28. Available online.
Contained therein:
- Friedrich Blume, Opening address, p. 3-5
- Vladimir Fédorov, “The International Joint Commission of the RISM,” p. 5-7
- François Lesure, “The Central Secretariat of RISM, Paris,” p. 7-9
- Harald Heckmann, “The RISM Central Office, Kassel,” p. 9-12
- Wolfgang Rehm, “Report on the Financial Situation of the RISM Since the Year 1953,” p. 13-15
- Nathan Broder, “The American Representation in the International Inventory of Musical Sources,” p. 16
- Donald Mintz, “International Inventory of Musical Sources • American Secretariat,” p. 16-19
- Robert Stevenson, “Latin American Archives,” p. 19-21
- Helmut Kallmann, “RISM Report About Canada,” p. 21-22
- Helmut Federhofer, “The RISM in Austria,” p. 22-23
- René-bernard Lenaerts, “RISM Work in Belgium (a Brief Summary),” p. 23-24
- François Lesure, “The RISM in France,” p. 24
- Hans Halm, “The Task of RISM in Western Germany, p. 24-25
- Alexander Hyatt King, “The International Inventory of Musical Sources in the United Kingdom,” p. 26
- Eduard Reeser, “Report on RISM in Holland,” p. 26
- Claudio Sartori, “The RISM Work in Italy,” p. 27
- Miguel Querol Gavalda , “The RISM in Spain,” p. 27-28
Broder, Nathan and Donald Mintz. “Joint U.S. committee, International Inventory of Musical Sources.” Reports. Journal of the American Musicological Society 16, no. 1 (1963): 119–20. Available online.
Heckmann, Harald. “Jahrestagung der IVMB in Mailand — Annual Meeting of IAML in Milan — Réunion de l’AIBM à Milan: RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 10, no. 1/2 (Januar-Dezember 1963): 6-7. Available online.
Vellkoop, Gerrit. “Muziek en archief.” Mens en Melodie 18 (1963): 6-10.
Weinhold, Liesbeth. “RISM im Rahmen der Musikdokumentation.” In Bericht über den internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongreß, 341-342. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1963.
Blume, Friedrich. “Répertoire International Des Sources Musicales (RISM).” Fontes Artis Musicae 11, no. 2 (1964): 71–74. Available online.
Blume, Friedrich. “Report on the Current Organizations and Plans of RISM.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 17 (1964): 415. Available online.
Broder, Nathan. “Joint U.S. committee, International Inventory of Musical Sources.” Reports. Journal of the American Musicological Society 17, no. 1 (1964): 118–27. Available online.
“Fünfzehn Jahre ‘Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik’.” Musica 18 (1964): 325.
“Notices.” (List of American institutions cooperating with the Inventory) Journal of the American Musicological Society 17, no. 2 (1964): 234–37. Available online.
“Notices.” [Continuation of list from 17, no. 2] Journal of the American Musicological Society 17, no. 3 (1964): 425–27. Available online.
Sartori, Claudio. “Le RISM et l’Italie. A l’aventure dans les bibliothèques italiennes. “ Fontes Artis Musicae 11 (1964): 28-33. Available online.
Gleich, Clemens-Christoph von. “Le Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) et les collections théâtrales.” Acts of the VIIth International Congress of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts/Actes du VIIe Congrès international des bibliotèques-musées des arts du spectacle. The Hague: Netherlands Centre of the International Theatre Institute, 1965?
Heckmann, Harald. “Fünfzehn Jahre ‘Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik’.” The World of Music 7 (1965): 18-19.
“Notices.” [Continuation of list from 17, no. 2] Journal of the American Musicological Society 18, no. 1 (1965): 115–16. Available online.
“Notices.” [Continuation of list from 17, no. 2] Journal of the American Musicological Society 18, no. 3 (1965): 438–40. Available online.
Riedel, Friedrich W. “Zur Geschichte der musikalischen Quellenüberlieferung und Quellenkunde.” Acta musicologica 38 (1966): 3-27. Available online.
Heckmann, Harald. “Jahrestagung der IVMB in Warschau—IAML Annual Conference in Warsaw—Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Varsovie: RISM. Fontes artis musicae 14, no. 1-2 (1967): 63. Available online.
Shirley, Wayne D. “RISM: A Report on US Activities.” Notes 23, no. 3 (1967): 477-497. Available online.
Kempers, K. “Ph. Bernet: Das Sigel RISM 1553 11 und 1553 16.” Fontes Artis Musicae 15 (1968): 108-110.
Schlager, Karlheinz and Joscelyn Godwin. “RISM, Series A: A Progress Report.” Notes 25 (1968): 209-210. Available online.
Weinhold, Liesbeth. “Der Anteil der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am Internationalen Quellenlexikon der Musik.” Fontes Artis Musicae 15 (1968): 102-107.
“Répertoire international des Sources Musicales. Protokoll über die RISM-Sitzungen.” Fontes Artis Musicae 16 (1969): 20-24.
Briguglio, Carmela. “Indice del R.I.S.M. (Répertoire international des sources musicales), Recueils imprimés XVIe–XVIIe siècles di François Lesure, 1960: G. Henle Verlag, München-Duisburg, stampato in Germania.” PhD diss., Università degli Studi di Messina, 1970.
Schiødt, Nanna. “RISM: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” Dansk Musiktidsskrift 45 (1970): 91-96. Available online.
Theurich, Jutta. “Die Arbeiten am RISM in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.” Fontes Artis Musicae 17 (1970): 28-32. Available online.
BM. “Für die Forschungsarbeit von Generationen.” Hessisch-Niedersächsische Allgemeine, September 29, 1971.
Heckmann, Harald. “Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM).” Jahrestagung der IVMB in Leipzig / IAML annual Conference in Leipzig / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Leipzig. Fontes Artis Musicae 18, no. 1/2 (Januar-August 1971): 73. Available online.
Blume, Friedrich. “Zwanzig Jahre RISM.” Acta musicologica 44 (1972): 171-180. Available online.
Lesure, François. “Recueils imprimés, XVIIIe siècle (RISM B/II): Supplement.” Notes 28 (1972): 397-418. Available online.
Münster, Robert. “Ein Quellenlexikon der Musik.” Börsenblatt für den Deutschen Buchhandel - Frankfurter Ausgabe, June 30, 1972.
“Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, January 23, 1973.
Krummel, Donald W. “Project RISM-XIX: Bibliographical Control of the Printed Music of the Nineteenth Century.” Fontes Artis Musicae 20 (1973): 11-14.
Prokopowicz, Maria. Sprawozdanie [Report] of Konferencja Międzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Bibliotek Muzycznych (Association Internationale des Bibliotheques Musicales). Bolonia, September 9-15, 1972. Muzyka 18 (1973): 134-137.
Schlager, Karlheinz. “RISM A/I: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit.” Die Musikforschung 26, no. 1 (1973): 89-91. Available online.
Schmieder, Wolfgang. “Bemerkungen zum ‘neuen Eitner’.” Die Musikforschung 26, no. 1 (1973): 81-89. Available online.
Schmieder, Wolfgang. “Erwiderung auf Karlheinz Schlager: RISM A/I: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit.” Die Musikforschung 26, no. 1 (1973): 91-92. Available online.
“Jahrestagung der IVMB in London / IAML annual Conference in London / Réunion annuelle de l’AIBM à Londres: RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 21, no. 1/2 (Januar-August 1974). Available online.
- Heckmann, Harald. “RISM”, p. 18
- Schlager, Karlheinz. “Mitteilungen der Zentralredaktion Kassel zu den alphabetischen Serien A/I und A/II,” p. 18-19.
Weinmann, Alexander. “Neue Ergebnisse der RISM-Quellenforschung.” Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 29 (1974): 440-442. Available online.
Böker-Heil, Norbert. “Computer-Einsatz bei der Serie A/II RISM: Möglichkeiten, Bedingungen, Vorschläge.” Fontes Artis Musicae 22 (1975): 86-89.
Lesure, François. “Un nouveau départ pour le RISM?” Fontes Artis Musicae 22 (1975): 85-86.
“Neue Pläne für RISM; Die Ziele des Advisory Research Committee (ARC).” Fontes Artis Musicae 22 (1975): 83-85.
Jenny, Markus. “Die gedruckten musikalischen Quellen des deutschen Kirchenliedes.” Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie 20 (1976): 182-187.
Rösing, Helmut. “Zur Planung und zum gegenwärtigen Stand des RISM Handschriftenprojekts.” Fontes Artis Musicae 23 (1976): 2-6.
Schiødt, Nanna. “Musicat. A method of cataloguing manuscripts by computer as applied in the Danish RISM manuscript project.” Fontes Artis Musicae 23 (1976): 158-166.
Heckmann, Harald. “IAML Annual Conference in Bergen: RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 24 (1977): 31-34.
Lopez-Calo, José. “The RISM A/II Project in Spain.” Fontes Artis Musicae 24 (1977): 34-35.
Sartori, Claudio. “L’Ufficio Ricerche Musicali ha compiuto dieci anni.” AIB bolletin d’informazioni 17/3 (1977): 224-226.
Schiødt, Nanna and Sybille Reventlow. RISM-Katalogen. Manuskripter i danske samlinger: en introduktion. København: 1977-1978.
Dorfmüller, Kurt. “RISM’s wechselnde Gesichter / The changing face of RISM / Les visages changeants de RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 25 (1978): 285-293.
Lopez-Calo, José. “RISM-España: un proyecto ambicioso.” Revista de Musicología de la Sociedad Española de Musicología 1 (1978): 254-260. Available online.
Mathiesen, Thomas J. “Towards a Corpus of Ancient Greek Music Theory. A New Catalogue raisonné Planned for RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 25 (1978): 119-134.
Rösing, Helmut. “Fürstlich Hohenlohe-Langenburg’sche Schlossbibliothek: Katalog der Musikhandschriften [test of RISM series A/II].” Fontes Artis Musicae 25 (1978): 295-411.
Rösing, Helmut. “Das Internationale Quellenlexikon der Musik. Zur Serie A. Drucke und Handschriften der Musik.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, November 4/5, 1978.
Bierbaum, Angelika, Jürgen Howitz, and Helmut Rösing. “Liste der Abkürzungen zur Serie A/II des RISM - List of Abbreviations for RISM Series A/II – Liste des abréviation pour la série A/II du RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 26 (1979): 251-257.
Boetticher, Wolfgang. “Zur inhaltlichen Bestimmung des für Laute intavolierten Handschriftenbestands.” Acta Musicologica 51 (1979): 193-203. Available online.
Esses, Maurice. “New information concerning some music research libraries in Spain.” Fontes Artis Musicae 26 (1979): 189-191.
Fenlon, Iain. “Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Secular Song ca. 1520-1600: A RISM Project.” Fontes Artis Musicae 26 (1979): 121-127.
“Il gruppo italiano del RISM.” Nuova rivista musicale italiana 13 (1979): 510-513.
Lesure, François. “Écrits imprimés sur la musique: Addenda et corrigenda to RISM B/VI.” Fontes Artis Musicae 26 (1979): 1-4.
Rösing, Helmut. “Das Internationale Quellenlexikon der Musik in Kassel.” Informationen: Theater und Musik, Kunst und Wissenschaft in Kassel (1979): 10-11.
Rösing, Helmut. “RISM Handschriftenkatalogisierung und elektronische Datenverarbeitung (EDV).” Fontes Artis Musicae 26 (1979): 107-109.
Schlager, Karl-Heinz, Jürgen Kindermann, and Helmut Rösing. “RISM: zur Katalogisierung von Musikdrucken und Musikhandschriften der Serie A.” Acta musicologica 51 (1979): 173-192.
- Kindermann: “Anmerkungen zum Supplement der Serie A/I.” 182-183 Available online.
