Archive des actualités

Hester Needler

We’ve reached the halfway point in our series RISM A–Z. We’ll start the second half of the series with the letter N, which today stands for Hester Needler. Not much is known about Needler, but she is the composer of a collection of 6 anthems in the RISM online catalog...

1 June 2017 – RISM A-Z

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Another Exciting Collection from Spitz an der Donau

We have received the following from Gottfried Heinz-Kronberger (RISM Germany, Munich Office): Soon after completing work on a collection of musical sources from Niederalteich in southwest Germany (RISM siglum: D-NATk), an unexpected offer arose to describe an additional collection that had recently come to light right in Spitz an der...

29 May 2017 – Collections de bibliothèques

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Exhibition: Baroque Musical Life in Grimma, Saxony

This post is by Andrea Hartmann of RISM Germany–Dresden Office: We would like to call your attention to a small exhibition that is part of this year’s festival of Baroque music in Grimma (near Leipzig), Tage Mitteldeutscher Barockmusik. As the hart panteth after the water brooks – Music in Grimma...

22 May 2017 – Evénements

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Presentations from Latin America Conference Now Online

The RISM Central Office hosted a conference entitled “Documenting Musical Sources in Latin America” on September 15, 2016. We invited respected musicologists and librarians from throughout Latin America to report on the current state of describing sources in their countries and the state of research on cultural exchange. These presentations...

18 May 2017 – Evénements

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New Findings on French Polyphonic Masses (1587-1626)

The following is a guest post by Laurent Guillo: In November 2016, a volume gathering 26 music prints published by the Ballard workshop in Paris between 1587 and 1626 was discovered in the early books collection of the Bibliothèque de Fels (Institut catholique de Paris; RISM siglum: F-Pic). At the...

15 May 2017 – Redécourvertes

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The Fifth Field

Here’s a trick to help you get more out of searching in the RISM online catalog. You might not have even noticed it before. In our online survey, we heard from many of you that you wish you could add more search fields in the Advanced search. Well, you can,...

10 May 2017 – Catalogue RISM en ligne

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Yet another misattributed (and rediscovered) Vivaldi work in Dresden

The following is a guest post by Michael Talbot (University of Liverpool, Department of Music, Emeritus): Regular Dresden-watchers will be aware of the ambitious project “Die Notenbestände der Dresdner Hofkirche und der Königlichen Privat-Musikaliensammlung aus der Zeit der sächsisch-polnischen Union” supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), which was brought to...

25 April 2017 – Redécourvertes

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RISM at the IMS Congress in Tokyo

I (Jennifer Ward) attended the International Musicological Society (IMS) congress in Tokyo from March 19 to 23, 2017, supported by a grant from Bibliothek & Information International/Goethe-Institut. The congress was hosted by the Tokyo University of the Arts and revolved around the theme Musicology: Theory and Practice, East and West....

20 April 2017 – Evénements

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RISM mourns the loss of Wolfgang Rehm (1929-2017)

The International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM) mourns the loss of Wolfgang Rehm, who passed away on April 6, 2017. Wolfgang Rehm was a founding member of the Association Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik and was its treasurer from 1967 to 1990, though correspondence with him goes back to 1960. In...

10 April 2017 – In memoriam

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Mathias Georg Monn at 300

Not much is known about Mathias Georg Monn, a composer of the Viennese Early Classic period who was born 300 years ago this Sunday. Monn (9 April 1717 – 3 October 1750) is named in the records of the Klosterneuburg Monastery as Discantist for the years 1731/32. In 1738 or...

6 April 2017 – Anniversaires

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
