Archive des actualités
Musical Dedications, in Love and Friendship
Dédié à Madame Son Epouse —Jean-Baptiste Krumpholtz Al mio amico F. Brizzi —Fabio Campana Composed, and most humbly Dedicated (by Permission) His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge —Catherine Hyde Solari Meinem lieben “Basler Liederkranz” gewidmet —Edwin Schlumpf Valentine’s Day is a time to think about those who you hold...
14 February 2022 – Evénements
Insights into the Music Collection of Duchess Luise Friederike of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
We have received the following from Miriam Roner (RISM Germany, Dresden office): February 3, 2022 marked the 300th birthday of Luise Friederike, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. For RISM Germany, this major birthday is a welcome opportunity to put a special emphasis on cataloging her music collection. If she were alive, she...
10 February 2022 – Anniversaires
New Features in the RISM Catalog
RISM and the Bavarian State Library (BSB, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) announce a major upgrade of the RISM Catalog of Musical Sources at One of the first things that users might notice is the display of IIIF objects. The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a technical standard that allows images...
8 February 2022 – Catalogue RISM en ligne
First Recording of a Rebay Sonata for Guitar by Luiz Mantovani at Stift Heiligenkreuz
We have received the following from P. MMag. Roman Nägele OCist, director of the music archive at Stift Heiligenkreuz: Over 600 works from the archive of the Austrian composer, pianist, and conductor Ferdinand Rebay (1880-1953) can be found at the music archive of Heiligenkreuz Abbey. They are also listed in...
3 February 2022 – Collections de bibliothèques
A concerto for a “trombone god”—finally, Ferdinand David’s Concertino op. 4 in Henle Urtext
The following is by Dominik Rahmer and was first published on the Henle blog in a slightly longer form. It is reprinted here with kind permission. The trombone is an instrument with a venerable though also chequered history. After its first great heyday in the Renaissance and early Baroque, it...
31 January 2022 – Nouveautés
El cantoral E-Zac, C-3 Ms 18 de Zaragoza
We have received the following from Carmen Álvarez Escandel: Carmen Álvarez Escandell: “El cantoral E-Zac, C-3 Ms 18 de Zaragoza, con obras de Morales, Guerrero, Victoria, Pujol y Berges.” Cuadernos de Investigación Musical 14 (enero-junio 2022): 115-187. Available online. During the course of cataloging a songbook kept in the Music...
27 January 2022 – Nouveautés
The New RISM Working Group in Gdańsk
The following is by Danuta Popinigis and Agnieszka Kubiak (RISM Gdańsk): The first RISM Gdańsk working group started in 1997 at the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk, Poland. The team consisted of four people: Danuta Popinigis (head), Danuta Szlagowski (†), Jolanta Woźniak and Barbara Długońska. Approximately 8,500 records...
24 January 2022 – Nouveau au RISM
The Musical Public Domain in 2022
What do the composers Arnold Schönberg, Armin Knab, and Camillo de Nardis have in common? They all died in 1951, so their music entered the public domain in the European Union on January 1, 2022. This means that they, and others who died the same year, died long enough ago...
20 January 2022 – A la une
Autograph Manuscript—Engraver's Copy—Printed Edition: An Ideal Case
Emilie Zumsteeg (born 9 December 1796 in Stuttgart, died 1 August 1857 in Stuttgart) grew up with music as the youngest child of Johann Rudolph Zumsteeg (1760-1802), who had been a court musician with the Stuttgart court orchestra starting in 1781. After his death, her mother, Luise, founded a music...
17 January 2022 – Nouveau au RISM
Looking Back on 2021
As with presenting the year’s musician anniversaries, it has become custom for us to take a look back on the past year and share what was most popular with our website readers. These are the year’s blog posts that were read the most often, according to our website statistics: ...
13 January 2022 – Nouveau au RISM