- Rösing: “Konzept und Realisation der Serie A/II des Internationalen Quellenlexikons der Musik.” 184-192 Available online.
- Schlager: “Von der Biographie zur Bibliographie, die Serie A/I des Internationalen Quellenlexikons der Musik und ihre Tradition.” 173-181. Available online.
Surian, Elvidio. “L’inventariazione del patrimonio bibliografico-musicale italiano.” Revista Italiana di Musicologia 14 (1979): 3-10.
Benton, Rita. “Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” In New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 15: 747-749. London: Macmillan, 1980.
Fabris, Dinko. “Corso Convegno a Roma per la schedatura dei manoscritti musicali.” Nuova rivista musicale italiana 14 (1980): 671-673.
Sattler, Juliane. “Bereits 200.000 Musikhandschriften nachgewiesen.” Hessisch-Niedersächsische Allgemeine, November 7, 1980.
Schwandt, Erich. “Some 17th-century French Unica in Canada: Notes for RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 27, no. 3/4 (1980): 172-174. Available online.
Surian, Elvidio. “The Italian RISM Group: A Report on its Activity (1975-1979) and a Plan to Meet Future Tasks.” Fontes Artis Musicae 27 (1980): 23-25.
Alessandro, Domenico Antonio d’. “Ritorna alla luce il Fondo Musicale S. Martino presso la Biblioteca Musicale di Napoli.” Nuova rivista musicale italiana 15 (1981): 440-446.
Cossato, Paolo. “In città opera il centro internazionale (RISM).” L’Unità Venezia, January 2, 1981.
Haberkamp, Gertraut and Helmut Rösing. “Text- und Musikincipit-Register zu den Anhängen 1 und 2 in RISM A/I Band 9.” Fontes Artis Musicae 28 (1981): 259-306.
“Richtlinien für die RISM-Mitarbeiter der Serie A/II; Guidelines for RISM Co-workers on Series A/II; Directives pour les collaborateurs du RISM à la série A/II.” Fontes Artis Musicae 28 (1981): 130-143.
Willier, Stephen A. “The Present Location of Libraries Listed in Robert Eitner’s Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon.” Fontes Artis Musicae 28, no. 3 (1981): 220-239. Available online.
BM. “Für die gesamte Musikwelt.” Hessisch-Niedersächsische Allgemeine, March 26, 1982.
Fabris, Dinko. “Prime aggiunte italiane al volume RISM B/VII – intavolature mss. per liuto e chitarra.” Fontes Artis Musicae 29 (1982): 103-121.
Rösing, Helmut. “Sinn und Nutzen des Versuchs einer weltweiten Erfassung von Quellen der Musik.” In Quellenforschung in der Musikwissenschaft, edited by Georg Feder. Wolfenbütteler Forschungen 15, 57-66. Wolfenbüttel, 1982.
“Unentbehrliche Fundgrube.” Musica 36 (1982): 373.
Bierbaum, Angelika, Helmut Rösing, and Joachim Schlichte. “RISM Serie A/II Musikhandschriften 1600-1800. Datenbank-Index. Stand 1983 (dt., engl., franz.).” Fontes Artis Musicae 30 (1983): 142-158.
Múdra, Darina. “Sen hudobnej vedy skutočnosťou?” Hudobný Život, January 17, 1983.
Fischer, Kurt von. “Fünfjahresbericht RISM (1977-1982).” Acta musicologica 55 (1983): 125-128. Available online.
Rösing, Helmut and Joachim Schlichte. “Die Serie A/I des RISM: Eine Dokumentation der Musikdrucke von den Anfängen bis 1800.” Gutenberg Jahrbuch 58 (1983): 131-139.
Ross, Peter. “Die Schweizer Mitarbeit am Internationalen Quellenlexikon der Musik: Musikhandschriften in der Schweiz (1600-1800).” Schweizerische Musikzeitung 123 (1983): 92-97.
“RISM.” In Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti, Il lessico, 4: 103-104. UTET: Torino, 1984.
Bogdany-Popielowa, Wanda. “Stan dotychczasowych prac nad RISM w Polsce.” In Biblioteka muzyczna 1980-1982, edited by Andrzej Spóz et al., 47-50. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1984.
Bridgman, Nanie. “Un catalogue des manuscrits de musique polyphonique des XVe et XVIe siècles: Petite histoire d’une grande enterprise, le RISM.” In Aspects de la recherche musicologique au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, edited by Hélène Charnassé, 99-106. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1984.
Brook, Barry. “Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Kurt Dorfmüller, RISM, ‘Musikalische Real-Zeitung’ und die Königin von Spanien.” In Ars iocundissima. Festschrift für Kurt Dorfmüller zum 60. Geburtstag, edited by Horst Leuchtmann and Robert Münster, 15-35. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1984.
Elvestrand, Vegard. “Musikkmanuskripter i UBT/B - RISM A/II.” Synopsis 15 (1984): 45-46.
Ferrari, Tomaso. Indice degli Autori del volume Recueils imprimés XVI-XVII Siècles RISM. Cologno Monzese: Febra, 1984.
Klein, Rudolf. “Von der Vergänglichkeit in der Musik.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 14, 1984.
Múdra, Darina. “RISM - Lexikon prameňov hudby.” Hudobný Život, November 19, 1984.
Mrygoń, Adam. “Polskie prace w komisji RISM: Stare druki muzyczne.” In Biblioteka muzyczna 1980-1982, edited by Andrzej Spóz et al., 43-47. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1984.
Prokopowicz, Maria. “RISM w różnych krajach.” In Biblioteka muzyczna 1980-1982, edited by Andrzej Spóz et al., 40-43. Warsaw: Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1984.
Rösing, Helmut and Joachim Schlichte. “Die Serie A/II des Internationalen Quellenlexikons der Musik.” Fontes Artis Musicae 31 (1984): 167-172; addendum in Fontes Artis Musicae 32 (1985): 117-118.
Rostirolla, Giancarlo. “Le attività di inventariazione delle fonti musicali in Italia.” Associazione Italiana Biblioteche. Bolletino 24, no. 2-3 (1984): 185-196.
Schlichte, Joachim. “Erstellung von Bibliographien mittels EDV, dargestellt am Beispiel der Handschriftenserie A/II.” Forum Musikbibliothek 4 (1984): 172-187.
Byczkowska-Sztaba, Jolanta. “Zakład Zbiorów Muzycznych: Program i dotychczasowa działalność Ośrodka koordynującego RISM w Zakładzie Zbiorów Muzycznych Biblioteki Narodowej.” Biuletyn Informacyjny biblioteki narodowej 92-93 (1985): 8-9.
Dorfmüller, Kurt. “Das Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) und seine Arbeitsgruppe für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. “Bibliotheksforum Bayern 13 (1985): 217-225.
Drummond, Philip. “Computer applications to music: A survey and review of the literature 1949-1979.” MS thesis, University New South Wales, 1985.
Holm, Anna Lena. “RISM i Sverige.” Svensk tidskrift för musikforsknung 67 (1985): 41-51. Available online
Howard, John B. and Michael Ochs. “RISM project:Cataloguing music manuscripts in the U.S.” A. B. Bookman’s Weekly 76 (1985): 4310-4314.
Lebermann, Walter. “RISM und Giornovichi (Jarnovick): Die Violinkonzerte.” Die Musikforschung 38 (1985): 281-288. Available online.
Mischiati, Oscar. “Bibliografia e musicologia.” Note d’archivio 3 (1985): 171-192.
Tuksar, Stanislav. “New musical sources in Croatia (Yugoslavia).” Acta Musicologica 57 (1985): 121-138. Available online.
Dorfmüller, Kurt. “Über die Kunst, Kunst zu verzeichnen.” Börsenblatt für den Deutschen Buchhandel - Frankfurter Ausgabe, December 30, 1986.
Fischer, Kurt von. “Quellendokumentation zur Musik vor 1800.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, February 22/23, 1986.
McClymonds, Marita P. and Diane Parr Walker. “U.S. RISM Libretto Project: With Guidelines for Cataloguing.” Notes 43 (1986): 19-35. Available online.
Renggli, Hanspeter. “Im Dienst der Schweizer Musikgeschichte. Die Mitarbeit der Schweiz am Internationalen Quellenlexikon der Musik.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, February 22/23, 1986.
Schlichte, Joachim. “Bibliografia e musicologia: Una replica “assolutamente” polemica.” Note d’archivio 4 (1986): 261-264.
Siddons, James. “Supplement for the Japan section of the Dictionary of Music Research Libraries (RISM series C, vol. IV).” Fontes Artis Musicae 33 (1986): 266-273.
Cidrais Rodrígues, María Fernandes. “El proyecto RISM y sus implicaciones en Portugal y en España.” In España en la música de occidente, edited by Emilio Casares Rodicio and Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta González, 499-502. Madrid: Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música, Ministerio de Cultura, 1987.
Rostirolla, Giancarlo. “L’inventariazione e la catalogazione del patrimonio bibliografico musicale.” Notiziario 10 (1987): 6-11.
Schlichte, Joachim. “Il RISM e l’Italia.” Le fonti musicali in Italia 1 (1987): 9-15.
Cobbe, Hugh. “RISM A/II: The United Kingdom Contribution.” Journal of the Royal Musical Association 113, no. 1 (1988): 146-148. Available online.
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Falletta, Martina. “Telemanns Kompositionen aus dem Blickwinkel neuer, durch das RISM-Projekt erschlossener Quellen.” In Telemann und die Kirchenmusik. Bericht über die Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, Magdeburg, 15. bis 17. März 2006, anlässlich der 18. Magdeburger Telemann-Festtage, edited by Carsten Lange and Brit Reipsch, 178-207. Telemann-Konferenzberichte XVI. Hildesheim: Olms, 2011.
Brinzing, Armin. “Das Internationale Quellenlexikon der Musik (RISM) und die Erschließung der historischen Musikalienbestände in Deutschland.” Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 59, nos. 3/4 (2012):146-151. Available online.
Ferris, Catherine. “RISM Ireland.” IAML UK & Ireland Newsletter 63 (August 2012): 5-7. Available online.
Güggi, Cédric. “Musikalische Quellen in der Schweiz und ihre Erschliessung.” NIKE-Bulletin 6 (2012): 34-37. Available online.
Güggi, Cédric. “Neue Suchfunktionen bei RISM Schweiz: Von der Datenbank ins Konzert.” Musik & Liturgie 137 (2012): 6, 23.
Güggi, Cédric. “Von der Datenbank ins Konzert: Neue Suchfunktionen bei RISM Schweiz.” Schweizer Musikzeitung 10 (October 2012): 52. Available onilne
Hartmann, Andrea. “60 Jahre internationale Musikquellenerschließung. Das RISM als Instrument der Musikforschung.” BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen 5 (2012): 164-166. Available online.
Kaiser, Ikarus. “Die Katalogisierung des historischen Musikarchivs der Pfarrkirche Ranshofen.” Festschrift. Orgelweihe Pfarrkirche Ranshofen 2012: 32-35.
Koch, Juan Martin. “Die musikalischen Quellen zum Leben erwecken! Klaus Keil, der Leiterder Zentralredaktion des ‘Répertoire International des Sources Musicales’, im Gespräch.” Neue Musikzeitung, 61, no. 7 (2012). Available online.
Kraus, Guido. “Sixty years of the RISM.” In Source Studies in Musical Culture, edited by Alina Mądry and Magdalena Walter-Mazur, 17-19. Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology 11. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012. Available online.
“Music Documentation in Libraries, Scholarship, and Practice”: RISM 60th Anniversary Conference. The following papers are available online:
- Adams, Sarah. “Update on the US Working Group.” Available online.
- Diet, Jürgen. “Searching the RISM Data in the Future: Improved Content-Based Searching and Linking to Other Data Sources.” Slides available online.
