Archive des actualités – Nouveau au RISM

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A Word about RISM

RISM is not simply an abstract database or a series of books, the project lives above all through intensive exchange with our users. Therefore we are very grateful for comments pointing out potential errors or reports on personal experiences. Some remarks of this sort you can also find on the...

12 October 2023

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RISM's Series B/II is Picking up Speed

RISM’s series B (special studies on various topics) is still underrepresented in our database. Luckily this is has been changing recently. Series B/II especially is picking up speed. While printed editions from series B/I, Recueils imprimés, XVIe-XVIIe siècles (printed anthologies of the 16th and 17th centuries) and A/I, Einzeldrucke vor...

27 July 2023

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New RISM Coordinating Committee

RISM relies on its international partners and benefits from several structures in place to maintain a close relationship between RISM, its sponsoring societies, and its working groups. One of these bodies is the Advisory Council, whose membership includes all active RISM contributors around the world. Five members from Advisory Council...

15 June 2023

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Update on RISM Library Sigla

The first RISM library sigla were created in the 1950s during preparation for the publication of the first volume of RISM Series B, printed anthologies of the 16th and 17th centuries, which appeared in 1960 as B/I (Munich and Duisburg: G. Henle Verlag). The list of sigla that was published...

7 June 2023

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Werckmeister—Oranienburg or Berlin?

If you were at the RISM Day which took place alongside this year’s IAML Congress in Prague, you might remember that there are entries for printed editions in RISM’s A/I series that should ideally be split into separate ones. One example is when a library indicates that it owns “several...

14 December 2022

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Musical Sources on Postage Stamps

Photocopies, microfilms, facsimiles, and digital scans: There are many ways to get your hands on copies of original sources for your desk at home. But when we think of reproductions of musical works, postage stamps don’t always come to mind. Let’s take a look at two German examples. The German...

8 December 2022

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RISM and the Chopin Institute (Warsaw) Strengthen their Partnership

On Monday, 10 October 2022, representatives of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw (Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, NIFC) visited the RISM Editorial Center in Frankfurt following the conference Musical Sources: Past and Future for RISM’s 70th anniversary in Mainz. The meeting was held to discuss future joint projects and the...

3 November 2022

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Muscat Workshop in Warsaw

A workshop on cataloging musical sources took place 21–22 June 2022 at the Chopin Institute in Warsaw. Guido Kraus from the RISM Editorial Center introduced new and old Polish colleagues to the topic of music documentation using Muscat. Present at the workshop were Danuta Popinigis (RISM Gdańsk; RISM library siglum:...

7 July 2022

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How to Cite RISM

Most publications, whether online or in print, use their own style guides. However, citation styles frequently do not capture the nuances of historical music manuscripts and printed editions, making it difficult to identify the item with absolute clarity. RISM has recommendations for researchers and librarians to ensure that everyone knows...

19 May 2022

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“One of the greatest geniuses I have ever known…”: The composer Joseph Martin Kraus

The following is by Wolfram Enßlin and originally appeared on the Carus Verlag blog. It is reprinted here with kind permission. “What a loss is this man’s death. I have a Sinfonie by him which I will preserve in memory of one of the greatest geniuses I have ever known.”...

17 March 2022

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
