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Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission

We have received the following from Anna de Bakker: Do you own a piece of a chant manuscript? Or perhaps you know about a manuscript page displayed in a choir room, or at a church or library? Then we are looking for you! Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission is an...

25 February 2021

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Nous avons reçu les informations suivantes du RISM Digital Center: OnStage est le portail de documents numérisés sur les performances musicales en Suisse (ce qu’on appelle les performance ephemera, comme programmes et annonces de concerts). OnStage présente actuellement les collections du Conservatoire de Lausanne, du Conservatoire de Genève, de l’Association...

1 February 2021

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Digital Collections Portal at the Leipzig Bach Archive

We would like to share this announcement with you courtesy of the Bach-Archiv Leipzig: To celebrate its 70th anniversary, in November 2020 the Leipzig Bach Archive launched a web portal that provides digital access to the archive’s historical collections. At, objects from the archive’s collections and important permanent loans...

25 January 2021

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Das Notenmaterial zu Richard Wagners "Rienzi" in Dresden

In Bayreuth wären am kommenden Wochenende die Festspiele eröffnet worden; stattdessen gibt es ein umfangreiches Ersatzprogramm. Wir nutzen die Gelegenheit und werfen einen Blick in das Notenmaterial zu Richard Wagners Rienzi, welches über einen langen Zeitraum in Dresden verwendet wurde. Das Material wird in zwei Einheiten im Notenarchiv der Sächsischen...

23 July 2020

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Richard Strauss Digital

We are reprinting the following with the kind permission of the SLUB Dresden: At last, Richard Strauss is in the public domain. As of 1 January 2020, his works may be made available to the public without any special permission or payment. The SLUB Digital Collections now feature selected Straussiana...

20 February 2020

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Version 4.0 of Weber Complete Edition Digital Edition Published

The digital edition of the Carl Maria von Weber Complete Edition has just released its Version 4.0. It offers a number of interesting new developments from both technical and content points of view. From the technical side, the site’s responsive web design was improved so that the pages can be...

23 January 2020

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Books About Music Before 1800 Digitized and Online

The following is from the Library of Congress’s Books About Music Before 1800 collection: The Music Division of the Library of Congress has launched a new site with scans of approximately 2,000 books on music published before 1800. The scans were made from microfilmed versions of the books. Shortly after...

1 August 2019

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Performance Materials from "Tannhäuser" and "Meistersinger von Nürnberg" Now Online

This post by Andrea Hammes has been adapted from the original that appeared on the SLUB Blog (CC-BY 4.0): For Richard Wagner’s 206th birthday on 22 May 2019, the Landesdigitalisierungsprogramm Sachsen (LDP) and the Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden (Semper Oper) had a special present for all Wagner fans: High-quality digital copies...

25 July 2019

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Music Manuscripts by Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari Online

This post originally appeared on the website of the Bavarian State Library and is reprinted here with kind permission: The works of the German-Italian composer Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari (1876–1948) have been out of copyright since the start of 2019. Wolf-Ferrari, who lived and worked in Munich for many years, became famous...

23 April 2019

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New Projects with RISM's Music Incipts

If you use RISM’s catalog, you know that the music incipits are one of the things that make RISM stand out among other music projects and catalogs: the ability to see–and search for–the first few notes of a composition. In the Advanced Search, you can search by note name or...

4 February 2019

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All news posts are by the RISM Editorial Center staff unless otherwise noted. Reuse of RISM’s own texts is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In all other cases, please contact the individual author.
