Newly Cataloged Music from Chile

Monday, July 18, 2016

A new article in the current issue of Fontes Artis Musicae calls attention to recently cataloged music collections in Chile:

Laura Fahrenkrog and Fernanda Vera, “Recently Catalogued Music Archives and Fonds in Santiago, Chile: A Contribution to the Dissemination of Written Musical Heritage of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” Fontes Artis Musicae 63, no. 2 (April-June 2016): 100-119. RISM short title: FahrenkrogS 2016

Fahrenkrog and Vera describe projects that recently organized and cataloged music collections in the following institutions:

  • Seminario Pontificio Mayor de los Ángeles Custodios of Santiago (RCH-Sspm)
    Sacred music, secular music, books (music theory, instrument methods, textbooks)

  • Biblioteca Patrimonial de la Recoleta Dominica of Santiago (RCH-Sbprd)
    454 pieces, sacred and secular works. Catalog available as a PDF. RISM short title: RondónR 2013.

  • Archivo Central Andrés Bello of the Universidad de Chile (RCH-Sab)
    Sheet music: salon music, formed from private collections. Music mostly by Chileans or other people who lived in Chile, first half of the nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century.
    Database available online
    Catalog available as PDF Short title: VeraB 2012

The music was cataloged according to RISM guidelines. RISM is working with Fahrenkrog and Vera to see if we can import their data into the RISM online catalog.

At the end of the article, the authors call for the need “to undertake in a serious manner the task of describing our musical heritage” in Latin America. RISM strongly supports and encourages such work. We hope to see more like it in the future!

Image: Joseph Haydn, Die Worte des Erloesers am Kreuze (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1801). Catalog of the Biblioteca Patrimonial de la Recoleta Dominica of Santiago, SIC_062. “The first choral edition…commissioned by the city of Cádiz, which is the revision by the composer from the orchestral version he composed” (Fahrenkrog and Vera, p. 115).

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