Archive des actualités

Announcing the Third RISM Lecture: Musical Sources in Mexico

Our first pair of RISM Lectures focused on two of the most celebrated music collections of the old continent: the Fondo Cappella Sistina kept in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and the Bach manuscripts preserved in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. In keeping with RISM’s global outlook and mission, we wanted the...

29 September 2022 – Evénements

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Program and Registration for Musical Sources: Past and Future — An International Conference Celebrating 70 Years of RISM

We are pleased to announce the final program for our event Musical Sources: Past and Future - An International Conference Celebrating 70 Years of RISM. It will take place 7-9 October 2022 in the Plenarsaal (Plenary Hall) of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz. Please visit our conference...

22 September 2022 – Evénements

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RISM at the 2022 IMS Congress in Athens

While one of RISM’s sponsoring organizations, the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) holds a congress each year, offering us the chance to share the latest news about our work in person, the International Musicological Society (IMS) puts up full congresses only quinquennially. This year the...

15 September 2022 – Evénements

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An unexpected find: “Le Pêcheur Catalan” WoO II.2, No. 9 by Louise Farrenc

The following is a guest post by Christin Heitmann (author of “Louise Farrenc. Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis” and co-editor of the Farrenc Critical Edition published by Noetzel-Verlag), Beethoven-Haus Bonn (see the full post on the German version of this page): Many can relate to the phenomenon of finding additional sources after wrapping...

9 September 2022 – Redécourvertes

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New Brochure "RISM: An Overview"

A new version of the RISM brochure is now available. RISM: An Overview is a 12-page, full-color brochure in English and German that describes RISM’s goals, projects, and organization. The new brochure has been updated for 2022 and includes new information on how to contribute to RISM. The brochure is...

30 August 2022 – Nouveautés

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Second IAML Congress Diary from Prague

We continue our reflections on the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres congress in Prague. Part one can be found here. Von Guido Kraus: Nach einer dreijährigen Pandemie bedingten Pause war es wieder soweit. Das internationale Musikbibliothekswesen gab sich ein Stelldichein in der historischen Metropole Prag ganz...

23 August 2022 – Evénements

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First IAML Congress Diary from Prague

The RISM Editorial Center was well represented at this year’s annual congress of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Prague. In traditional IAML Congress Diary style, we offer you the first of our impressions from Prague, with the usual linguistic mix. Part two will follow...

18 August 2022 – Evénements

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Animal of the Year 2022: Donkey

As in previous years, various organizations have made selections for a plant or animal “of the year” for 2022. The German environmental organization NABU has a good overview. Apart from this list, the non-profit organization Bündnis Mensch & Tier has picked the donkey as the domestic animal of the year....

11 August 2022 – A la une

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Antoine Reicha redécouvert

Nous avons reçu cette annonce de Jana Franková et François-Pierre Goy que nous vous relayons: Depuis la précédente décennie, l’œuvre longtemps et injustement oublié du compositeur français d’origine bohémienne Antoine Reicha (1770-1836, également connu comme Anton Reicha et Antonín Rejcha) suscite un regain d’intérêt. À l’occasion de son 250e anniversaire,...

4 August 2022 – Nouveautés

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RISM Online launched at the IAML congress in Prague

We are pleased to announce the public launch of RISM Online, a new service designed by our colleagues at the RISM Digital Center. This search tool is intended to complement the RISM Catalog that our users have known for many years, and provide them with alternative ways and means of...

28 July 2022 – Evénements

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
