Archive des actualités

Trnka—who? Mistaken attributions and their effects

It is not surprising that music bibliographers find it difficult enough to distinguish between composers with common names, but that this also happens with somewhat rarer names is something we are going to illustrate today using an example from the RISM A/I series (works by a single composer printed to...

6 August 2018 – Nouveau au RISM

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Ferdinand Rebay (1880–1953) at Heiligenkreuz Abbey

We received this post from Father Roman Nägele (RISM Austria, Heiligenkreuz Abbey): Ferdinand Rebay (1880 – 1953) was an Austrian composer, pianist, conductor, and piano teacher. From 1890 to 1894 he was part of the boys’ choir at Heiligenkreuz Abbey and received an education in music and voice. He completed...

2 August 2018 – Collections de bibliothèques

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Music by Antônio Carlos Gomes part of the UNESCO Memory of the World list

Recently, as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, we wrote about European music manuscripts registered on the UNESCO Memory of the World list. One of our readers, Rosana Lanzelotte, kindly pointed out to us that this list was expanded last year to include manuscripts by a composer about...

30 July 2018 – A la une

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4th International Ferdinand Rebay Academy at Heiligenkreuz Abbey (Austria)

The director of the Music Archive of Heiligenkreuz Abbey, P. Roman Nägele OCist, would like to call our attention to this interesting event in Heiligenkreuz Abbey. A detailed post about the life of the composer Ferdinand Rebay will follow next week. Courses for GUITAR – FLUTE – VOICE Closing concert...

26 July 2018 – Evénements

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Richard Wagner Manuscripts to be Digitized

This article first appeared on the website of the Richard Wagner Museum Bayreuth and is reprinted here with kind permission. Preserving and making accessible collections of cultural and historical value: A digitization project at the National Archives of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung in Bayreuth Anyone wishing to consult the important holdings of...

23 July 2018 – Collections de bibliothèques

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Musical Sources in the Salzburg Cathedral Archive (A-Sd)

We have received the following from Eva Neumayr (RISM Salzburg): A new thematic catalog of the musical sources in the archives of the Salzburg Cathedral (RISM siglum: A-Sd) has been published: Eva Neumayr and Lars Laubhold, eds., Thematischer Katalog der musikalischen Quellen des Dommusikarchivs Salzburg (A-Sd), Reihe A. Vienna: Hollitzer...

19 July 2018 – Nouveautés

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New Version of the RISM Online Catalog

RISM and the Bavarian State Library (BSB, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) announce the release of a new version of the RISM online catalog at This release represents the first phase of a development project that will include additional new features in the upcoming months. Today’s release is therefore an initial step...

16 July 2018 – Catalogue RISM en ligne

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350 years ago today: Il pomo d'oro

On this day 350 years ago, the opera Il pomo d’oro (The Golden Apple) premiered in Vienna. The first performance of this opera, with music by Antonio Cesti (1623-1669) after a libretto by Francesco Sbarra (1611-1668), was originally intended for the wedding celebrations of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I (1640-1705)...

12 July 2018 – Anniversaires

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Happy 410th Birthday, Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III!

This Friday is the 410th birthday of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor from 1637 to 1657. Like many members of royalty, he dabbled in composition—as did his successors Leopold I and Joseph I. Andrew H. Weaver published an edition of all known motets by Ferdinand III in 2012. In a...

9 July 2018 – Anniversaires

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An Extraordinary Musical Prodigy

This spaniel hasn’t just hopped on the piano stool to howl at whatever noise comes out of that wooden box. If the title of the painting is any indication, Portrait of an Extraordinary Musical Dog, this pooch has some real talent. The artist Philip Reinagle (1749-1833) depicts a dog whose...

5 July 2018 – Anniversaires

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