- Ferris, Catherine. “RISM Activity in the UK and Ireland.” Available online.
- Gentili-Tedeschi, Massimo. “Music Manuscripts as a Special Case toward the Extension of Bibliographic Descriptive Standards for Unpublished Resources.” Available online.
- Gialdroni, Teresa M. “Clori, Archivio della cantata italiana: Current State of Progressand New Perspectives.” Available online.
- Graham, Anne and Deborah Pierce. “RISM Data as Metadata for Digital Collections.” Available online.
- Hartmann, Andrea. “The Dresden RISM Office Partneringwith Libraries and Archives: New Paths toward Collaboration with the SLUB Dresden.”(Kooperationen der RISM-Arbeitsstelle Dresden mit Bibliotheken und Archiven: Neue Wege in der Zusammenarbeit mit der SLUB Dresden.) Available online.
- Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. “‘Die Musikbibliographie ist die Grundlage alles historischen Wissens.’ On Today’s Relevance of Robert Eitner’s Central Idea from 1898.” (‘Die Musikbibliographie ist die Grundlage alles historischen Wissens’. Zur Aktualität von Robert Eitners Leitgedanken aus dem Jahre 1898 heute.) Available online.
- Heinmaa, Heidi. “Musical Sources in Estonian Collections.” Available online.
- Kaiser, Stefan Ikarus. “The Music Collection at Wilhering Abbey.” (Musiksammlung des Stiftes Wilhering.) Available online.
- Katalinic, Vjera and Lucija Konfic. “Project RISM in Croatia: The Past Decade.” Available online: paper | slides
- Kokole, Metoda and Klemen Grabnar. “RISM in Slovenia in the Past Decade: Newly Cataloged Music Collections, Especially Early Seventeenth-Century Choirbooks.” Available online.
- Krabbe, Niels and Axel Teich Geertinger. “MEI (Music Encoding Initiative) as a Tool for Thematic Catalogs -Thoughts, Experiences, and Preliminary Results.” Available online.
- Loos, Helmut. “Large-Scale Data Analysis in Historical Musicology: Potential and Opportunities.” (Massendatenauswertung in der historischen Musikwissenschaft. Möglichkeiten und Chancen.) Available online: German | English summary
- Lundberg, Mattias. “The Swedish Working Group of RISM in Relation to National and Regional Projects in Archival Research and Music Bibliography: Where to Go from Here?” Available online.
- Mądry, Alina. “Eine Sammlung von Musikhandschriften aus dem Archiv der Erzdiözese in Posen: Die Stiftskirche von St. Maria Magdalena.” (A Collection of Music Manuscripts from the Archive of the Archdiocese in Poznań: St. Maria Magdalena Collegiate Church.) Available online: paper | slides
- Oustachev, Stanislav. “The RISM Project atthe Glinka Museum.” Available online.
- Pugin, Laurent. “The Use of METS for Delivering Digital Objects together with RISM Catalog Records.” Available online.
- Rassina, Emilia. “Current Work of RISM in Russia.” Available online.
- Sawicka, Ludmiła. “The RISM Working Group at the Warsaw University Library and the Project to Catalog Old Dispersed Manuscripts of Silesian Origin, in Particular the Works of Johann Georg Clement (Wrocław, Warsaw and Krzeszów).” (Die RISM-Arbeitsgruppe in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Warschau und das Projekt Katalogisieren von alten zerstreuten Handschriften schlesischer Herkunft. Im Besonderen die Werke von Johann Georg Clement–Breslau, Warschau und Grüssau.) Available online.
- Tröster, Sonja and Birgit Lodes. “Tracing Ludwig Senfl in Sixteenth-Century Sources: ACatalogue Raisonné in a Digital Environment.” Available online.
- Wagner, Undine. “Archives of Lay Musicians as Evidence of Church Music Practice in Thuringia: Holdings atthe Thuringian Regional Music Archive and Cataloging for RISM.” (Adjuvantenarchive als Zeugnisse der Kirchenmusikpraxis in Thüringen. Bestände im Thüringischen Landesmusikarchiv und deren Katalogisierung für RISM.) Available online.
Pugin, Laurent, Andrew Hankinson, and Ichiro Fujinaga. “Digital Preservation and Access Strategies for Musical Heritage: The Swiss RISM Experience.” OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives 28, no. 1 (2012): 43-55. Available online.
Renner, Helke. “Prinz Alberts Handschrift in aller Welt.” InFranken.de, May 5, 2012. Available online.
Talbot, Michael. “Miscellany.” Studi Vivaldiani 12 (2012): 95-104.
Voss, Steffen. “Musikdokumentation in Bibliothek, Wissenschaft und Praxis. Konferenz anlässlich des 60-jährigen Bestehens von RISM: 4. bis 6. Juni 2012, Mainz, Akademie der Wissenschaften.” Forum Musikbibliothek 33, no. 2 (2012): 21-23. Available online.
Wolf, Ulrike. “60 Jahre RISM: Interview mit dem Präsidenten Christoph Wolff.” Forum Musikbibliothek 33, no. 2 (2012): 16-20. Available online.
Giglberger, Veronika. “Zeugen einer Blütezeit europäischer Musikkultur in München:Chorbuch-Handschriften mit mehrstimmiger Musik werden digitalisiert.” Bibliotheks-Magazin no. 1 (2013):38-42. Available online.
Griffin, Thomas. “Some Late Scarlatti Recovered: Part Two of Alessandro Scarlatti’s Serenata Erminia (1723).” Studi musicali 1 (2013): 101-113. Available online.
Jahn, Michael. “RISM-Österreich und die musikalische Quellenforschung in Oberösterreich.” In Bruckner-Symposion: Ergebnisse und Desiderata—Anton Bruckner und Oberösterreich in der Musikforschung. Brucknerhaus, Linz, 16.–18. September 2010, 39-48. Wien: Musikwiss. Verl., 2013.
Keil, Klaus. “New prospects for printed music with RISM.” Fontes artis musicae 60, no. 2 (2013): 107-111.
Meluzzi, Cecilia. Catalogo dei manoscritti musicali di Alessandro Vessella. Per la storia della musica a Roma tra otto e novecento. Studi, cataloghi e sussidi dell’istituto di bibliografia musicale (IBIMUS) 16. Rome: Istituto Bibliografia Musicale, 2011.
NAT. “Auf dem Cembalo tobt die Schlacht von 1796.” MainPost.de, June 26, 2013. Available online.
Pugin, Laurent and Rodolfo Zitellini. “Instrument distribution and music notation search for enhancing bibliographic music score retrieval.” In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 195–198. Indianapolis, IN, 2013. Available online.
Shekhter, Pia. “‘Keeping Music Alive’ - IAML goes Far East.” IAML.info. November 11, 2013. Available online.
Stanley, Roy. “The Symphony and Ireland: A symposium. Dublin 20 April 2013.” IAML UK & Ireland Newsletter, no. 65 (June 2013): 4-6. Available online.
Talkner, Katharina. “I’ve got the rism and you’ve got the music! Moderne Wege zur effizienten Erschließung Musikalischer Nachlässe.” Perspektive Bibliothek 2.2 (2013): 75-103. Available online.
Tuppen, Sandra. “Music manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries in the British Library.” Public Domain Review, December 2013. Available online.
Chae, Hyun Kyung et al. “Challenges to music documentation: Design and implementation of a web-based content management system for East Asian music education documents.” Fontes artis musicae 61, no. 3 (2014): 249-259.
“Control bibliográfico desde la Web.” La Ventana: Portal Informativo de la Casa de las Américas, March 20, 2014.
Fabris, Dinko. “国际音乐学协会和四个”文献资料库”的创立——历程与展望” (The International Musicological Society and the establishment of the four R-Projects: The history and the future). Zhongyang Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao/Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music 130, no. 1 (2014): 57-65.
Geck, Karl Wilhelm. “Knowing what exists …: Akademienunion verlängert Förderung der deutschen RISM-Arbeitsstellen.” BIS: Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen 7, no. 3 (2014): 179. Available online.
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. “Throwing Some Light on the History of Verdi and Wagner Reception in Tyrol,” Fontes artis musicae 61, no. 2 (2014): 163-172.
Hofmann, Anke and Barbara Wiermann. “Customizing Music Discovery Services: Experiences at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Leipzig.” Music Reference Services Quarterly 17, no. 2 (2014): 61–75. Available online.
Janitzek, Kerstin. “Klassische Musik aus Irland: Die grüne Insel als Zeichen der fruchtbaren Zusammenarbeit zwischen RISM und den Jungen Sinfonikern Frankfurt.” Forum Musikbibliothek 35:3 (2014): 34-36. Available online.
Kaiser, Stefan Ikarus. “Dokumentation musikalischer Quellenbestände in kirchlichen Archiven Oberösterreichs.” Forum Musikbibliothek 35, no. 2 (2014): 7-16. Available online.
Lauterwasser, Helmut. “München. Neue Laufzeitfestsetzung für das Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM), Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland, und das Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM).” Forum Musikbibliothek 35:1 (2014): 51-53. Available online.
Martin, Cheryl. “RISM Canada Report.” CAML Review 42:3 (November 2014): 23-26. Available online.
Rose, Stephen and Sandra Tuppen. “Prospects for a Big Data History of Music.” Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. (2014): 1-3. Available online.
Selfridge-Field, Eleanor. “Search engines for digitally encoded scores,” Early Music 42:4 (November 2014): 591-598. Available online.
Voss, Steffen. “Friedrich der Grosse würde sich freuen. Finanzierung deutscher RISM-Arbeitsstellen bis 2025 gesichert.” Bibliotheksmagazin: Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München (2014/2): 48-52. Available online.
Voss, Steffen. “Anna Merkje Cramer. Unbekannte Lieder von niederländischer Komponistin in Köln entdeckt.” VivaVoce 98 (Frühling 2014): 12-13. Available online.
Wagner, Undine. “Vom Dramma per musica zur kirchenmusikalischen Praxis: Geistliche lateinische Kontrafakturen italienischer Opernarien in mährischen Klöstern und Kirchen.” Musicologica brunensia 49, no. 2 (2014): 139-167. Available online (archived).
Chae, Hyun Kyung. “From the First [最初] to the Best [最高]: Ewha Music Research Institute.” Ewha’s Research Power for Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences (February 2015). Available online.
Diet, Jürgen and Magda Gerritsen. “Encoding, Searching, and Displaying of Music Incipits in the RISM-OPAC.” In Music Encoding Conference Proceedings, 2013 and 2014, edited by Perry Roland and Johannes Kepper, 11-14. Charlottesville, Virginia and Detmold, Germany: Music Encoding Initiative, 2015. Available online.
Güggi, Cédric. “Musiksammlungen in der Schweiz und ihre Erschliessung.” In Musiksammlungen in den Regionalbibliotheken Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz, edited by Ludger Syré, 407-424. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie Sonderband 116. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2015.
Gustar, Andrew. “Quantitative perspectives.” Early Music 43:2(2015):365-66. Available online.
Lewis, David and Frans Wiering. “Practicalities of Corpus Building: Creating and Exploring Digital Data.” In Music Encoding Conference Proceedings, 2013 and 2014, edited by Perry Roland and Johannes Kepper, 91-117. Charlottesville, Virginia and Detmold, Germany: Music Encoding Initiative, 2015. Available online.
Lisken-Pruss, Marion. “Pater Dariusz Smolarek erforscht geistliche Musik.” Rheinische Post, August 11, 2015. Available online.
Martin, Cheryl. “CAML 2015 Annual Report: RISM Canada.” CAML Review 43:2 (August 2015): 18. Available online.
Nägele, Reiner. “FID Musikwissenschaft an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek.” Bibliotheksmagazin. Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München (2015/2): 10-13. Available online.
