Archive des actualités – Nouveau au RISM

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A Farewell from Long-Time RISM Director Klaus Keil

Dear working group contributors, supporters, and friends of RISM, I have been the director of the RISM Central Office for nearly 30 years and have worked here for more than 37. The time has come for me to go. On 31 August 2020, I will leave my position and go...

27 August 2020

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Musik und Tanz zur Gesundung König Felipes III. von Spanien

Vor ziemlich genau 400 Jahren erschien in Neapel bei Costantino Vitale der Sammeldruck Breve Racconto della Festa a Ballo, von dem heute lediglich ein Exemplar in der Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn) erhalten ist. Die Festa a Ballo ist eines der wenigen aus Italien stammenden Zeugnisse höfischer Tanzveranstaltungen mit Musik...

9 July 2020

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Revising Records for Post-1600 Printed Anthologies: There is an End in Sight!

The project that began in November 2018 to revise the B/I records for printed music anthologies from 1601 to 1700, of which the printed editions up to 1610 have been online since March 2019, is slowly but surely coming to an end. Entries up to 1650 are completely online and...

2 July 2020

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The First Record from Andorra in RISM: The “Periodico de musica” of Maria Rosa d’Areny Jordana

We have received the following from Joan Benavent Peiró, PhD student in musicology at University of Andorra. The Principality of Andorra has recently been incorporated into the RISM database with the cataloging of “El Periódico de música de la S. D. Maria Rosa de Areny” (RISM ID no.: 1001050169). The...

15 June 2020

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Vicente Olmos Claver: A Spanish Chapel Master of the 18th Century

We have received the following from Ángel Marzal, who recently cataloged the works of Vicente Olmos Claver for RISM. Vicente Olmos Claver was born around 1744 in Catarroja, a Spanish town located near Valencia. According to documentation in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Valencia, our chapel master began singing as an...

28 May 2020

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RISM in re3data

The Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data) is a global registry that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It presents repositories for the permanent storage and access of data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions. promotes a culture of sharing, increased access, and better...

6 April 2020

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Karin Weißert: Internship report

As part of my bachelor’s degree in musicology at the Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, one is required to work an internship that lasts 150 hours. For my internship, I resolved not to go to an opera house or concert hall to learn the organizational requirements of putting on events....

26 March 2020

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First RISM Siglum for Papua New Guinea

Part of our work at RISM includes creating new library sigla for any institution worldwide that holds material related to music research. We regularly receive requests from scholars, archivists, and librarians every month. In the course of our daily work, we also stumble upon institutions for which we have no...

23 March 2020

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RISM Central Office Temporarily Closed

As a precautionary measure due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the RISM Central Office in Frankfurt has been closed since 19 March 2020. We are currently working in a limited capacity, so we thank you in advance for your understanding. We continue to be reachable through the usual ways, including...

18 March 2020

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Looking Back on 2019

The year 2020 is still young, but let’s take a moment to look back on 2019 at the most popular stories from the world of musical sources that we published here on the RISM blog. May 2020 be as rich with discoveries!         New Music Manuscripts from...

16 January 2020

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
