Archive des actualités

Music in Different Languages for International Mother Language Day

Today, February 21, is officially International Mother Language Day. This day was first commemorated in 2000 by the United Nations in order to highlight the significance of native languages as a cultural asset and to foster the linguistic and cultural diversity of people around the world. Over 6,000 languages are...

21 February 2018 – Catalogue RISM en ligne

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"Mein Herz ist viel zu schwach" – A Newly Discovered Aria by Georg Philipp Telemann

We have received the following from Helmut Lauterwasser (RISM Germany, Munich): In 2017, numerous concerts and other events marked the 250th anniversary of Georg Philipp Telemann’s death, especially in the places where he lived and worked. In CONCERTO magazine’s first issue of 2018, there is an article about a previously...

19 February 2018 – Redécourvertes

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Be My (Robert) Valentine

Today is Valentine’s Day, and the perfect Valentine for all music lovers is the music of Robert Valentine. Robert Valentine (1674-1747) was an English composer who spent most of his career in Rome beginning in the 1790s. In his publications, Valentine Italianized his name to “Roberto Valentine” yet also qualified...

14 February 2018 – Evénements

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Ecco carnevale!

Today is Rosenmontag in our corner of Germany, the highlight of the Carnival season. It is hard to avoid colorful costumes, parades, and general revelry (in all its forms). Join us on our own parade of Carnival music through the centuries! Carnival has been marked by its unique regional and...

12 February 2018 – Evénements

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Contract signed between RISM and UNAM

The Seminario de Música en la nueva España y el México independiente at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) has been building a database called Musicat for a number of years. Its contents include the music collections of the Mexico City Cathedral. A catalog of the polyphonic books from...

8 February 2018 – Nouveau au RISM

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New (and first) Library Siglum for Armenia

At RISM we regularly receive requests from scholars, archivists, and librarians for new library sigla to be created. In the course of our daily work, we also stumble upon institutions for which we have no siglum. Such was the case when we read about the Aram Khachaturian Museum in Yerevan,...

5 February 2018 – Nouveau au RISM

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Valletta, Malta: European Capital of Culture 2018

Valletta and Leeuwarden are the two European Capitals of Culture for 2018. Valletta is the smallest capital in the European Union and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was built by the Knights of Malta beginning in 1566 and the sights can be reached easily by...

1 February 2018 – A la une

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New RISM Coordinating Committee

RISM relies on its international partners and benefits from several structures in place to maintain a close relationship between RISM, its sponsoring societies, and its working groups. One of these bodies is the Advisory Council, whose membership includes all active RISM contributors around the world. Five members from Advisory Council...

29 January 2018 – Nouveau au RISM

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New FONCA-RISM project in Mexico City | FONCA-RISM: Nuevo Proyecto en la Ciudad de México

We have received the following announcement from John Lazos (RISM Mexico/Canada): Dr. John Lazos, who has collaborated with RISM to catalogue over 500 music works from Mexico, just received a grant from FONCA (Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes). This grant permits Dr. Lazos to catalogue around 450...

25 January 2018 – Collections de bibliothèques

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The secret garden of Pierre Bergé

The following originally appeared the blog of the Loeb Music Library (Harvard University) and is by Christina Linklater (RISM US). It is reproduced here with kind permission. The Loeb Music Library has just acquired three items previously owned by the French industrialist, arts patron and AIDS activist Pierre Bergé (1930-2017)....

22 January 2018 – Collections de bibliothèques

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