Pugin, Laurent and Rodolfo Zitellini. “Verovio: A Library for Typesetting MEI.” In Music Encoding Conference Proceedings, 2013 and 2014, edited by Perry Roland and Johannes Kepper, 136-141. Charlottesville, Virginia and Detmold, Germany: Music Encoding Initiative, 2015. Available online.
Richts, Kristina and Irmlind Capelle. “Kontextuelle Tiefenerschließung von Musikalienbeständen mit MEI und TEI: Einblicke in das Detmolder Hoftheater-Projekt.” Forum Musikbibliothek 36, no. 2 (2015): 20-26. Available online.
Rizo, David and José M. Iñesta. “A Grammar for Plaine and Easie Code.” In Music Encoding Conference Proceedings, 2013 and 2014, edited by Perry Roland and Johannes Kepper, 54-64. Charlottesville, Virginia and Detmold, Germany: Music Encoding Initiative, 2015. Available online.
Rose, Stephen, Sandra Tuppen, and Loukia Drosopoulou. “Writing a Big Data history of music.” Early Music 43, no. 4 (November 2015): 649–660. Available online.
Schmitz, Christina. “Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium – Schreiber- und Wasserzeichenforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Spezialdisziplin und Catalog enrichment.” Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 62:1 (2015): 49-53. Available online.
Shanahan, Daniel and Eamonn Bell. “Re-Examining National Influences and Stylistic Shifts with the RISM Dataset.” In Music Encoding Conference Proceedings, 2013 and 2014, edited by Perry Roland and Johannes Kepper, 159-161. Charlottesville, Virginia and Detmold, Germany: Music Encoding Initiative, 2015. Available online.
Benton, Rita and Jennifer A. Ward. “Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press, Available online.
Capelle, Irmlind and Kristina Richts. “Die Welt des Detmolder Hoftheaters – erschlossen mit MEI und TEI.” Bibliotheksdienst 50, no. 2 (February 2016): 199-209. Available online.
Chang, Jeong Youn. “A South Korean Researcher’s View on the Music Department of the Bavarian State Library.” Forum Musikbibliothek 37, no. 1 (2016): 7-13.
Diet, Jürgen. “Stand und Perspektiven der ViFaMusik im Rahmen des neuen Fachinformationsdienstes Musikwissenschaft.” Bibliotheksdienst 50, no. 2 (February 2016):188-198. Available online.
“Documenting Musical Sources in Latin America.” RISM conference, September 2016. The following presentations are available online:
- Astudillo Rojas, Cecilia. “Historical Music Scores in Chile and their Documentation.” View on YouTube.
- Bermúdez Cujar, Egberto. “Documenting Popular Music Sources in Latin America: The Case of Colombia.” View on YouTube.
- Calderón Alcantar, Edgar Alejandro. “Music Documentation Projects in Morelia.” View on YouTube.
- Enríquez Rubio, Lucero. “Cataloging a Peripheral Cathedral Music Archive vis à vis RISM Protocol.” View on YouTube.
- Guerra Cotta, André. “Brazilian Musical Heritage: An Overview and Some Brief Considerations.” View on YouTube.
- Keil, Klaus. “Greeting and Introduction to RISM.” View on YouTube.
- Lazos, John G. “José Antonio Gómez y Olguín (1805-1876) and his Music Catalogue.” View on YouTube.
- Nawrot, Piotr. “Musical Sources in the Moxos Missions.” View on YouTube.
- Pietschmann, Klaus. “Opening remarks.” View on YouTube.
- Sotuyo Blanco, Pablo. “The RISM Brazil Database: Concept, Research, and Development.” View on YouTube.
- Urchueguía, Cristina. “The Concept of an International Repertory of Musical Sources.” View on YouTube.
- Waisman, Leonardo. “Spanish-American Colonial Musical Sources: Catalogues and Studies.” View on YouTube.
Eckhardt, Wolfgang, Julia Neumann, Tobias Schwinger, and Alexander Staub. “Neue Methoden der Tiefenerschließung von Musikautographen: Das DFG-Projekt ‘Kompetenzzentrum Forschung und Information Musik’ (KoFIM) an der SBBPK.” Bibliotheksmagazin: Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München 11, no. 1 (2016): 36-40.Available online.
Eichholz, Nina. “Erschließung, Digitalisierung und Internetpräsentation im Projekt ‘Die Notenbestände der Dresdner Hofkirche und der Königlichen Privat-Musikaliensammlung aus der Zeit der sächsisch-polnischen Union’ der SLUB Dresden.” Bibliotheksdienst 50, no. 2 (February 2016):210-225. Available online.
Fahrenkrog, Laura and Fernanda Vera. “Recently Catalogued Music Archives and Fonds in Santiago, Chile: A Contribution to the Dissemination of Written Musical Heritage of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” Fontes Artis Musicae 63, no. 2 (April-June 2016): 100-119.
Falletta, Martina, Alexander Marxen, and Jennifer Ward. “Die RISM-Nutzerstudie: Überblick und erste Ergebnisse.” Forum Musikbibliothek 37 (2016): 7-15.
Falletta, Martina, Alexander Marxen, and Jennifer Ward. “The RISM Online User Survey: Report.” Frankfurt: RISM Zentralredaktion, 2016. Available online.
Giezeman, Geert-Jan. “RISM incipit retrieval: Architecture of the software and data.” 2016. Technical documentation for the RISM search by Utrecht University.
Giglberger, Veronika. “Messen, Motetten, Chansons, Madrigale. Musikhandschriften des 16. Jahrhunderts im neuen Digitalisierungsprojekt.” Bibliotheksmagazin: Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München 11, no. 2 (2016): 22-25. Available online.
Klugseder, Robert and Ikarus Kaiser. “Wiederentdeckung eines umfangreichen Korpus an Abschriften des Linzer Dom-Musikarchivs.” Mitteilungen des Anton Bruckner Instituts Linz 17 (2016): 4-10.
Lauterwasser, Helmut. “Zur Geschichte der Militärmusik im Königreich Hannover: Eine einzigartige Sammlung von Musikhandschriften in der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek Hannover.” Berichte/Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek 4 (2016): 1-30. Available online.
Lauterwasser, Helmut and Frank Ziegler. “Heinrich Baermann als Komponist: Hinweise auf musikalisches Quellenmaterial.” Weberiana: Mitteilungen der Internationalen Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesellschaft 26 (Sommer 2016): 70-91.
Morales Urbaneja, David. “Un musicólogo español descubre la primera sonata de Vivaldi en una biblioteca.” La Vanguardia, September 24, 2016. Simultaneously published in other Spanish-language periodicals. Available online.
Mühlemann, Marianne. “Klänge unter Taubenkot.” Der Bund, June 9, 2016. Available online.
Nyffeler, Max. “Musikalische Eindrücke aus Korea.” Beckmesser, December 2, 2016. Also appeared in Neue Musikzeitung (December 2016): 4-5. Available online.
Scoccimarro, Roberto. “Das aktuelle DFG-Hofmusikprojekt der SLUB Dresden und die Konferenz ‘Sammeln – Musizieren – Forschen. Zur Dresdner höfischen Musik des 18. Jahrhunderts’ vom 21. bis 23. Januar 2016 in Dresden. Ein Bericht.” Forum Musikbibliothek 37, no. 2 (2016): 22-27.
Sidler, Florence. “Visibilité internationale pour le fonds de Louis Niedermeyer.” Bulletin d’information no 12 de l’Association Niedermeyer (June 2016): 35-37.
Tuppen, Sandra, Stephen Rose, and Loukia Drosopoulou. “Library Catalogue Records as a Research Resource: Introducing ‘A Big Data History of Music.’” Fontes Artis Musicae 63, no. 2 (April-June 2016): 67-88. Available online.
Van Nuss, Jelmer. “Monochord Melodic Similarity Retrieval Evaluation and Applications for Composer Classification.” Bachelor’s thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, 2016.
Ward, Jennifer A. “7 Things You Might Not Know About RISM.” MLA Newsletter no. 185 (2016). Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. and Axel Klein. “An Evening of Irish Music: The Emerald Isle Comes to Germany.” Fontes Artis Musicae 63, no. 4 (October–December 2016): 277-284. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “The use and reuse of RISM data in libraries.” Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 28, no. 2 (2016): 129-133. Available online.
“A Protocol between the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (ICCU), IAML-Italia and RISM has been signed.” Briefs/Feuilletons. Fontes Artis Musicae 64, no. 1 (January-March 2017): 68-69. Available online.
Bacciagaluppi, Claudio. “Wie Marenzios ‘Pastor Fido’ nach Zuoz kam.” Schweizer Musikzeitung 6 (June 2017): 37. Available online.
Blum, David. “The Moravian Music Foundation Experience Using Bibliographic Records Downloaded from RISM.” Fontes Artis Musicae 64, no. 4 (October-December 2017): 355-366. Available online.
Díaz, Antonio. “Seminario de Música de la Nueva España celebra 15 años con concierto.” La Crónica de Hoy, November 21, 2017. Available online (archived).
Diet, Jürgen. “Zwischen musikalischen Kostbarkeiten und digitaler Musikwissenschaft: Ein aktuelles Porträt der Musikabteilung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek.” Bibliotheksforum Bayern 11, no. 2 (2017): 82-85. Available online.
Güggi, Cédric and Laurent Pugin. “Zehn Jahre Entwicklungs- und Katalogisierungserfahrung mit Muscat.” Forum Musikbibliothek 38, no. 1 (2017): 20-27.
Lindmayr-Brandl, Andrea. “Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” Reports of the Four Rs. IMS Newsletter 4, no. 2 (2017): 28-29.
McAulay, Karen. “The Big Picture: Bibliographic Control.” Claimed from Stationers’ Hall: The United Kingdom’s Historical Copyright Music Collections, December 28, 2017. Available online.
Münch, Vera. “Wie finden Sie die Melodie?” b.i.t.online 20, no. 5 (2017): 409-414. Available online.
“RISM releases Muscat cataloging program.” Cataloging News, edited by Violet B. Fox. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 55, no. 3 (2017): 172-186. Available online.
Selfridge-Field, Eleanor. “A Topography and Taxonomy of Digital Musicology.” Arti musices: Croatian Musicological Review, 48, no. 2 (2017): 215-225. Available online.
“Välkomna till en kurs för musikbibliotekarier i Göteborg 15–16 juni 2017.” Musikbiblioteksnytt, no. 1 (2017): 7. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “Announcing Muscat, RISM’s New Program for Cataloging Musical Sources.” Briefs/Feuilletons. Fontis Artis Musicae 64, no. 2 (April-June 2017): 193-194. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “Getting Back to the Source, Virtually: RISM as a Tool in the Digital Environment.” Arti musices: Croatian Musicological Review, 48, no. 2 (2017): 281-294. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “Notes for Notes” (Muscat announcement) Notes 73, no. 4 (June 2017): 698-699. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “RISM for Librarians.” Musikbiblioteksnytt no. 3 (2017): 10-11. Available online.
Bicher, Katrin and Barbara Wiermann. “Normdaten zu „Werken der Musik” und ihr Potenzial für die digitale Musikwissenschaft.” Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 42, no. 2 (2018): 222-235. Available online.
Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge and David Rizo. “End-to-End Neural Optical Music Recognition of Monophonic Scores.” Applied Sciences 8, no. 4 (2018): article 606. Available online.
Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge and David Rizo. “Camera-PrIMuS: Neural End-to-End Optical Music Recognition on Realistic Monophonic Scores.” 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Paris, France, 2018. Available online.
Ferris, Catherine and Lindsay Dowling. “Rediscovering Ireland’s first symphony.” In Lost and Found III: rediscovering more of Ireland’s past, edited by Joe Fenwick, 165-168. Dublin: Wordwell Ltd, 2018.
