RISM at the 2024 IAML Congress in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Thursday, June 6, 2024

This year’s annual IAML Congress will take place in Stellenbosch, South Africa and will mark the first time a IAML congress has taken place on the African continent.

Our Stellenbosch page lists the RISM events during the week: the RISM session, a meeting of the Coordinating Committee, and a two-part Muscat cataloging workshop. The RISM session will include news from the Editorial Center and then speakers representing the two platforms that enable access to our database, the RISM Catalog and RISM Online. People new to RISM will have the chance to familiarize themselves with our work and research tools, and our RISM contributors will receive the latest information for them to bring back to their national working groups. The RISM session will close with a guest presentation by Wilhelm Delport (University of Cape Town). He will tell us about South African collections of written musical sources not yet in RISM while asking important questions about how written music, by its very nature, sometimes carries with it a colonial legacy of transmission. In the end we hope to find a way to work with our African colleagues towards our common goal of cultural preservation and discuss how RISM might be able to optimize its relevance for the community of African librarians, scholars, and musicians.

On Friday, 28 June, we will hold an introductory workshop to Muscat, the cataloging application used by RISM. The workshop is geared toward any potential RISM contributors as well as anyone interested in gaining insight into RISM’s cataloging methods. After attending both morning sessions of the workshop, participants will be ready to start their own RISM projects and contribute directly to our database. There is no charge for Congress attendees but space is limited. Please register by sending an e-mail to contact@rism.info.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in Stellenbosch!

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