Archive des actualités – Nouveau au RISM

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Caught the Catch?

While revising the many anthologies published by John Playford starting around 1650 (titles ranging from Catch that Catch Can and Musicks Recreation to Select Ayres and Dialoges) the entry for B/I 1653|7 (Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues […] Printed by T[homas] H[arper] for John Playford) stood out because the British...

14 November 2019

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New Women Composers in 2019

In March 2017, we published a list with 800 women composers who appear in RISM records. In 2019 alone, we have had over 50 new names, so in total there are over 1,000. As a sampling, here are 17 of them. Some of the new ones are from the records...

4 November 2019

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Launch of Project Group on RISM Series C

At the IAML Congress in Kraków this summer, the General Assembly approved the creation of a Project Group on RISM Series C. It will be a pilot project to update the RISM Series C directory of music holding institutions, available online through the Directory of Library Sigla, in collaboration with...

23 September 2019

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Welcome, Carmen Álvarez!

We are delighted to welcome Carmen Álvarez to the RISM Central Office as an intern over the next four months. Carmen is a PhD student in musicology at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and is writing about the musical holdings preserved in two cathedral archives in Zaragoza (E-Zac). She is...

19 September 2019

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The Many Lives of Baron Friedrich von Boyneburgk

We were very pleased to receive this post from Klaus Rettinghaus (Leipzig). The RISM data have since been revised. The changes will be visible after the next update of the RISM catalog. Authority data can be a big help in finding materials related to specific entities, usually individuals. This is...

29 August 2019

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New Music Manuscripts from Italy (ICCU) in RISM

After several years of discussions and negotiations with the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo unico delle Biblioteche Italiane (ICCU) and an intensive technical preparatory phase, more than 200,000 records of music manuscripts from the SBN Musica database were transferred to the internal RISM database at the beginning of 2019. The...

8 August 2019

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New RISM Cataloging Tools for Librarians

We are delighted to announce that there are some new cataloging tools available that will help improve the presence of RISM in local library catalogs. You can find these new resources in the Cataloging Tools section of the RISM for Libraries page. Among the new tools is a link to...

1 July 2019

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Muscat-Workshop mit Guido Kraus in L'viv (12.-14. Februar 2019)

Der folgende Beitrag stammt von Angelika Moths: Initiiert von der Haliciana Schola Cantorum (HSC) – einem Schweizer Verein zur Förderung der Kultur in der Westukraine – fand im November 2017 das internationale musikwissenschaftliche Symposium „Ex umbra in solem“ an der Katholischen Universität in L’viv statt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass es...

11 April 2019

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17th-Century Printed Anthologies: The First Decade is Now Online

Have you ever been annoyed that you can’t consistently find entries for 17th-century printed anthologies in the RISM catalog? We are working on changing that! The project to revise entries from 1500 and later in RISM’s series B/I, which has been underway since April 2017 and which has in the...

28 March 2019

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Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources in Shanghai

We have received the following from Tzu-Chia Tseng of the RISM Chinese-Language Region: 2018/12: RISM-CLR held the annual meeting of the Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources and a Muscat workshop in Shanghai The Collaborative Project on Chinese Music Resources initiated by Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is now...

21 February 2019

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