Gauvreau, Joseph. “Beauty and Cliché in an Anonymous French Manuscript Score.” Houghton Library Blog, Harvard University, 12 December 2018. Archived copy available online.
Keil, Klaus and Laurent Pugin. “Das Internationale Quellenlexikon der Musik, RISM. Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt zum Nutzen und als Aufgabe für Forschung und Bibliotheken.” Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 42, no. 2 (2018): 309-318. Available online.
Kim, Eun-Ha and Hyun Kyung Chae. “The Meaning, Method and Tool to Build the Ewha Music Database (EMDB).” International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence 9, no. 3 (2020): 239-245. Available online.
Lauterwasser, Helmut. “‘Mein Herz ist viel zu schwach, Euch zu verlassen.’ Eine neu entdeckte Arie von Georg Philipp Telemann.” CONCERTO – Das Magazin für Alte Musik no. 277 (January/February 2018): 22-25.
Meyer, Christian. “RISM B III: Les sources manuscrites de la théorie de la musique (IXe-XVe s.) – Un bilan.” 2018. Available online.
Raczkowska, Justyna. “Standard RISM w opisie muzykaliów jazzowych na podstawie zbiorów Archiwum Jazzu Polskiego” (RISM standard in cataloguing jazz music scores from the Polish Jazz Archive collection). Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej 48 (2018): 177–197. Available online.
Román, Miguel A., Antonio Pertusa, and Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza. “An End-to-End Framework for Audio-to-Score Music Transcription on Monophonic Excerpts.” 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Paris, France, 2018. Available online.
Veit, Joachim and Kristina Richts. “Stand und Perspektiven der Nutzung von MEI in der Musikwissenschaft und in Bibliotheken. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 42, no. 2 (2018): 292-301. Available online.
Zitellini, Rodolfo, Geert-Jan Giezeman, Frans Wiering, and Laurent Pugin. “Incipit Melodic Similarity Matching in Muscat.” 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Paris, France, 2018. Abstract available here.
Benavent i Peiró, Joan. “El periòdic musical de Maria Rosa d’Areny i Jordanade la Casa Museu d’Areny Plandolit d’Andorra.” In Del Consell de la Terra al Consell General, 600 anys d’història: homenatge a Pere Canturri i Montanya, 151-188. Papers de recerca històrica 9. Societat Andorrana de Ciències: 2019. Available online.
Corrigan, Ralph. “Survey of online resources.” Early Music 47, no. 1 (February 2019): 117–119. Available online.
Doi, Carolyn. “Message from the President / Message de la présidente.” CAML Review/Revue de l’ACBM 47, no. 1 (2019): 3-5. Available online.
Gillion, Marianne C. E. “The printed edition.” Early Music, 26 October 2019. Available online.
Kaiser, Ikarus. “RISM-Erschließung musikalischer Archivbestände in Oberösterreich und in der Steiermark.” Forum Musikbibliothek 40, no. 2 (2019): 13. Available online.
Kapsa, Václav. “Konference Works, Work Titles, Work Authorities: Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM.” Hudební věda 56, no. 2 (2019): 191-194.
Keil, Klaus and Jennifer A. Ward. “Applications of RISM data in digital libraries and digital musicology,” “Digital Libraries for Musicology,” ed. J. Stephen Downie and Kevin Page, special issue, International Journal on Digital Libraries 20, no. 1 (March 2019): 3-12. Available online.
Köppl, Chantal. “Works, Work Titles, Work Authorities: Perspectives on Introducing a Work Level in RISM.” Kongressbericht, Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. 22 September 2019. Available online (archived).
Ward, Jennifer. “Répertoire International des Sources Musicales/International Inventory of Musical Sources.” Historic Libraries Forum Bulletin 44 (April 2019): 3-4. Available online.
Eggertsen, Chris. “Musicologists Come to Katy Perry’s Defense in ‘Dark Horse’ Case: Verdict Is ‘Inhibiting the Work of Songwriters’.” Billboard, January 13, 2020. Available online.
- Judge rules in favor of Perry: Eriq Gardner, “Judge Wipes Out $2.8M Copyright Verdict Against Katy Perry, Capitol Records.” The Hollywood Reporter, March 17, 2020. Available online.
Felder, Lynn. “Back to the future: Beethoven symphony defies time and space.” Winston-Salem Journal, 3 August 2020. Available online.
Herrera, Jesús. “Manejo digital de fuentes documentales para el conocimiento del patrimonio musical.” El Sincopado Habanero. Boletín del Gabinete de Patrimonio Musical Esteban Salas 5 (May/August 2020): 10-16. Available online | (Archived).
Johnson, Kirstin Dougan, “Unravelling the RISM Riddle at the University of Illinois: An Inventory and Analysis.” Fontes Artis Musicae 67, no. 2 (April-June 2020): 119-142. Available online.
Lazos, John G. “Why a Canadian Musicologist Would Catalogue One Thousand Mexican Music Manuscripts.” CAML Review/Revue de l’ACBM 48, no. 1 (2020): 38-61. Available online.
Rhodes, David J.. Review of Welcome Home, Mr Dubourg (Irish Baroque Orchestra/Peter Whelan). Eighteenth-Century Music 17, no. 2 (September 2020): 281-285. Available online.
Riedel, Alan K. “Musikinstrumente im Semantic Web. Entwicklung eines spartenübergreifenden Metadatenprofils.” Master’s thesis, Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig, 2020. Available online.
“Transitions at the RISM Zentralredaktion.” Fontes Artis Musicae 67, no. 4 (October-December 2020): 363. Available online. Also published in IMS Newsletter 7, no. 2 (2020): 9 and as “Neue Leitung bei der RISM-Zentralredaktion,” Forum Musikbibliothek 42, no. 1 (March 2021): 58.
Voss, Steffen. “Die Musikpflege am Münchener kurfürstlichen Hof im Spiegel der historischen Musikalienbestände der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek.” Sammeln - Musizieren - Forschen. Zur Dresdner höfischen Musik: Bericht über das internationale Kolloquium vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2016, 29-40. Dresden: 2020. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “Documenting Historical Printed Music in RISM: New Opportunities for the Digital Age.” Notes 77, no. 1 (September 2020): 9-32. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “RISM en América Latina: proyectos colaborativos para la documentación de fuentes.” Translated by Juan Francisco Rangel Yáñez. In Celebración y sonoridad en Hispanoamérica (siglos xvi y xix), edited by Anastasia Krutitskaya, 22-41. Moreila: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Morelia, 2020. Available online.
Aslanidi, Maria, Aris Bazmadelis, and Arsinoi Ioannidou. “The Greek RISM Office: Describing Byzantine Music-Related Resources and Other Projects.” Fontes Artis Musicae 68, no. 3 (July-September 2021): 256-266. Available online.
Giglberger, Veronika and Bernhard Lutz. “Wasserzeichen in Musikhandschriften: Ein Erschliessungsprojekt an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek.” Bibliotheksmagazin: Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken in Berlin und München 16, no. 1 (2021): 79-83. Available online.
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. “Die Vision des hl. Bernhard vom Klosterbau und das Engelskonzert im Zisterzienserstift Stams.” Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich/Kultur und Dokumentation, May 21, 2021. Available online.
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. “Vom Gebrauchsgut zum Kulturgut: Das Musikarchiv des Zisterzienserstiftes Stams.” Ordensgemeinschaften Österreich/Kultur und Dokumentation, April 21, 2021. Available online.
Lauterwasser, Helmut. “Johann Michael Closner (1786–1860) und die historischen Musikhandschriften und Musikdrucke im Stadtmuseum Trostberg.” musiconn.publish (2021). Available online.
Loos, Helmut. “Metropolises or Regions? The Problem and an Approach Using RISM Data - Metropoliai ar regionai? Problema ir požiūris, grindžiamas RISM duomenimis.” Lithuanian Musicology / Lietuvos muzikologija 22 (2021): 24–33. Available online.
Platt, Heather. “The Digital Humanities and Nineteenth-Century Music: An Introductory Overview.” Nineteenth-Century Music Review 18, no. 1 (2021). Available online.
Vojčáková, Veronika. “Zuzana Petrášková: Snažíme se, aby z Národní knihovny nikdo neodešel s prázdnou.” Opera Plus, December 4, 2021. Available online.
Ward, Jennifer A. “RISM and Digital Research with Historical Musical Sources.” In Nota Bene: Studies from the National Library of Norway. Vol. 15, Notated Music in the Digital Sphere, edited by Margrethe Støkken Bue and Annika Rockenberger, 20-34. Oslo: National Library of Norway, 2021. Available online.
Wong, Chelsea and Thomas Huthwaite. “Finding Harmony Between ‘commonplace’ and ‘copyright’: A Sound Legal Approach to Borrowing in Popular Music.” Intellectual Property Forum: Journal of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Society of Australia and New Zealand 123 (April 2021): 10–18. Available online.
YU Yifan. “西方音乐作品主题目录的历史、发展及对中国 音乐界的启示” (The History and Development of Thematic Catalogue of Western Music Works and Its Implication to Chinese Music Circle). Library Journal, 40, no. 9 (2021): 39-47. Available online.
“國臺交啟動「省交歷史文物回娘家捐贈徵集」計畫.” Yahoo News (Taiwan), 2 December 2021. Available online.
Álvarez Escandell, Carmen. “El cantoral E-Zac, C-3 Ms 18 de Zaragoza, con obras de Morales, Guerrero, Victoria, Pujol y Berges.” Cuadernos de Investigación Musical 14 (enero-junio 2022): 115-187. Available online.
Ferrari, Nicolò.”Musical sources: 70 years of RISM.” Early Music caac061 (2022). Available online.
Fontes artis musicae 69, no 3 (July–September 2022). Special Topic: In Celebration of RISM’s Seventieth Anniversary. Guest Editor: Nicole Schwindt. Available online.
- Schwindt, Nicole. “Editor’s Preface.” Fontes artis musicae 69, no. 3 (July–September 2022): 169-171. Available online.
- Sherr, Richard. “Fifty Years with the Fondo Cappella Sistina of The Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.” Fontes artis musicae 69, no. 3 (July–September 2022): 172-185. Available online.
- Zitellini, Rodolfo. “Maurizio Cazzati’s ‘Unsold Music.’” Fontes artis musicae 69, no. 3 (July–September 2022): 186-204. Available online.
- Rost, Henrike. “Die Notenautographe (1825–1884) im Album von Ferdinand Hiller: Überblick, Einordnung, Quellenwert.” Fontes artis musicae 69, no. 3 (July–September 2022): 206-227. Available online.
- Morgan, Emerson, Christina Linklater, and Pramantha Tagore. “‘Pure or Tainted?’: Representing a Source of Colonial Bengali-English Music in RISM.” Fontes artis musicae 69, no. 3 (July–September 2022): 229-251. Available online.
Geyer, Brigitte, Brigitte Knödler-Kagoshima, Kirsten Krumeich, Reiner Nägele, Martina Rebmann, Jana Madlen Schütte, Michael Werthmann, and Barbara Wiermann. “Musiknoten digital - Zum Stand der Musikaliendigitalisierung in Deutschland.” Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 69, no. 4 (2022): 196-209. Available online.
Kempf, Klaus. “The bibliographic control of music in the digital ecosystem. The case of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB).” JLIS.it, Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell’informazione 13, no. 1 (2022): 368-373. Available online.
Krämer, Kristina. “Two Hundred Years of Printed Music History.” Notes for Notes. Notes 79, no. 1 (September 2022): 54. Available online; and Briefs/Feuilletons. Fontes Artis Musicae 69, no. 2 (April-June 2022): 139. Available online.
Heinz-Kronberger, Gottfried. “Die Musikhandschriftenerschließung des Répertoire International des Sources Musicales an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek.” Bibliothek und Wissenschaft (BuW) 55 (2022): 121-134.
