The congress report is ready!
Martina Falletta
Friday, August 20, 2010

In March 2002, RISM celebrated 50 years of existence with a congress in Frankfurt entitled “Academic and Technical Challenges of Musicological Source Research in an International Framework”. Participants from 23 countries took part in numerous lectures and discussions on topics including the work of RISM positions in various countries, source material in Central and Eastern Europe, indexing sources and musicological research, working methods and the problems associated with source work, and old music sources and the new media – not a contradiction! Most of the papers are published in this congress report. They describe the successful worldwide teamwork within RISM and convey forcefully how the dynamic interplay between academic knowledge and artistic practice makes source research so exciting.
RISM - Wissenschaftliche und technische Herausforderung musikhistorischer Quellenforschung im internationalen Rahmen. Academic and Technical Challenges of Musicological Source Research in an International Framework, hg. von Martina Falletta, Renate Hüsken und Klaus Keil, Hildesheim: Olms 2010 (= Studien und Materialien zur Musikwissenschaft 58), 380 S. mit s/w Abbildungen, ISBN 978-3-487-14431-3, € 58,00,
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