Richts-Matthaei, Kristina and Irmlind Capelle. “United, Linked, Connected – A Data Model for the Inventory of the Former Detmold Court Theatre (1825–1875), or: How Library Inventory History Can also Be Told.” In Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 2021, edited by Stefan Münnich and David Rizo, 107–115. Humanities Commons. 2022. Available online.
“Zur Situation der Archive in der Ukraine.” MGG Online, March 2, 2022. Available online.
Álvarez-Escandell, Carmen. “The Cataloguing Process of the ‘C Collection’ in the Music Archive of the Cathedrals of Zaragoza.” Fontes Artis Musicae 70, no. 2 (April-June 2023): 114-126. Available online.
Clermont, Susan. Anthologies of Musical Works in Print and Manuscript from the 15th-17th Centuries in the Library of Congress Music Division. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 2023. Available online.
Floyd, David. “Making Decisions When Cataloging Bound-with Books.” NASIG Proceedings 38 (2023): 93-106. Available online.
Thöne, Johanna-Pauline and James R. Tomlinson. “Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference in Munich,” Early Music 51, no. 4 (November 2023): 636–638. Available online.
Bruns, Oleksandra, Tabea Tietz, Linnaea Söhn, Jonatan Jalle Steller, Sarah Rebecca Ondraszek, Etienne Posthumus, Torsten Schrade, and Harald Sac. “What’s Cooking in the NFDI4Culture Kitchen? A KG-based Research Data Integration Workflow.” Workshop on metadata and research management for linked open science (DaMaLOS), Crete, Greece, 26 May 2024. Zenodo: 2024. Available online.
“Endowment Fine-tunes Library Holdings: Fund assists Music and Performing Arts Library.” Friendscript: Newsletter for Friends of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library 46, no. 1 (Fall 2024): 4-5. Available online.
Hankinson, Andrew and Laurent Pugin. “Navigating the RISM data with RISM Online.” In Proceedings of DLfM 2024: The 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, 27th June 2024, In Association with IAML 2024, edited by David M. Weigl, 54-62. New York: ACM, 2024. Available online.
Tahtaişleyen, Nihan, Salih Demirtaş, and Will Sumits. “Etablierung neuer Forschungszusammenarbeit zwischen dem CMO-Projekt und dem Répertoire International des Sources Musicales.” Orient-Institut Istanbul Newsletter (2024): 16-17. Available online.
“Updating RISM Series C.” Briefs/Feuilletons. Fontes Artis Musicae 71, no. 2 (April-June 2024): 162. Available online. Also published in Notes for Notes. Notes 81, no. 1 (September 2024): 87-88. Available online.
Veit, Joachim. “Editionsarbeit im Wandel – digitale (Musik-)Edition. In Digitale Medien und die Produktion von Wissenschaft. Medienbildung und Gesellschaft, edited by Thomas Kurtz, Dorothee M. Meister, and Uwe Sander, 189-221. Medienbildung und Gesellschaft 47. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2024. Available online.
You can find out more about the work of RISM from the following publications:
- RISM annual reports
- RISM reports from the annual IAML conferences, regularly published on the IAML website and (to 2015) in Fontes artis musicae
- RISM annual reports published in the IMS Newsletter
- Publications from the RISM Zentralredaktionen
- RISM. Plans, Rapports, Communiqués, Paris ca. 1954, Continuation: Communiqués 5-8, ca. 1954-1960. Available online.
- Info RISM, published by the RISM Zentralredaktion from 1989-2001. All issues are now available online.
Jump to: Online publications | Series A/I: Individual Prints before 1800 | Series A/II: Musical Manuscripts after 1600 | Series B | Series C: Directory of Music Research Libraries | Special Volumes
Online publications
RISM Catalog
Balz, Nina. “RISM-Katalog kostenlos online.” Ars Organi: Zeitschrift für das Orgelwesen 59, no. 3 (2011): 200-201.
Colvin, Jenny. “International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM), http://opac.rism.info.” Music Reference Services Quarterly 14, no. 3 (2011): 170-171. Available online.
Tsou, Judy. Notes (June 2011): 789-792. Available online.
RISM Online
McKay, Cory. “Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) Digital Center Team. RISM Online”. Renaissance and Reformation 47, no. 1 (2024): 184-91. Available online.
Series A
Klein, Rudolf. Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 5 (1972): 301-302.
Duckles, Vincent. Journal of the American Musicological Aociety 26, no. 1 (1973): 153-155. Available online.
Gaillard, Pierre. Bulletin des bibliothèques de France 18 (1973): *555-*556.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 13 (1972): 64-65.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 14 (1973): 19.
Lundberg, Folke. Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning 54 (1972): 142-144.
Maas, Chris. Tijdschrift van de Vereiniging voor Nederlandse Musikgeschiedenis 22 (1972): 287-289. Available online.
Müllmann, Bernd. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 133 (1972): 355-356.
Schmieder, Wolfgang. “Bemerkungen zum ‘neuen Eitner.’” Die Musikforschung 26 (1973): 81-89. Available online.
Dahlhaus, Carl. Melos. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 1 (1975): 327-328.
Papp, Géza. Studia Musicologica 16 (1974): 289-290. Available online.
Zaslaw, Neal. Notes 31 (1974): 42-45. Available online.
Sartori, Claudio. Nuova rivista musicale italiana 8, no. 4 (1974): 634-637.
Volek, Tomislav. Hudební Veda 12 (1975): 285-288.
Sine nomine. Magyar Zine 4 (1973): 437-438.
Klein, Rudolf. Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 29, no. 9 (September 1974): 453. Available online.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 16 (1975): 59.
Klein, Rudolf. Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 30, no. 9 (September 1975) 494-495. Available online.
Schaal, Richard. Die Musikforschung 29 (1976): 476-478. Available online.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 17 (1976): 39-40.
Sartori, Claudio. Nuova rivista musicale italiana 10 (1976): 285-286.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder, 18, no. 2 (August 1977): 47-48. Available online.
Lesure, François. Fontes artis musicae 24 (1977): 193.
Schaal, Richard. Die Musikforschung 30, no. 2 (April/Juni 1977): 209-210. Available online.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 19, no. 2 (1978): 68.
Lesure, François. Fontes artis musicae 26 (1979): 145.
Schaal, Richard. Die Musikforschung 32 (1979): 86-87. Available online.
Martin, Jörg. Die Musikforschung 35, no. 4 (Oktober–Dezember 1982): 369-370. Available online.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 23, no. 4 (November 1982): 163. Available online.
King, Alexander Hyatt. Fontes artis musicae 30 (1983): 78-80.
Hortschansky, Klaus. “International Lexicon of Musical Sources. Individual Editions of Music Printed before 1800, Vols. 1-9.” German Studies. Section 3: Literature - Music - Fine Arts 19 (1986): 156-159.
Schaal, Richard. Die Musikforschung 37 (1984): 295. Available online.
Helm, Everett. “Ein Fortschritt in der Musikbibliographie.” Neue Musikzeitung August/September 1987, 32.
Schaal, Richard. Die Musikforschung 42 (1989): 177-178. Available online.
Henry, Stephen. Notes (December 2012): 392-396. Available online.
Rose, Stephen. “RISM in the Digital Age.” Early Music (February 2013): 158-160. Available online.
Series A/II: Musical Manuscripts after 1600
Microfiche edition
“Bibliographies.” Early Music News, June 1988.
CD-ROM edition
Karasch, Angela and Reinhard Ziegler. 3rd edition, CD-ROM 1. Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken 4, no. 2/3 (1996): 466-470.
Seyfried, Bettina von and Achim Oßwald. 3rd edition, CD-ROM 1. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 44, no. 1 (1997): 83-88.
Koudaal, Jens Henrik. 4th edition, CD-ROM 2. Dansk Arbog for Musikforskning 25 (1997). Available online.
Eden, Brad. 5th edition, CD-ROM 3. Library Review and Reference Review 2, no. 7 (1998).
Elliker, Calvin. 5th cumulative edition and RISM Online. Notes 55, no. 4 (June 1999): 980-984. Available online.
Rommel, Martina. 6th edition, CD-ROM 4. Informationsmittel für Bibliotheken 7 (1999).
Popinigis, Danuta. 8th edition, CD-ROM 6. Muzyka 48, no. 1 (2003): 136-143.
Series B
Duckles, Vincent. Notes 18, no. 2 (1961): 225–27. Available online.
Heartz, Daniel: See under 1961.
Reese, Gustave. “The first volume of RISM.” Fontes artis musicae 8 (1961): 4-7. Available online.
Higbee, Dale. The American recorder 13, no. 2 (1972): 64-65.
B/III, 1
Reaney, Gilbert. The musical times 103, no. 1436 (October 1962): 691-692. Available online.
B/III, 2
Gümpel, Karl-Werner. Die Musikforschung 25, no. 3 (Juli-September 1972): 363-365. Available online.
B/III, 3
Bernhard, Michael. Musik in Bayern: Halbjahresschrift der Gesellschaft für Bayerische Musikgeschichte e.V. 38 (1989): 117-120.
Colette, Marie-Noëlle. Revue de musicologie 75, no. 2 (1989): 289-291. Available online.
Frobenius, Wolf. Die Musikforschung 44 (1991): 77-78.
Gushee, Lawrence. Notes 45 (1988): 282-283. Available online.
Le Boeuf, Patrick. Bulletin codicologique 42 (1988): 65-66.
B/III, 4
Colette, Marie-Noëlle. Revue de musicologie 80, no. 1 (1994): 131-132. Available online.
Staehelin, Martin. Die Musikforschung 47 (1994): 412.
B/III, 6
Colette, Marie-Noëlle. Revue de musicologie 90, no. 1 (2004): 133-135. Available online.
B/IV, 1-2
Scott, Darwin F. Notes 51, no. 1 (September 1994): 105-108. Available online.
B/IV, 2
Sanders, Ernest. Music & Letters 51 (1970): 458-459.
B/IV, 3-4
Stelzle, Roswitha. Erasmus 29 (1977): 544-547.
B/IV, 5
Atlas, Allan W. Notes 49 (1992): 64-67.
Bent, Margaret. Journal of the American Musicological Society 48 (1995): 272-283.
Fallows, David. Early Music 20 (1992): 335-336.
Staehelin, Martin. Fontes Artis Musicae 40 (1993): 164-166.
B/IV, 1–2 suppl. 1
Staehelin, Martin. Die Musikforschung 47 (1994): 412-414.
Fabris, Dinko. Nuova rivista musicale italiana 15 (1981): 457-461.
Fenlon, Iain. The musical times 120 (1979): 489.
Funck, Eike. “Vor vierzig Jahren begonnen - jetzt erschienen.” Musica 33 (1979): 74-75.
Lenneberg, Hans. Notes 36 (1979): 108.
Marx, Hans Joachim. Die Musikforschung 33 (1980): 217-218.
Ness, Arthur. Journal of the American Musicological Society 34 (1981): 339-345.
Schneider, Matthias. Gitarre und Laute 1 (1979): 51-52.
Smith, Douglas Alton. Journal of the lute society of America 12 (1979): 78-82.
Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft 27 (1985): 440.
King, Alexander Hyatt. Erasmus 28 (1976): clm. 419-421.
Stalmann, Joachim. Musica 30 (1976): 154.
Bill, Owald. Die Musikforschung 35 (1982): 110.
Blankenburg, Walter. Theologische Rundschau 46 (1981): 305-306.
Suppan, Wolfgang. Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 26 (1981): 178-179.
Voss, Peter L. Musik und Kirche 51 (1981): 300.
B/IX, 1
Flender, Reinhard. Die Musikforschung 46 (1993): 193-194.
Nulman, Macy. Journal of the American Musicological Society 4 (1991): 1176-1177.
Weitz, Jay. Fontes Artis Musicae 38 (1991): 144.
B/IX, 2
Avenary, Hanoch. Orbis musicae 5 (1975/76): 100-102.
Bayer, Bathja. Kirjat Sepher 50 (1975/76): 649-653.
Gerson-Kiwi, Edith. Die Musikforschung 33 (1980): 498-500.
Gradenwitz, Peter. Melos. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 2 (1976): 503.
H., J. The music review 37 (1976): 310-311.
Huglo, Michel. Revue de musicologie 62, no. 2 (1976): 295-296. Available online.
Ochs, Michael. Notes 33 (1976): 56-57.
Smits van Waesberghe, Josef. Fontes Artis Musicae 25 (1977): 53.
Werner, Eric. Journal of the American Musicological Society 30 (1977): 522-524.
Wulstan, David. Music & Letters 63 (1977): 105.
Al Faruqi, Lois Ibsen. Asian Music 14, no. 2 (1983): 183-185.
Al Faruqi, Lois Ibsen. Yearbook for traditional music 17 (1985): 219-220. Available online.
Burnett, Charles. Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music, 1 (1982): 378-381.
El-Shawan, Salwa. Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 17 (1985): 219-220.
Gerson-Kiwi, Edith. Die Musikforschung 35 (1982): 82-84.
Hickmann, Ellen. The world of music/Die Welt der Musik/Le monde de la musique 25, no. 3 (1983): 82-83. Available online.
Huglo, Michel. Revue de musicologie 68, no. 1-2 (1982): 409-410. Available online.
Langermann, T. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 3 (1981-1982): 244-246.
Pellat, Ch. Arabica 27 (1980): 329-330.
Petrovic, Ankica. Zvuk 3 (1989): 83-84.
Randel, Don M. Ethnomusicology: Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology 26, no. 3 (September 1982): 478-479. Available online.
Sirat, Colette. Revue des études juives 143 (1984): 227.
Fleischhauer, Günter. Die Musikforschung 46 (1993): 79-80
Solomon, John. Fontes Artis Musicae 36 (1989): 332-333.
Colette, Marie-Noëlle. Revue de musicologie 92, no. 2 (2006): 401-404. Available online.
Dufour, Valérie. Scriptorium: Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits/International review of manuscript studies 55, no. 2 (2001): 236.
Hiley, David. Music & letters 89, no. 3 (2008): 490-493. Available online.
Ingendaay, Paul. “Schätze der Kirchenmusik, Reiche iberische Quellenkunde.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 5, 2005.
Series C: Directory of Music Research Libraries
Vol. 1
Ostrove, Geraldine. Fontes artis musicae 31 (1984): 134-135.
Vol. 2
Rommel, Martina. Bibliothekszentrum Baden-Württemberg.
Vol. 1–3
Benthem, Jaap van. Tydschrift van de Vereiniging voor Nederlandse Musikgeschiedenis 26 (1976): 115-117.
Fellinger, Imogen. Melos. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 139 (1978): 167-168.
Martin, Jörg. Die Musikforschung 30 (1977): 526.
Wolf, Eugene K. Journal of the American Musicological Society 29 (1976): 484-486.
Vol. 4
Diamond, Harold J. Notes 36 (1980): 660-661.
Krueger, Wolfgang. Fontes Artis Musicae 47 (1980): 223-224.
Miller, Miriam. Brio 17 (1980): 29.
Special Volumes: Das Tenorlied
Vol. 1
Bartlett, Clifford. Brio United Kingdom 26 (1980): 30.
Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm. Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 26 (1981): 153-154.
Brusniak, Friedhelm. Musik und Kirche 50 (1980): 136-137.
Meyer, Christian. Revue de Musicologie 66 (1980): 97-99.
Steinbeck, Wolfram. Die Musikforschung 34 (1981): 490-491.
Vol. 2
Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm. Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 31 (1986): 121.
Brusniak, Friedhelm. Musik und Kirche 53 (1983): 253-254.
Vol. 3
Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm. Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 33 (1988): 122-123.
Brusniak, Friedhelm. Musik und Kirche 58 (1988): 95-96.
Steinbeck, Wolfram. Die Musikforschung 41 (1988): 265-266.
Appendix: Libretto and library catalogs relating to RISM
This section lists further libretto and library catalogs connected with RISM. The main focus is on catalogs compiled by colleagues in RISM national groups and on catalogs compiled in accordance with RISM guidelines. We have also mentioned some catalogs that have no obvious connection with RISM regarding their compilation but have been included in the RISM A/II database.
Catalogs of librettos
Libretti in deutschen Bibliotheken: Katalog der gedruckten Texte zu Opern, Oratorien, Kantaten, Schuldramen, Balletten und Gelegenheitskompositionen von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Microfiche edition, edited by Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM), Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland e. V. Munich: Saur, 1992.
RISM-U.S. Libretto Database (contains bibliographic records of different U.S. libraries for more than 11,000 printed and manuscript libretti for musical stage pieces from the earliest manifestations through the beginning of the twentieth century), URL: http://search.lib.virginia.edu/
Sartori, Claudio. I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800 (7 vols.). Cuneo: Bertola & Locatelli, 1990-1994. (Compiled by RISM Italy-Milan)
Catalogs of individual libraries (or parts of individual libraries) or catalogs of specific regions
A – Austria
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. Die Musikhandschriften des Dominikanerinnenklosters Lienz im Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum: Thematischer Katalog. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag des Instituts für Tiroler Musikforschung, 1984.
(Compiled using RISM rules; catalog data in RISM A/II)
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. Die Musikhandschriften des Domkapitelarchivs Brixen: Thematischer Katalog (in preparation).
(Compiled by RISM Landesleitung Westösterreich)
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. Die Musikhandschriften der Pfarrkirche und der Musikkapelle Vils: Thematischer Katalog. Beiträge zur Musikforschung in Tirol 2. Innsbruck: Eigenverlag des Instituts für Tiroler Musikforschung, 1993.
(Compiled by RISM Landesleitung Westösterreich)
Herrmann-Schneider, Hildegard. Die Musikhandschriften der Zisterzienser-Abtei Stams: Thematischer Katalog (in preparation).
(Compiled by RISM Landesleitung Westösterreich)
Kommission für Musikforschung. Tabulae musicae Austriacae: Kataloge österreichischer Musiküberlieferung. Vienna, 1964- (13 vols. to date).
(Compiled based on RISM rules)
Lindner, Andreas and Klaus Petermayr. Die historischen Musikalien der Bruckner-Stätten (Historic Music Materials of the Bruckner Sites). Vol. 1: Die Pfarre Kronstorf. Veröffentlichungen des RISM-Österreich A/13. Vienna: Verlag Der Apfel, 2010.
Neumayr, Eva and Lars Laubhold, eds., Thematischer Katalog der musikalischen Quellen des Dommusikarchivs Salzburg (A-Sd), Reihe A. Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018. Available online.
Neumayr, Eva, ed., with contributions by Armin Brinzing and Till Reininghaus. Der „Mozart-Nachlass”. Musikalien aus dem Besitz der Söhne W. A. Mozarts in Salzburg. Beiträge zur Mozart-Dokumentation, 3; Veröffentlichungen des Archivs der Erzdiözese, 25. Stuttgart: Carus-Verlag, 2021. 823 p.
BR - Brazil
Base Minas – ECA / USP (database with musical sources). Some information available here: http://www.rebeca.eca.usp.br/lam/minas/
(Available in RISM A/II; siglum: BR-SPeca)
CH – Switzerland
Arbeitsstelle Schweiz des RISM and Christine Koch-Studer. Hans Studer 1911-1984: Katalog des Nachlasses in der Musikbibliothek der Hochschule der Kunste Bern. Bern:Arbeitsstelle Schweiz des RISM, 2011. Available online.
(Compiled by RISM Switzerland-Bern)
Hanke Knaus, Gabriella. Richard Sturzenegger: Katalog des Nachlasses in der Musikbibliothek der Hochschule der Künste Bern. Schliengen:Edition Argus, 2007.
(Compiled by RISM Switzerland-Bern)
Helg, Lukas. “Katalog der Werke von P. Daniel Meier in der Musikbibliothek des Klosters Einsiedeln.” In Ad mairorem Dei gloriam: Festgabe für P. Daniel Meier OSB zum 80. Geburtstag, edited by Helg and Gabriella Hanke Knaus, 41-120. Einsiedeln: Musikbibliothek des Klosters Einsiedeln; Arbeitsstelle Schweiz des Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM), 2001.
(Compiled by RISM Switzerland-Bern)
Ross, Peter and Andreas Traub. “Die Kirchenmusik von Johann Christian Bach im Kloster Einsiedeln.” Fontes Artis Musicae 32 (1985): 92-102.
(Compiled by RISM Switzerland-Bern)
Werner, Rudolf. Die Pflege der Musik in St. Katharinental im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Frauenfeld: Thurgauische Kantonsbibliothek, 1979.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
CZ – Czech Republic/former Czechoslovakia
Bastlová, Eliška. Collectio operum musicalium quae in Bibliotheca Kinsky adservantur. Catalogus artis musicae in Bohemia et Moravia cultae / Artis Musicae Antiquioris Catalogorum Series 8. Prague: Národní knihovna České Repubiky, 2013.
Catalogus artis musicae in Bohemia et Moravia cultae. Artis musicae antiquioris catalogorum, 1973- (8 vols. to date).
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM; portions of catalog data in RISM A/II)
Semerádová, Pavla and Eliška Šedivá. Catalogus collectionis operum artis musicae de Monasterii Siloensis. Catalogus artis musicae in Bohemia et Moravia cultae. Artis musicae antiquioris catalogorum 9/1-2. Prague: Národní knihovna České republiky, 2016.
D – Germany
Hartmann, Andrea and Ortrun Landmann. Die Musikhandschriften im Unitätsarchiv der Evangelischen Brüder-Unität Herrnhut: Thematischer Katalog. Musikhandschriften in Deutschland 3. Munich: RISM-Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland; Frankfurt am Main: RISM-Zentralredaktion, 2010. ISBN 978-3-86780-191-1 Available online.
Kataloge bayerischer Musiksammlungen (KBM). Munich: Henle, 1971-. See in particular vols. 3, 6, 7, 9, 11/1, 12, 13, 14/1-3, 9-10, 17, 19, 21.
(Compiled using RISM rules; compiled by RISM Germany-Munich. Some catalog data available in RISM A/II)
Kindler, Klaus. Die Musikhandschriften mit Sammlung Kestner in der Stadtbibliothek Hannover - Thematischer Katalog. Hanover: Stadtbibliothek, 2003. Summary (in English) | Preface (in German) | Sample page
Kindler, Klaus, ed. Findbuch zum Bestand Musikalien des herzoglichen Theaters in Braunschweig 18.-19. Jh. (46 Alt). Inventare und kleinere Schriften des Staatsarchivs in Wolfenbüttel 5. Wolfenbüttel: Selbstverlag des Niedersächsischen Staatsarchivs, 1990.
(Compiled by RISM Germany-Munich using RISM A/II records)
Kirsch, Dieter. Die Musikalien der Diözese Würzburg. Quellen und Studien zur Musikgeschichte Würzburgs und Mainfrankens. Würzburg: Echter, 2014.
(Compiled by RISM Germany-Munich)
Klenk, Edith. Die Musikhandschriften des Speyerer Domchores. Pfälzische Arbeiten zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen und zur Bibliographie 18. Speyer: Pfälzische Landesbibliothek, 1995.
(Compiled based on RISM rules.)
Klösges, Stefan and Christoph Müller-Oberhäuser. Die Musikaliensammlung Leibl. Neukatalogisierung der Musikalien der Kölner Domkapelle des 19. Jahrhunderts auf der Grundlage des Katalogs von Gottfried Göller. Libelli Rhenani, no. 66. Cologne: Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, 2016.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Landmann, Ortrun. Katalog der Dresdener Hasse-Musikhandschriften: Die handschriftlich überlieferten Kompositionen von Johann Adolf Hasse (1699-1783) in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden. CD-ROM with accompanying volume. Munich: Saur, 1999.
(Compiled by RISM Germany-Dresden)
Landmann, Ortrun. Die Opernsammlung der sächsischen Landesbibliothek (in preparation).
(Compiled by RISM-Germany-Dresden and the RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt/M.)
Landmann, Ortrun. Die Telemann-Quellen der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek: Handschriften und zeitgenössische Druckausgaben seiner Werke. Studien und Materialien zur Musikgeschichte Dresdens 4. Dresden: Sächsische Landesbibliothek, 1983.
(Compiled using revised records from RISM A/II by RISM Germany-Dresden and the RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt/M.)
Rheinfurth, Hans. Musikaliensammlung Klaus und Doris Groth im Klaus-Groth-Museum in Heide. Heide in Holstein: Boyens, 1995.
(Compiled by RISM Germany-Munich)
Rösing, Helmut. Fürstlich Hohenlohe-Langenburg’sche Schlossbibliothek: Katalog der Musikhandschriften. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1977.
(Test edition for RISM series A/II; see also Rösing, Helmut (1978), above)
Schlichte, Joachim. Thematischer Katalog der kirchlichen Musikhandschriften in der Liebfrauenkirche zu Schotten. Frankfurter Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft 19. Tutzing: Schneider, 1985.
(Compiled by RISM Germany-Munich using RISM A/II records)
Schlichte, Joachim. Thematischer Katalog der kirchlichen Musikhandschriften des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (Signaturengruppe Ms.Ff.Mus.). Kataloge der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main 8. Frankfurt/M.: Klostermann, 1979.
(Compiled by RISM Germany-Munich; catalog data in A/II)
DK - Denmark
Schiødt, Nanna and Sybille Reventlow. RISM-Katalogen: Manuskripter i danske samlinger: En introduktion / The Danish RISM Catalogue: Manuscripts. An introduction. 20 microfiches., Copenhagen: Kongelige Bibliothek, 1977.
(See also Schiødt, Nanna [1977], above)
E – Spain
Catálogo de impresos musicales del siglo XVIII en la Biblioteca Nacional. Madrid: Ministero de Cultura Direccion General del Libro y Bibliotecas, 1989.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Mur Bernard, Juan José de. Catálogo del archivo de música de la catedral de Huesca. Huesca: Gráficas Alós, 1993.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Pavia i Simó, Josep. La Musica en Cataluña en el Siglo XVIII. Francesc Valls (1671c.-1747). Monumentos de la Música Espanola 53. Barcelona: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1997.
(Compiled by RISM Spain-Barcelona with the RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt/M.)
F – France
Grand, Cécile and Catherine Massip. Catalogue des manuscrits musicaux antérieurs à 1800 conservés au département de la Musique. A et B. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1999.
(Compiled by RISM France-Paris)
Guillo, Laurent. Catalogue de la musique imprimée avant 1801 conservée dans les bibliothèques de Lyon, Grenoble et la région. Grenoble: Agence de coopération régionale pour la documentation, 1986.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Patrimoine Musical Régional. Various publishers, 1989-. 34 catalogs planned, 24 have appeared through 2000.
(Compiled with the cooperation of RISM France-Paris; some catalog data in RISM A/II)
HR – Croatia
Indices collectiorum musicarum tabulariorumque in Croatia. Zagreb: 1988- (5 vols. to date).
(Compiled using RISM rules by RISM Croatia-Zagreb. Catalog data from vols. 4-5 also in RISM A/II)
I – Italy
Brumana, Biancamaria. Il fondo musicale dell’archivio di S. Pietro a Perugia: Catalogo. Biblioteche dell’Umbria. Cataloghi e strumenti 8. Perugia: Volumnia editrice, 1986.
(Descriptions of manuscripts compiled using RISM rules)
Catalog of the Archivio Capitolare, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, I-Rsm (In preparation).
(Compiled by RISM Italy-Rome with the RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt/M.)
Cataloghi di fondi musicali italiani (CFMI), a cura della Società Italiana di Musicologia in collaborazione con il Répertoire international des sources musicales. 1982- (18 vols. to date).
Catalogo del fondo musicale della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emmanuele II di Roma. Rome: Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali – Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Librari e gli Istituti Culturali, 1989.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Pietro Alessandro Pavona e la musica sacra a Palma: Con il catalogo del Fondo musicale del Duomo di Palmanova. Udine: Circolo Comunale di Cultura “Nicolò Trevisan” di Palmanova, 1996.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Meluzzi, Cecilia. Catalogo dei manoscritti musicali di Alessandro Vessella: Per la storia della musica a Roma tra otto e novecento. Studi, cataloghi e sussidi dell’istituto di bibliografia musicale (IBIMUS) 16. Rome: Istituto Bibliografia Musicale, 2011.
(Compiled by RISM Italy-Rome with the RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt/M.)
Pollastri, Mariarosa. Biblioteca del Convento di S. Francesco di Bologna: Catalogo del fondo musicale. Appendice: Manoscritti – Edizioni. Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, Sezione I, N. 20. Bologna: Forni, 1984.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Rostirolla, Giancarlo. L’Archivio musicale della Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano. Catalogo dei manoscritti e delle edizioni (secc. XVI-XX). 2 vols. Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato. Strumenti 153. Rome: Ministero Beni Att. Culturali, 2002. Sample page
(Compiled by RISM Italy-Rome with the RISM Zentralredaktion, Frankfurt/M.)
Rostirolla, Giancarlo and Maria Szpadrowska. Una Biblioteca musicale del Settecento: Il fondo Compagnoni Marefoschi della Biblioteca Casanatense di Roma. Storia e Catalogo. Studi e cataloghi dell’Istituto di Bibliografia Musicale – Roma 1). Rome: Torre d’Orfeo, 1995.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Scogna, Flavio E. “Catalogo del fondo musicale del Duomo di Savona.” In Vita musicale a Savona dal XVI al XVIII secolo, 67-106. Savona: Cassa di risparmio di Savona, 1982.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Simi Bonini, Eleonora. Catalogo del fondo musicale di Santa Maria in Trastevere nell’archivio storico del vicariato di Roma: Tre secoli di musica nella Basilica Romana di Santa Maria in Trastevere. Rome: IBIMUS, 2000.
(Compiled using RISM rules. Catalog data in RISM A/II)
Spanò, Gabriella. Il fondo di musica strumentale Ricardi di Netro a Udine, a cura di Lorenzo Nassimbeni. Gorizia: Grafica Goriziana, 1996.
(Compiled using RISM rules. Catalog data in RISM A/II)
MEX - Mexico
Krutitskaya, Anastasia and Edgar Alejandro Calderón Alcántar. Repertorio de villancicos y cantadas del Archivo Histórico de la Arquidiócesis de Antedquera Oaxaca (cajas 49 y 50). Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2018. Available online.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Lazos, John G. José Antonio Gómez y Olguín (1805-1876) y su Catálogo musical: Un acercamiento a la práctica musical del México decimonónico. Montreal: John G. Lazos, 2016. Available online.
(Compiled using RISM rules. Catalog data in RISM online catalog.)
Lazos, John G. Catálogo del Acervo Musical del Colegio de Vizcaínas (Amcv). La memoria sonora de los colegios femeninos en México entre los siglos XVI-XIX. Montreal: John G. Lazos, 2019. Available online.
(Compiled using RISM rules. Catalog data in RISM online catalog.)
P – Portugal
Borges de Azevedo, João Manuel. Biblioteca do Palácio Nacional de Mafra: Catálogo dos Fundos Musicais. Lisbon: 1985.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
PL - Poland
Bohdanowicz, Bogna and Jolanta Byczkowska-Sztaba. Musicalia manuscripta Chori Sacro-Lindensis. Fontes Musicae in Polonia, A VI. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa, 2021.
Idaszak, Danuta. Grodzisk Wielkopolski: Katalog tematyczny muzykaliów. Studia et Dissertationes Instituti Musicologiae Universitatis Varsoviensis 1. Kraków: Musica Iagellonica, 1993.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Kolbuszweska, Aniela. Katalog rękopisów muzycznych XVIII i XIX wieku Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu ze zbiorów Wrocławskiego kościoła św. Elżbiety. Wybór i opracowanie Aniela Kolbuszewska / Katalog der Musikhandschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts der Universitätsbibliothek Breslau aus den Sammlungen der Breslauer St. Elisabethkirche. Wrocław, Poland: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2008. Reviewed by Małgorzata Łoboz in Muzyka 56, no. 3 (2011), 153-155.
Podejko, Paweł. Katalog tematyczny rękopisów i druków muzycznych kapeli wokalno-instrumentalnej na Jasnej Górze. Kraków: Wyd.OO.Paulinów, 1992.
(Compiled using RISM rules)
Popinigis, Danuta, Danuta Szlagowska and Jolanta Woźniak. Rękopiśmienne zbiory muzyczne Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Wiek XVIII-XIX: Katalog. (In preparation)
(Compiled by RISM Poland-Gdańsk)
Walter-Mazur, Magdalena. The Music Manuscripts at the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz: A Thematic Catalogue. Vol. I. Repertoire of Church Ensemble and Keyboard Music. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Walter-Mazur, Magdalena. The Music Manuscripts at the Diocesan Library in Sandomierz: A Thematic Catalogue. Vol. II. Repertoire of Cantors and Organists and Collection of the Holy Trinity Parish in Raków. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
SK – Slovakia
Kačic, Ladislav. “Missa franciscana der Marianischen Provinz im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.” Studia Musicologica 33 (1991): 5-107.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Muntág, Emanuel. Súpis hudobnín z rím.-kat. kostola v Banskej Štiavnici. I. Súpis zbierky rukopisných hudobnín Jána Jozefa Richtera z rím.-kat. kostola / nem. / v Banskej Štiavnici. II. Súpis zbierky hudobných autografov Františka Hrdinu z rím.-kat. kostola / nem. / v Banskej Štiavnici. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1969.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Muntág, Emanuel. Súpis hudobnín z rím.-kat. kostola v Banskej Štiavnici. III. Súpis zbierky rukopisných hudobnín z rokov 1753-1840 z rím.-kat. kostola / nem. / v Banskej Štiavnici. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1972.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Muntág, Emanuel. Hudobniny z knižnice grófov Zayovcov z Uhrovca. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1979.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Muntág, Emanuel. Súpis hudobnín z rím.-kat. kostola v Banskej Štiavnici. IV. Súpis zbierky notového archivu Eduarda Schoszthala správcu chóru farnosti banskoštiavnickej / 1841-1891. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1971.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Ormisová-Záhumenská, Božena. Súpis hodobnín z bývalého premonštrátskeho kláštora v Jasove: Zbierka z bývaleho jezuitského kostola sv. Trojice v Košiciach. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1967.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Ormisová-Záhumenská, Božena. Súpis hodobnín z bývalého premonštrátskeho kláštora v Jasove: Zbierka z bývalej dominikánskej knižnice v Košiciach. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1970.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Ormisová-Záhumenská, Božena. Súpis hodobnín z bývalého premonštrátskeho kláštora v Jasove: Zbierka z bývaleho Hornouhorského Rákocziho múzea v Košiciach. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1970.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)
Ormisová-Záhumenská, Božena. Súpis hodobnín z bývalého premonštrátskeho kláštora v Jasove: Zbierka hudobnín z chóru kostola sv. Jána Krstitela v Jasove. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1977.
(Compiled in cooperation with RISM)